Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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New Member
They're looking amazing tahoe...

I know where to get the co2 from... i just haven't been bothered to get one yet. But I'm going to very, very soon.


Well-Known Member
hey man....how are ya! thanks. yea I'm really stoked about this....and the BB looks sooooo good this morning....I am not sure when to put them into flowering....any thoughts? right now they are a little over 8" tall and have a full 8 nodes, working on 9th.


Well-Known Member
Nice work Tahoe, your babies are loving the new light..thought they would. You aren't far behind me you know, but I bet I win haha:mrgreen: It's a bit unfair as I have 600w on my lady:hump:400w HPS and 200w blue Envirolite and 23w UVB, it's like walking into the sun just as you wake up...blinding:o

I would wait a few days at least until moving the BB, they seem so happy there and growing well so a few more days surely can't hurt...did you mean moving them under the HPS?


Well-Known Member
hahahahah harkin...thanks....we'll have to have a sit down and puff....you might win the time....but I'll wager on my smoke! hahahahaha

yea ur light set up is totally cool....works like a dam I'll bet.

Yes I was meaning to move them into the flower chamber under the 400W HPS....though I have been thinking, I'll let these guys go straight into preflower....wait for that... and then place them into the flower chamber.

I was going to start some others....but just realized my schedule looking forward, I prolly shouldne't....traveling in mid Feb, and for the month of April.....prolly should just hang tough for now. :peace:
Nice work Tahoe, your babies are loving the new light..thought they would. You aren't far behind me you know, but I bet I win haha:mrgreen: It's a bit unfair as I have 600w on my lady:hump:400w HPS and 200w blue Envirolite and 23w UVB, it's like walking into the sun just as you wake up...blinding:o

I would wait a few days at least until moving the BB, they seem so happy there and growing well so a few more days surely can't hurt...did you mean moving them under the HPS?


Well-Known Member
Man, how much did that CO2 run you? I definitely want to get one with a regulator.

What price range would I be lookin' at boss, and do you think it's helping a lot?


Well-Known Member
well...i'll have to wait and see, and as this is my first indoor grow....I have no measure....but all I have read is it is like turbocharging or superchargin.....add more fuel, and more air, and melt your tires on ur way to a 2.8 sec 0-100kph.....! ok ok...so I'm a freakin car nut....ya ok ok...anywho....my setup came turnkey....fully outfitted....it is designed to monitor and maintain a 1600ppm level of CO2....I just bought the bottle and hooked it up.....the bottle was $400....the rest I don't know exactly....sorry, can't be of much more help.


Well-Known Member
1. the back of the business end...showing co2 bottle and regulator, and my oil-filled radiator....
2. co2 regulator
3. three individual BigBud @ 25 days vege...
4. three individual BigBud @ 25 days vege.....

these guys realy seem to have been turned on by the 200W cfl....they look soo much better today...than the last few days...though I have also taken peeps advice...and let them dry out too.....

jeezuz,,i miss so many pages with this thread,,on a dailybasis,,now yur talkin my language,,lol,,they look good Tahoe,,nice separating and recovery job,,now,,from my experience with these,,if your male didnt show early,,like mine,,(ow),,then watch closely at around day 35 -45,,cuz that was when any others would show,,(ow),,so far,,for me,,and usually the best lookin one,,will be male at that time,,but since your not gonna have any,,(positive thinking),,then you won't have to worry about it:mrgreen:,,cheers

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
huummmmmmm........fems supreme.....huuuummmmmmmmmmm..........lil'bitches rule.......hummmmmmm......li'l-fem bitches will prevail.....hummmmmmmmmm!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well in my shopping excursion yesterday.....when I picked up all my other "goodies"...I was also looking for SuperThrive....having heard so much about this....well, they did not have that BUT...they did have something called Plantroids (Maximum Plantroids 2-1-1.....and I picked up a small jug (500ml) mixing is 2ml/1000ml.....has anynoe else heard of/used this? any guidance, warning, caution, etc.?


Well-Known Member
No sorry Tahoe but I'm sure someone will. Mind you I've never heard many great things named after roids: steroids(bad shit),asteroids(shit for our planet), haemroids(sore shit)... haha i'm just kiddin...I have the same problem, I can't stop thinking of new things to buy, it's a serious addiction:peace:


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha.....thanks so slick of you...thanks for making me laugh!....ahahahaha....so good! hope ur evening is to ur liking!


New Member
Well it is actually a base nute in itself. So whatever veg' nutes you are using you can add that to the NPK reading. Which will affect your EC/PPM readings more drastically than just vitamins and hormones on their own would.

It sounds like good stuff, but I'd come in at half the rec. dose to be sure. Then look out for any slight burns to the leaf tips.

well in my shopping excursion yesterday.....when I picked up all my other "goodies"...I was also looking for SuperThrive....having heard so much about this....well, they did not have that BUT...they did have something called Plantroids (Maximum Plantroids 2-1-1.....and I picked up a small jug (500ml) mixing is 2ml/1000ml.....has anynoe else heard of/used this? any guidance, warning, caution, etc.?


