Well-Known Member
The machine is a great tool and DMT is great stuff!! Maybe you need to break through and break away from the world completely to relax? It was very distracting for me that way and I just couldn`t think of anything else, but I kinda got scared towards the end in my infinate "blue grid of space"First hit went down pretty smooth surprisingly, accompanied by a certain vibration and a growing buzzing. Then I took the second hit, and this where things got squirrelly. My heart raced, and an overwhelming anxiety took hold. Geometric patterns dominated my vision and I had a distant peculiar ringing in my ears. I couldn't do a third hit. I just couldn't do it. I was too overwhelmed. I just laid back and tried to enjoy the show in all of its glory, despite the anxiousness.

I never 2 or 3 hitted DMT with the machine, I would eyeball doses the size of a pencil rubber and just send it off