Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
thanks SW.....I look forward to that as well. with the Top44 it seems like you can already see those sites forming.....I am very impressed with that plant in particular - but then again this is my first indoor grow so purdy much anything would impress me..ahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
thanks SW.....I look forward to that as well. with the Top44 it seems like you can already see those sites forming.....I am very impressed with that plant in particular - but then again this is my first indoor grow so purdy much anything would impress me..ahahahahaha
I would say you have reason to be impressed mate, looks v good to me. I don't see how it could be any healthier. Such a lovely thick stem as well.....that is very impressive for a month old plant! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks man. you know what's funny? I have read a lot about not nuteing the young plants, not for ...oh...various periods of time, but absolutely not in the very beginning. Well, I nuted this girl from day one....carefuly, and quite measured, but that is about the only thing I can think of that I did "worng" according to everyone elses opinions on here? I've never mentioned it anywhere cause I knew that the response I would get....
I would say you have reason to be impressed mate, looks v good to me. I don't see how it could be any healthier. Such a lovely thick stem as well.....that is very impressive for a month old plant! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks man. you know what's funny? I have read a lot about not nuteing the young plants, not for ...oh...various periods of time, but absolutely not in the very beginning. Well, I nuted this girl from day one....carefuly, and quite measured, but that is about the only thing I can think of that I did "worng" according to everyone elses opinions on here? I've never mentioned it anywhere cause I knew that the response I would get....
Yep, I don't feed my plants hardly at all during veg, just re-pot. But I certainly can't say you did anything wrong man. Just look at your plants :mrgreen: I use a good quality compost and let them feed off that, unless they tell me otherwise. But maybe I should pep them up a little bit as well. You've certainly got great results anyway.

What soil and nutes you using?


Well-Known Member
the soil was a so called professional potting soil from a local garden shop. and the nutes are interesting. I started off with two feedings on fish emulsion....but the smell was too horrendous in my closet...so I changed to hydro nutes, again generic brand from the local hydro shop. I am actually interested in natural organic nutes....but couldn't find what I was looking for....

Thanks for the feedback. Yea I am very happy with the results. I guess I just don't wanna be too cocky about it.....I have learned that in the blink of an eye, the world does change....so I am always cautioned in my self praise.....but I sit here and look at them, and I am quite proud to date....they are doing well, and look like they will yeild a pretty reasonalbe amount....still have to get through the rest of flowering, then harvest, and curing.....I'm look forward to it all so much! thanks again....preciate the chat! :blsmoke:
Yep, I don't feed my plants hardly at all during veg, just re-pot. But I certainly can't say you did anything wrong man. Just look at your plants :mrgreen: I use a good quality compost and let them feed off that, unless they tell me otherwise. But maybe I should pep them up a little bit as well. You've certainly got great results anyway.

What soil and nutes you using?


New Member
Thats interesting because I have often wondered the same thing. I have always started off my seeds in potting soil that has nutes added and I have never had a problem. Ever! I don't add any more nutes, just transplant. Then 2 weeks into flowering I start to give them organic nutes every second or third watering and so far have had great results.

The plants I grew last year outdoors, I grew in pots but otherwise most of my other outdoor plants have been in the ground. Now THAT is a LOT more work. Digging holes 2 to 3 feet deep and adding compost, manure, bonemeal etc...is more difficult BUT the rewards are amazing. I even add perlite so the roots grow easier.

I've found that growing tomatoes and clematis are very similar to growing weed.:peace:

I didn't mean to babble on about it on your thread but it seemed to pertain to the conversation at hand.:roll:
Yep, I don't feed my plants hardly at all during veg, just re-pot. But I certainly can't say you did anything wrong man. Just look at your plants :mrgreen: I use a good quality compost and let them feed off that, unless they tell me otherwise. But maybe I should pep them up a little bit as well. You've certainly got great results anyway.

What soil and nutes you using?


Well-Known Member
totally Lacy....I appreciate your thoughts, and am glad that you did pipe in. its all good.

