Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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New Member
Hey tahoe... you know to only run the co2 during lights on?

LST really gives you more width to play if you have height restrictions... but from my own experience I didn't find an improvement on yield. I've found that veg' time has more to do with eventual yield. You can improve this environment further with adequate side lighting, and tying the main stems up with string. I'd wait till the end of week 2, or day 14 before tying the plants up. This gives them time to get over the initial stretch phase.


Well-Known Member
hey MB....thanks...I think? I have never been much of a greenthumb....holy crap what an understatement that is!....so this is something totally new for me.....and man its fun!
You're a scientist. Growing pot is a challenge?

Now I don't feel so stupid for 8 months of failures.

Goood Luuuck gurl!
hey Whitey....thanks....it is not cheap.....let's just sat you could buy a lot of smoke for what it cost....but I believe, at least in this case, you get what you pay for. it is totally turnkey....meaning it arrives, you set the clock, put in the bulbs, plug it in, and turn it on.....its really an amazing piece of hardware with some ingeneous use of technology! these guys are selling more than 60units/month all over the world!
sweet setup mate, how much did it cost u? looks like your one of those people that get really exited about their projects and goes crazy, not caring about how much they spend. haha, im the same though. good luck
hey Logan....thanks....I think? hahahahaha......let's just wait and see what it all turns out like.....as we know things can go sideways sometimes with our own dinking around, and sometimes by some other influence. the current status and progress cetainly makes me happpy for now.......
Well there not much I can say.

A few words come in mind.

1) Jealous

2) Green

3) Envy

4) Disgusted

Well I'm going to jump off the nearist bridge.

That was to far so I guess I will get on my knees and bow down to you because that is awe-inspiring.

YES... YES... YES.... I have a reason to live now...........................
hey Skunk....the injection of CO2 is automated, so I have assumed that they have mapped the gizmo to do what it should. The plants have had exposure to the CO2 since yesterday morning, and all looking amazing to me this morning, but I will continue to monitor closely.

interesting thoughts on the LST. we're only a week into flower here so I will take your advice into account. the initial stretch phase is certainly something she's doing right now. I remain astonished at the growth increments....
Hey tahoe... you know to only run the co2 during lights on?

LST really gives you more width to play if you have height restrictions... but from my own experience I didn't find an improvement on yield. I've found that veg' time has more to do with eventual yield. You can improve this environment further with adequate side lighting, and tying the main stems up with string. I'd wait till the end of week 2, or day 14 before tying the plants up. This gives them time to get over the initial stretch phase.
thanks crazy.....I am so happy.... and learning a lot with everyone's input and thoughts....
nice plants, looking really.


Well-Known Member
hey Whitey....thanks....it is not cheap.....let's just sat you could buy a lot of smoke for what it cost....but I believe, at least in this case, you get what you pay for. it is totally turnkey....meaning it arrives, you set the clock, put in the bulbs, plug it in, and turn it on.....its really an amazing piece of hardware with some ingeneous use of technology! these guys are selling more than 60units/month all over the world!
You forgot, as you stated previously .. It's Fun! no matter the cost if you are happy so be it... and you are doing an amazing job spending the money .. j/k keeping your shit together, true meaning of doing it right the first time..


Well-Known Member
hey Hum...yea totally....thats the truth....you get to do all the wrok, and enjoy the fruits of the labour.....and hopefully not screw up too much along the way...hahahahaha...looking good...I'll be posting pics again tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
Hey T.
Hopefully you didn't take my last message out of contents. my mind goes where it wants to and its mosly in 20 different directions. so it might make sence in my head but not so much when I say it or write.


Well-Known Member
no worries at all Logan....alls good....thanks for checking in...I'll be posting some new pics again tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
pretty well. just been a little hectic lately .....nothing to scream about ... I remain very anxious about getting bud....and I'm just have to keep reminding myself....it'll be ready when its ready. how 'bout u? sorry, my apologies for not returning your last message....


