Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
nice progress tahoe. so you an humboldt like eachothers bush's huh? wahtever floast ur boat i guess. today at work a guy came in, older, probably around 55, and REAKED of the ganj. i smelt it as i walked up and asked him if he needed any help and he said yeah. half way through i was like i like ur cologne, an he jus started laughing an said "homegrowwwn". it was good stuff, thought of you and YGF. he said hed bring me a doob but they never do haha


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha....thats funny...thanks for sharing!......yup that's me.....me and Hum rubbing bushes together.....eekkkkk!!!!!! :blsmoke:
nice progress tahoe. so you an humboldt like eachothers bush's huh? wahtever floast ur boat i guess. today at work a guy came in, older, probably around 55, and REAKED of the ganj. i smelt it as i walked up and asked him if he needed any help and he said yeah. half way through i was like i like ur cologne, an he jus started laughing an said "homegrowwwn". it was good stuff, thought of you and YGF. he said hed bring me a doob but they never do haha


Well-Known Member
question?? my three bigbud plants.....seem to have a little of the curling down or "hooking" of the immediate tips of the leaves? I looked this up....and it seems like a K deficiency? my nutes have K....and they are still on vegeing nutes....maybe a pic would help....any thoughts?


Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
nice progress tahoe. so you an humboldt like eachothers bush's huh? wahtever floast ur boat i guess. today at work a guy came in, older, probably around 55, and REAKED of the ganj. i smelt it as i walked up and asked him if he needed any help and he said yeah. half way through i was like i like ur cologne, an he jus started laughing an said "homegrowwwn". it was good stuff, thought of you and YGF. he said hed bring me a doob but they never do haha

LOL, that happened to me when I took my car to valet parking. When I picked up my car the valet kid says to me "Sir if you ever need the inside of your car cleaned please let me know". I just slipped him a tip, closed the door and looked for my roach_the size of a white owl cigar.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
question?? my three bigbud plants.....seem to have a little of the curling down or "hooking" of the immediate tips of the leaves? I looked this up....and it seems like a K deficiency? my nutes have K....and they are still on vegeing nutes....maybe a pic would help....any thoughts?

Might have a build up, personally, I'd do just ph water for a day or so and see what happens. Maybe it is sibling separation 8)


Well-Known Member
kkkk....thanks....will do....can't be separation anxiety....they already been apart 10 days.....unles it is a delayed response?! :hump::peace::hump::peace:
Might have a build up, personally, I'd do just ph water for a day or so and see what happens. Maybe it is sibling separation 8)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....every post you make me laugh...thank you for that!....actually I do have a meter....but I am slowly thinking it was a waste of money...because its consistency of measure is....welll not very consistent....hmmm....you get what you pay for I think. :peace:
Also might be too much water_did you get a moisture meter or still using last century technology. :peace::joint:

I know the answer, just had to break your stones a bit. 8)


New Member
question?? my three bigbud plants.....seem to have a little of the curling down or "hooking" of the immediate tips of the leaves? I looked this up....and it seems like a K deficiency? my nutes have K....and they are still on vegeing nutes....maybe a pic would help....any thoughts?
mine did that when my closet got too cold...I had not turned a heater on yet, but when I did it went away...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
question?? my three bigbud plants.....seem to have a little of the curling down or "hooking" of the immediate tips of the leaves? I looked this up....and it seems like a K deficiency? my nutes have K....and they are still on vegeing nutes....maybe a pic would help....any thoughts?

I'm no expert but when my plants experienced a little nute burn the tips of their leaves did the exact same thing. Best of luck tahoe!


New Member
Both usual culprits have been mentioned... k deficiency, and overwatering...

Of course overwatering could mean that you've just saturated the medium, and the plant, after drooping a little, will be all perky the next day.

Are you using any supplements, like calcium or magnesium?

I've never seen plants hook down like that in the cold, but then maybe I don't know what 'cold' is, if you catch my drift.

