Teach your children well please

the parents vs non-parents debate is older and more passionate than even the hydro vs soil debate, and, i daresay, will continue to rage on far beyond the time we've all agreed on One Ultimate Medium. ;)

i gotta say, i did copious amounts of childcare for both family and non-family before i had my own, but it didn't prepare me for having my own nearly as much as i thought it would have (except maybe knowing what to expect vis-a-vis poopy diapers).......

seriously -- when they cry at you because you said 'no' to them for the first time, it WILL break something fragile inside of you, something you may not even have known was there before; i don't care how hard-hearted you are.
the parents vs non-parents debate is older and more passionate than even the hydro vs soil debate, and, i daresay, will continue to rage on far beyond the time we've all agreed on One Ultimate Medium. ;)

i gotta say, i did copious amounts of childcare for both family and non-family before i had my own, but it didn't prepare me for having my own nearly as much as i thought it would have (except maybe knowing what to expect vis-a-vis poopy diapers).......

seriously -- when they cry at you because you said 'no' to them for the first time, it WILL break something fragile inside of you, something you may not even have known was there before; i don't care how hard-hearted you are.

Oh agreed. Nothing like facing full-sized orneriness in a frilly onesie. cn
the parents vs non-parents debate is older and more passionate than even the hydro vs soil debate, and, i daresay, will continue to rage on far beyond the time we've all agreed on One Ultimate Medium. ;)

i gotta say, i did copious amounts of childcare for both family and non-family before i had my own, but it didn't prepare me for having my own nearly as much as i thought it would have (except maybe knowing what to expect vis-a-vis poopy diapers).......

seriously -- when they cry at you because you said 'no' to them for the first time, it WILL break something fragile inside of you, something you may not even have known was there before; i don't care how hard-hearted you are.

i will always be the greater fool.

i appreciate what you are saying and you are probably right. my whole point starting this thread was a feeble attempt to at least bring up the issue. it pissed me off that she acted like that and i see it all over the place in adults. we must strive to be better no matter what imo. so where is the line? there's got to be a line and the only way to establish it is to bring it up. not everyone will agree with me about giving in. my point is to just be aware, read, and make an effort to do something better. anything but buying her the star cookie. if she didn't respond to reason, it's timeout. timeout is great.

i wonder how octomom is doing

oh and bc it's my 200th post - i want to reiterate that if you are letting your kids sleep in your bed past a certain age (where's the line? 6 maybe) - ITS JUST SICK. it's also life threatening to your child to sleep with an infant. you could roll over on them in your sleep and suffocate them. just in case you didn't know this - which some don't because kids die every year from this bc of the uninformed parent
i will always be the greater fool.

i appreciate what you are saying and you are probably right. my whole point starting this thread was a feeble attempt to at least bring up the issue. it pissed me off that she acted like that and i see it all over the place in adults. we must strive to be better no matter what imo. so where is the line? there's got to be a line and the only way to establish it is to bring it up. not everyone will agree with me about giving in. my point is to just be aware, read, and make an effort to do something better. anything but buying her the star cookie. if she didn't respond to reason, it's timeout. timeout is great.

i wonder how octomom is doing

i can totally appreciate where you're coming from, i've BEEN that childless person (one of the advantages starting later lol).
you probably know your buddy well enough (better than we do, anyway) to know whether that's a regular thing or not. and if it is, i'd say you're justified in your indignance, especially if you've tried to talk to him about it.
but, if you don't see him in his family-dynamic as often, and if it's a one-time thing you witnessed, it might be worth considering that they were having an 'off' parenting day, as someone who tries her best but can't say she hasn't had those "fine, eat this, stop that NOISE, geez" moments during attacks of weakness. (and trust me, those moments are the ones you AGONIZE over during angst-fuelled insomia. :lol:)
I think ur missing the point of the thread! No one is saying beat the shit out of kids when they act stupid... I think what the OP was trying to say, is that rewarding bad behavior in childhood will lead to entitled adults who lack the skills needed to be productive members of society.

Yes I am a parent.

No, parent. I'm not missing the OP's point. I wrote that in response to someone else.
Spoiled children become fucked up adults. It's a simple formula.