Well-Known Member
well well.....good morning folks! and a grand day it is! one month has passed since I started this process of treating myself to growing my own bud.....so we have a month passed (Top44 - 19 days vege + 9 days flowering) - this girl is 16" tall and I've stopped trying to count nodes or branches. In simple terms there are at least 10 "main" colas forming (or I suppose not really main...but they are obviously prominent)....say what??....I did NOT expect this....I did top her only once...and that created the main two central ones but all the others??:roll:....this plant is justa b-e-a-u-tiful beast...:hump::hump:

The three BugBud (28 days vege) are all over 10" and working on their 10th nodes - their lower density of overall growth has a lot to do with the negative impact of late separation and meant losing alot of their lower and larger fan leaves and prolly a good weeks worth of growth. But they have come through that traumatic event and continue to nore flourish.

I have confirmation of calyx/pistils on the Top44, and at least one of the BigBud. the others are coming and showing, but I am less obsessive about it knowing I have at least two lil'bitches....and taking pics is more just an effort in frustration and futility....I need to get a proper marco lens...maybe I'll go buy that today?

so...whaddaya all think......I guess from my perspective...one month gone, things look purdy good....the cab performs exactly as it should. the stink is coming (and btw - I am the owner of a relatively sensitive nose....and there is a distinctive difference in smell of the two different strains....I realize that's totally a noob thing of course but....I guess I just was not familiar with how different) and there is absolutely no smell outside the cab.....(BTW - how long do those carbon filter remain active...before then need to be changed?)

I have looked into the LST/FIM but I think unless it becomes clear that I could have a space challenge, I will prolly just let them do their thing. Light penetration seems very good still now. or am I thinking about this incorrectly.....if I wait until I can sense a problem, then it will be too late to do anything effective?

I have also looked into alternative light schedules (i.e., 24/0 vege and minor adjustments to flower proportions of light/dark). This requires tech assistance from the manufacturer as the "programming" has to be changed. I am going to leave it for now - the option remains open for me to change things. I am thinking that I might change the end of flower to 13/11, and maybe even 14/10 but I have more research to do.

It had been suggested to me to go to an 18 hour cycle for flowering (12/6) but information I have suggests that a minimum of 11 hrs dark is an important critical milestone for the plant's processes...so that would not seem to be a good idea. the idea with that is that by halving the dark time, you shave a quarter of the total flowering time (i.e., 60 days becomes 45). but again....more tehcnical and scientific research required to better understand the potential implications - as was said....and it really made me laugh.....in experimenting, you have to be prepared to lose your plants....too funny....like investing in the stock market or lending $$ to bad friends .... be prepared to lose your money....

Ok ok ok...enuf talk....onto the pics! these five pics are all of the Top44 girlie girl.....ENJOY!:joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint:



Well-Known Member
these are the BigBud girlies....side and top shots of #1 and #2......

oh and BTW - it would seem that the curling....may very well have been the overwatering?.....cause I have left them dry out...and they seem to have taken to that very well....lesson learned....I do believe that I may have been overwatering....DUH!



Well-Known Member
and the last BigBud...side and top shot of #3.

Overall, I like how they are looking....I mean compared to the Top44....they are totally dwarfed and look like forgotten children....and in that sense I feel like I totally somehow missed the boat on these....but that is looking from the side...and even then they have great stems and great node development overall. I like how they look from above....so sweet...and that smell.....mmmmmm.....I like the smell of the BigBud much more than than Top44....ENJOY!!



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
They are lookin great Tahoe. Good job, keep doing what you are doing. :mrgreen::peace:

and the last BigBud...side and top shot of #3.

Overall, I like how they are looking....I mean compared to the Top44....they are totally dwarfed and look like forgotten children....and in that sense I feel like I totally somehow missed the boat on these....but that is looking from the side...and even then they have great stems and great node development overall. I like how they look from above....so sweet...and that smell.....mmmmmm.....I like the smell of the BigBud much more than than Top44....ENJOY!!


Yeah man, you know what they say about thick stalks.. haha. They look great, some of those leaves are getting that "waxy" look you mentioned in another thread.
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