Well-Known Member
excellent....thanks Skunk....that totally makes sense. They refer to it as a super vitamin thrive enhancer.....and that it can be compounded with normal nutes...but I agree with you that reduced strength is in order....thanks again!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Hey Man :) Been lurking. UV is at it's peak from noon to approx 2. If so, then it would make sense to have that bulb come on from the 5th thru the 7th hour of your 12 hour cycle. If you could put the bulb on a rheostat and have it ramp up from zero to 100_at the 5~7th hours and then taper off to zero again at the end of your lighting day.

*Of course, these are my opinions and I'm probably wrong.


Well-Known Member
that's what I like....the way you think! I think that would be the cat's meaw to have it like that! good to hear from you....you ..... you .... you...lurker..you!...hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
well...i checked in again on my girls (Friday night).....and the stats are becoming rather impressive....I went back through my journal, and last measured a couple of days ago....the Top44 has gone from 12" to over 15" now. and bushy index is approaching the european old-fashioned standard...hehehehehe...

The BigBud girls have simlarly gone from 7" to 9"......things are changing rapidly.

The calyxes on the Top44 are beginning to multiply and become much more prevalent - many hairs visible...though still pretty small for pics? More importantly, I do believe that at least one of the BigBud has already shown her stuff too....but its all a little early still. But none the less....even if I have two out of the four plants as fems...I ain't gonna complain.....who'd listen anywho?!

Just a side note...its sort interesting to sit there watiching them briefly and hear the pppsssstttttt.....of the automatic CO2 injection....sweet deal....man o man...I made the right decision to get this unit. I can't wait until I get all the hydro and automatic watering system in place....let's get this one done and finished first!

I'll check in again tomorrow (Saturday)....and pics will come again on Sunday evening...I believe I will be putting the BigBud into the Flower chamber on Sunday - I expect they'll be in the 11"-12" range then and on their 10th node....so that should be good...and they certainly have seriously robust and stout stems to carry that bud weight....cheers folks...things are starting to get seriously interesting now. Am I having fun yet?....more like I am STILL having WAY too much fun! is there such a thing as too much fun?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
some good progress made. :hump: lights are all in place and ready (photo). germination looks good - 6 seeds put in papertowel on Sunday - 5 showing - one really good (photo) - almost ready I suspect - prolly tomorrow into the soil? I guess I was a little surprised as these seeds were purchased last year, and sat idel for a full year. :mrgreen: Then again there are those 7000 year old seeds so...what was I thinking.....:confused:

Without the lights all on - temp. seems to be pretty steady 70-75 and humidity ~30% - With the lights on it looks like I might have a temp problem. I have had the lights on for a couple of hours and its over 90 actually. But I still need to put a small fan in there for circulation which should help? I really did not expect the heat cuz so much has been written that CFLs do not produce heat?

I should be able to figure something out to manage the heat - though venting is not really an option so I'm not sure what to do. Man o man that is stinkin' bright - 9 x 42W CFL - 378W and 23400 lumens. I realize this is not anywhere near what some people are using.......but...i guess we'll see how effective this setup will be. Decided to use one of those windshield sunlight deflectors for reflective material. Oh well, guess we keep making some small steps forward and see wherer we end up...what challenghes will present themselves, and what successes we will experience.:blsmoke:

You're a scientist. Growing pot is a challenge?

Now I don't feel so stupid for 8 months of failures.

Goood Luuuck gurl!


New Member
well...i checked in again on my girls (Friday night).....and the stats are becoming rather impressive....I went back through my journal, and last measured a couple of days ago....the Top44 has gone from 12" to over 15" now. and bushy index is approaching the european old-fashioned standard...hehehehehe...

The BigBud girls have simlarly gone from 7" to 9"......things are changing rapidly.

The calyxes on the Top44 are beginning to multiply and become much more prevalent - many hairs visible...though still pretty small for pics? More importantly, I do believe that at least one of the BigBud has already shown her stuff too....but its all a little early still. But none the less....even if I have two out of the four plants as fems...I ain't gonna complain.....who'd listen anywho?!

Just a side note...its sort interesting to sit there watiching them briefly and hear the pppsssstttttt.....of the automatic CO2 injection....sweet deal....man o man...I made the right decision to get this unit. I can't wait until I get all the hydro and automatic watering system in place....let's get this one done and finished first!

I'll check in again tomorrow (Saturday)....and pics will come again on Sunday evening...I believe I will be putting the BigBud into the Flower chamber on Sunday - I expect they'll be in the 11"-12" range then and on their 10th node....so that should be good...and they certainly have seriously robust and stout stems to carry that bud weight....cheers folks...things are starting to get seriously interesting now. Am I having fun yet?....more like I am STILL having WAY too much fun! is there such a thing as too much fun?:blsmoke:
pics please....:roll:


Well-Known Member
sweet setup mate, how much did it cost u? looks like your one of those people that get really exited about their projects and goes crazy, not caring about how much they spend. haha, im the same though. good luck


Well-Known Member
Well there not much I can say.

A few words come in mind.

1) Jealous

2) Green

3) Envy

4) Disgusted

Well I'm going to jump off the nearist bridge.

That was to far so I guess I will get on my knees and bow down to you because that is awe-inspiring.

YES... YES... YES.... I have a reason to live now...........................
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