I can't believe you guys made me whip out the Crosby, Still, Nash... and YOUNG! Edit: I mean Stills. Sorry, Stills. Lol!
i can totally appreciate where you're coming from, i've BEEN that childless person (one of the advantages starting later lol).
you probably know your buddy well enough (better than we do, anyway) to know whether that's a regular thing or not. and if it is, i'd say you're justified in your indignance, especially if you've tried to talk to him about it.
but, if you don't see him in his family-dynamic as often, and if it's a one-time thing you witnessed, it might be worth considering that they were having an 'off' parenting day, as someone who tries her best but can't say she hasn't had those "fine, eat this, stop that NOISE, geez" moments during attacks of weakness. (and trust me, those moments are the ones you AGONIZE over during angst-fuelled insomia. :lol:)

good point. they really do a great job with the load they have and are A+ parents. he works all the time and is exhausted. she is with them all day and is exhausted. they read and are informed. they are wealthy though and the private schools already and the sheltering is good in one way but can be bad later on. i told him i couldn't believe he did that and that she was crying but he said nothing, picked her up and took her to buy it immediately. it's probably a small deal and i'm sure they don't give in all the time. but from what i saw, maybe this post will be read one day and make a parent just think for a second that maybe they should do something else. i'm only talking about that scenario. that was his middle child that will be a super model one day and he said it himself that she is adored and pampered by everyone in her school already. she is going to break hearts and hurt teenage kids much more than a bullies fist. think of the ripple effect.
My sons almost 7 and spoiled at fuck because hes a only child. But that boy will not act a fool in public he knows better. No beating either NOT A GOOD THING
good point. they really do a great job with the load they have and are A+ parents. he works all the time and is exhausted. she is with them all day and is exhausted. they read and are informed. they are wealthy though and the private schools already and the sheltering is good in one way but can be bad later on. i told him i couldn't believe he did that and that she was crying but he said nothing, picked her up and took her to buy it immediately. it's probably a small deal and i'm sure they don't give in all the time. but from what i saw, maybe this post will be read one day and make a parent just think for a second that maybe they should do something else. i'm only talking about that scenario. that was his middle child that will be a super model one day and he said it himself that she is adored and pampered by everyone in her school already. she is going to break hearts and hurt teenage kids much more than a bullies fist. think of the ripple effect.

ok so now that we've gotten all that out of the way, little @#$%s with inflated senses of entitlement PISS ME OFF AT PRETTY MUCH ANY AGE!! makes me wonder why i bother with the 'mutual respect' 'sportsmanship' 'empathy' etc. sometimes. like maybe i'm just setting my kid up to get fucked over by one of them.

My sons almost 7 and spoiled at fuck because hes a only child. But that boy will not act a fool in public he knows better. No beating either NOT A GOOD THING

well done mnmobbin!

there are many ways to make a chocolate chip cookie. but, if you don't learn about the different recipes and try them out then you will never know which one you like best. my point is to just read the menu. remember when you thought mcdonalds was the best burger in the world? if mommy and daddy gave in every night for mcdonalds then you would never have know how much better in-and-out burgers (or whataburger, or five guys, or fatburger) are. damn i'm hungry after writing that
ok so now that we've gotten all that out of the way, little @#$%s with inflated senses of entitlement PISS ME OFF AT PRETTY MUCH ANY AGE!! makes me wonder why i bother with the 'mutual respect' 'sportsmanship' 'empathy' etc. sometimes. like maybe i'm just setting my kid up to get fucked over by one of them.


it's all bs now it seems. what major league athlete isn't on steroids now. and they get paid the big bucks. and the bankers. and big brother. damn. that's why my gf (maybe ex now not sure yet) is on birth control!!!!! thank joe pesci for those little pills.

that's why you teach what's right and hope for the best. all you can do is equip them to deal with the bad peeps. my dad got fucked over a bunch and i saw it. i learned from him and try to minimize my potential vulnerabilities. i have a great core of good friends and people i can talk to and consult with.

my philosophy is that it is fine to strive for what you want and i encourage it. but never at the sake of someone else's demise. if you will hurt anyone in any way, shape, or form in order to get what you want (besides self defense), then you shouldn't do it. mistakes happen and are ok. but always strive to do right. intention is what matters most
Mantis I felt the same way and cringe whenever some brat entered my space wondering why the fuck my (4 legged) babies were the ones forced on a leash until a dear friend popped out two darlings that instantly turned into little Damien's the instant we walked into Safeway! Mello, you share a striking resemblance to her and her parenting style its nice to meet you lol i got both mistaken for a troll and you the other day and :eyesmoke: you're not a troll so guess that makes me it ... or the dumb ass flinging shit

easy solution was to buy both the same cookie. with kids they are young and want what others have so best to buy the same thing for each or no whining occurs