Taking Schuette to the mat.

Now they need to go after Schuette and his people for lying. If you or I lie in a deposition and are caught it's usually jail time...WTF?
Our "justice system" is a sad joke and that won't change without accountability. It's been eight years now and not one notable civil suit taking not one of these prosecutors/counties to task for their blatant violation and disregard of patient/caregiver protection for use of medical marijuana under the law (MMMP Section 4).

How do these prosecutors get away it you ask? They are "immune from civil suit, under a Supreme Court-created doctrine called "absolute immunity" that is one of the greatest, though least discussed, examples of judicial activism in history. So prosecutors won't punish prosecutors, and victims of prosecutors' wrongdoing can't even sue them for damages."
Not to make light of a very serious situation... But for real... My question is where was it found in the house?nit was either sitting out somewhere obvious (and maybe accessible by the kid?) or these cops exposed it from hiding (aka searched) did they have a warrant? Whole lotta questions come up in my mind..
I believe it was merely a paper towel with the remains of a dab on the end of the utensil was wiped off onto. You know...... fuck I have several that are covered here on my deskbongsmilie
Also to add I am sure if you were "busted" at the wrong time. Like while cleaning you pipe or oil rig with say 90% I so. I could only imagine the crazed bullshit they could come up with on that.
Hey guys. It ain't every day we get to pile on. Law enforcement has fucked up in a big way, and we can make it pretty uncomfortable for them. Anybody gonna write in the media? How about a road trip to Lansing in our shiny shoes to scmooze at the Capitol? Wringing hands on an obscure message board doesn't get the job done.
Typical BS behavior, wont admit when they're wrong. They'd rather destroy families and manipulate evidence to get a higher conviction rate. I would also like more details like did the cops have a warrant, they were at the house for a unrelated issue? Is there a clear answer as far as if we can have extracts? First its legal then its not then it is then it's not?
Hey guys. It ain't every day we get to pile on. Law enforcement has fucked up in a big way, and we can make it pretty uncomfortable for them. Anybody gonna write in the media? How about a road trip to Lansing in our shiny shoes to scmooze at the Capitol? Wringing hands on an obscure message board doesn't get the job done.

I don't think this message board is quite as obscure as you think considering the state police read absolutely everything we post on here.
This case demonstrates once again what evil scum we are fighting against. Stay strong...we have truth and good on our side. The more they do this the more people will see them for the filthy lying scum that they are.
This case started on a 911 call about the wife having an issue. Cops came with EMTs... No Warrant ect.

The results of the lab are the issue. not the extract that was found. The lab has been coerced by politics to report any oils found with little to no plant material as Origin unknown, aka an Analog, like Methamphetamine is classified...

Being an Unknown, this is what is allowing the Felony Prosecution, opposed to the misdemeanor it would otherwise be.

The Issue that is being wholly overlooked by the Defending Attorneys is a big one. Why are none of them bringing up the point why is no one being charged for breaching the MMM Act as it clearly outlines penalties for being in breach of it... Yet not One person has been charges for Breach of the MMM A, but instead, all have been charged under the old draconian PHC charges. So why has none of the "Lawyers" stood up and spoke out about this blatant slight of Law?

I will give credit where credit is due. Michael is at least seemingly tackling the right side of this issue...
But every lawyer has seemingly ignored the root of all of these issues. Being the State Government in Lansing D.C., and clearly the Federal Government in Washington D.C. never had the authority to prohibit cannabis to begin with, yet all stand moot in regards to the Michigan Controlled Substances Act and its unconstitutionality. Wonder why that is?