I guess, the reality is my results are what they are, and I will not be changing anything soon. It worked and I will certtainly be very careful about early nuteing but it is something that has given me a very satisfactory resuly so far....lots of time left to fuck up yet....hahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
the soil was asocalled professional potting soil from a local garden shop. and the nutes are interesting. I started off with two feedings on fish emulsion....but the smell was to horrendous in my closet...so I changed to hydro nutes, again generic brand from the local hydro shop.

Thanks for the feedback. Yea I am very happy with the results. I guess I just don't wanna be too cocky about it.....I have learned that in the blink of an eye, the world does change....so I am always cautioned in my self praise.....but I sit here and look at them, and I am quite proud to date....they are doing well, and look like they will yeild a pretty reasonalbe amount....still have to get through the rest of flowering, then harvest, and curing.....I'm look forward to it all so much! thanks again....preciate the chat! :blsmoke:
Know what you mean about the fish emulsion, it really stinks bad! I've used it as a foilar spray on clones and it makes me want to puke. Seaweed extract works good too though and is a little less smelly. I guess the bad smell is one of the down sides with organics. :spew:


New Member
I just go with results too Tahoe. I have read some things on here that have surprised me because they are things that I have been doing for years and its all been good for me. I just keep it simple. Never check my pH levels or anything and never had a problem. No bugs, no major yellow leaves.

Your plants look great Tahoe. I can't wait to get my light.:wall:
totally Lacy....I appreciate your thoughts, and am glad that you did pipe in. its all good.

I guess, the reality is my results are what they are, and I will not be changing anything soon. It worked and I will certtainly be very careful about early nuteing but it is something that has given me a very satisfactory resuly so far....lots of time left to fuck up yet....hahahahahahahahaha

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
thanks man. you know what's funny? I have read a lot about not nuteing the young plants, not for ...oh...various periods of time, but absolutely not in the very beginning. Well, I nuted this girl from day one....carefuly, and quite measured, but that is about the only thing I can think of that I did "worng" according to everyone elses opinions on here? I've never mentioned it anywhere cause I knew that the response I would get....

W h a t !!!!!

Off with your head. How dare you to do something that is not peer peep approved. Next you will tell me the world is not flat. :roll:OMG


Well-Known Member
I tried again tonight to take some pics of the calyx and pistils...and got this one that shows reasonably well....She continues to grow a good 1"+ each day now, and the bud sites are starting to get more obvious with each day (today is day 30 - 19 days vege and 12 flowering).....



New Member
Nice going tahoe. Gosh you are up late. I transplanted some plants today and put another fluorescent and am going to buy anther double tomorrow. At least that will hold me out until my lighting comes.
I added another $50 to get it shipped quicker. :)
I tried again tonight to take some pics of the calyx and pistils...and got this one that shows reasonably well....She continues to grow a good 1"+ each day now, and the bud sites are starting to get more obvious with each day (today is day 30 - 19 days vege and 12 flowering).....


New Member
Nice pic' tahoe... how tall are they now?

If you tie them up, tie them under a node and towards the top of the plant. As the plant continues to stretch you may find yourself needing to tie them again. Maybe not though. I only had to tie more than once when I grew in DWC.


Well-Known Member
hey Lacy......yea I had a freind over that is going through some sh*t and he's been needing some time and listening and thoughts from good friends. I help where I can. I happy for you and your continued path forwad. looking like things are gonna work out....I look forward to more updates! :blsmoke:
Nice going tahoe. Gosh you are up late. I transplanted some plants today and put another fluorescent and am going to buy anther double tomorrow. At least that will hold me out until my lighting comes.
I added another $50 to get it shipped quicker. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks Skunk. I'll be doing that really soon. this morning she is alomst 20" and filling up my entire cab space almost. incredible bushy. I'll take some more pics again tonight after work....cheers! :blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke:
Nice pic' tahoe... how tall are they now?

If you tie them up, tie them under a node and towards the top of the plant. As the plant continues to stretch you may find yourself needing to tie them again. Maybe not though. I only had to tie more than once when I grew in DWC.
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