It could also be an oxygenation to the roots problem, did you pack your pots loosely? Another good trick I used to do as a soil grower, is to tap the bottom of the pots on the floor before a watering. The medium is dry, and lifting the pot and tapping it off the floor a couple of times helps to loosen up the soil again before you water. Helps to create air pockets.

Have you got perlite in your soil?


Well-Known Member
interesting...I have had some concern over that as well......the temp varies between 55-75 ?
mine did that when my closet got too cold...I had not turned a heater on yet, but when I did it went away...:mrgreen:
thanks, man. I have seen that before as well.
I'm no expert but when my plants experienced a little nute burn the tips of their leaves did the exact same thing. Best of luck tahoe!
hey Skunk. thanks for the feedback. this does not seem to be the droopy overwatering type, at least in my vast experience....hahahaha. only taking that from all the photos on here I've seen. the moisture column in the soil is what I would term as typical damp, with drier at top.

the o2 thing may be the case, but the pots are quite loosely potted.....yes there is perlite in the soil.

I am not using any other supplements.....water (with precisely) measured nutes), light, good soil and good air.

as above the lowest temp is ~55F (12C). this morning its 58F (14C)

the interesting thing from my perspective is that the plants are otherwise so healthy looking, no nute burn, luch green, firm leaves and stem, very stout and robust growth, new growth is highly prolific....just the tips (as in photos) of some leaves (and not all leaves) curling in....but curling in rather dramatically....I am a little puzzled.....but I guess the best is that I just watch and listen to my soul.... :blsmoke::peace::blsmoke::peace:
Both usual culprits have been mentioned... k deficiency, and overwatering...

Of course overwatering could mean that you've just saturated the medium, and the plant, after drooping a little, will be all perky the next day.

Are you using any supplements, like calcium or magnesium?

I've never seen plants hook down like that in the cold, but then maybe I don't know what 'cold' is, if you catch my drift.

It could also be an oxygenation to the roots problem, did you pack your pots loosely? Another good trick I used to do as a soil grower, is to tap the bottom of the pots on the floor before a watering. The medium is dry, and lifting the pot and tapping it off the floor a couple of times helps to loosen up the soil again before you water. Helps to create air pockets.

Have you got perlite in your soil?


New Member
Well cannabis is fine up to a -20f shift during the night before you should start seeing any symptoms.

So long as your ph is fine then it must be the cold.


New Member
I dunno about any of that nute stuff but they do look a bit over watered. I'd just cut back on the watering and go from there. You can always do Ph and/or nute check after.

Just my 2 cents.
Also might be too much water_did you get a moisture meter or still using last century technology. :peace::joint:

I know the answer, just had to break your stones a bit. 8)


Well-Known Member
thanks Lacy.....preciate your thoughts! I gonna keep a close eye on it all and keep you'll posted


New Member
I bought a soil ph tester once, actually still have it... It's true that whatever you pour into the soil will change the ph of the soil... but, if you get a build-up of salts (which soil is very good at buffering against) this can lead to variations of salt build-ups in the soil (as they have been left unused by the plant). The soil tester is not adequate enough for a generalised view. You can buy liquid litmus to test your feed before putiing it in.

A build up of one nute can lead to a lockout of other nutes. K is usually the one that suffers the most from this. The next step in a K deficiency will be similar to nute burn in appearance. The edges will go brown and crispy.

I'm not sure if you have a K deficiency though, as you said growth rates are normal.

The most likely cause of a K deficiency is an excess in the medium of another nute.

pH is between 6.5-7 - that's the soil?


Well-Known Member
I had a problem like this before..It turned out that my ph meter was a full point off, and so they had been living in 5.0 water for 2 weeks. So I am thinking they were not getting all the K that they wanted due to a low ph level. This was done in a hydro-flood and drain. If I were you, I would dry them out as Lacy suggested, and if that does not help, then take the next step, flush, and feed with correct ph'd water. GL, I am interested to see what happens with this...Damb those LIPS, so f-ing hot!
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