Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
thanks man....the waxy look....is that good? sorry...just being a total newb... :blsmoke:
Yeah man, you know what they say about thick stalks.. haha. They look great, some of those leaves are getting that "waxy" look you mentioned in another thread.


Well-Known Member
thanks a billion....YGF....walking forward....one foot in front of the other......ducking diversions, and adpating to challenges.....I will be putting the BigBud into the flowering chamber tonight....its gonna be a little crowded? I'll post some more pics... thanks again! :blsmoke:
You are my hero....keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
k k k k k k ....well no time like the present....put the BigBud girls in with the Top44 girl....seemed to be getting along, no clawing or hissing or nuthin.....seems to me that a short burst of HPS to the new girls and then lights out before tomorrow will be a good start for them tonight. In general, the plants are going through a ton o' water/nutes. I recall someone (I believe GK) that the first three weeks of flower is the greatest water demand? We will see what transpires....so to speak, and no pun intended...:mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump::mrgreen:

So with the vege chamber empty.....I could do some more right? I need to take out a calender and calculate back, cuz I am going away in April....and would HAVE to be all done and finished by then? I'll see what I work out.. of course the other option is to do some shroomies instead....now THAT has a certain appeal, doesn't it? Decisions, decisions....shroomies, more pot, shroomies, more pot...hmmmmm....time to sit and contemplate. :peace:



Well-Known Member
I hope this has not already been ask and answered somewhere, but here goes.

How many lumens have to hit the top of the plant to have a successful budding? Also, lumens, lessen over distance. So a 2000 lumen bulb does not give the plant 2000 lumens if it is back a little ways.

Is there a cheap, effective, lumen meter which growers can use?

Thanks for any info.


Well-Known Member
natural daylight clear sky no clouds at noon is often quoted at 10000 lumen per sq. ft - I am assuming that is at ground level. As is already been discussed elsewhere within this forum, there are many factors that influence the light we use and how much makes it to the plant effectively. so I can't really answer. 1000W HPS bulb puts out 140,000 lumens. my 55,000 lumen 400W super HPS is seeming to do a pretty good job in flowering 6 sq ft. I'm not sure there is a real empirical and definitive answer.... :peace:
Thanks for the source. Any idea what an ideal amount of light would be?


Well-Known Member
hey Lacy - thanks for the comments, preciate that from my friendly neighbourhood bigbud outdoor queen! My light is a Plantastar 400W super HPS.....the fella at the tech help said they had been using a 430W and their light intensity measures indicated that that was somewhat of overkill....I had asked the question if I could put in a 600W....they said that would be too much in the cabinet?

I did change the 125W CFL in the vege chamber though to a 200W CFL....that thing is friggin killer.....now all I have to do is change the programing to allow me to vege 24/0. did someone say, are you having fun yet? hahahahaha I think so....let me check.....ahuh....yupper - I am totally having fun! :blsmoke::hump::blsmoke::hump::blsmoke:
good job tahoe. what wattage light did you get again?
your plants look real nice.


Well-Known Member
I'm confuse, but you said don't ask so I won't.

I went back to find the PM I send...and I dunno....I am totally losing it cuz...there was no message sent to you....ha? WTF is with that...

anyhow....i did know if you had made any final plans, but I found thins website that seemed to have good selection and service to Kanader....https://www.illumalights.com/shop/login.php...goold luck!
I don't have my pm option now because I deleted my profile.


New Member
Thats awesome tahoe. 200 watt is good. They look great.

Mine are on 24/0 7 days a week. My timer didn't work and by the time I found another one they had gotten used to this lighting so i kept them on it. I've always done 18/6 and then then 12/12 but I guess I will see how this works.

Plus I'm not sure whether to get two 400 watt or a 600 or 800 watt. If I get the bigger wattage then I will neeed to get a light mover but if I get 2 400 watts then I won't. i still have to look into the pro's and con's. Plus I really want my unit to have a built - in fan. Its gotta be totally safe.

I need some sleep.
Goodnight Tahoe!
Take care:peace:
hey Lacy - thanks for the comments, preciate that from my friendly neighbourhood bigbud outdoor queen! My light is a Plantastar 400W super HPS.....the fella at the tech help said they had been using a 430W and their light intensity measures indicated that that was somewhat of overkill....I had asked the question if I could put in a 600W....they said that would be too much in the cabinet?

I did change the 125W CFL in the vege chamber though to a 200W CFL....that thing is friggin killer.....now all I have to do is change the programing to allow me to vege 24/0. did someone say, are you having fun yet? hahahahaha I think so....let me check.....ahuh....yupper - I am totally having fun! :blsmoke::hump::blsmoke::hump::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
g'night....sweet dreams girl.....everythings gonna work out the way it should...it always does. cheers!:hump:
Thats awesome tahoe. 200 watt is good. They look great.

Mine are on 24/0 7 days a week. My timer didn't work and by the time I found another one they had gotten used to this lighting so i kept them on it. I've always done 18/6 and then then 12/12 but I guess I will see how this works.

Plus I'm not sure whether to get two 400 watt or a 600 or 800 watt. If I get the bigger wattage then I will neeed to get a light mover but if I get 2 400 watts then I won't. i still have to look into the pro's and con's. Plus I really want my unit to have a built - in fan. Its gotta be totally safe.

I need some sleep.
Goodnight Tahoe!
Take care:peace:


Well-Known Member
Plus I'm not sure whether to get two 400 watt or a 600 or 800 watt

I would have to go with 2 600w hps! get'er done!


Well-Known Member
hey daddychrisg....it migth be all about heat....those HID put out a lot of heat and managing the heat is important. overkilling on the light can also burn plants ..... but I can certainly atest to the better performance under the HID....I expect that had my Top44 stayed uder the CFLs that I had originally set up, I would be having some serious challenges. light is king....it is the energy that runs that machine.


Well-Known Member
things are looking good tahoe,,keep an eye on those BB hopefuls,,,an get in there an git us some pretty pistil shots of that girl ya got in the cabinet,,we know she's in there,,:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
k k k k k k k...fur u HoLE the HoSeR man.....grab me another brownpop....while I got shot some pics! and no stealing my bacon eh...and keep ur eye on that stove...and don't let 'er go out eh?
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