Well, sorry fellas, I have to bail on the SHE event, for now, until I acquire some more of the yellow crystals... I decided to blast last night after much apprehension, due to wanting to smoke with you all and the generous contributors as well

I only had a single dose. Next time.
I took some pointers from 'the machine' and decided to employ a stainless steel pipe I have and stuff in some coarse steel wool as the screen. Melting the crytals into the wool went flawlessly. I turned the pipe upside down, lit my bic lighter directly underneath the bowl about six inches, and slowly drew the flame closer until vaporization occurred. Worked perfectly. First hit went down pretty smooth surprisingly, accompanied by a certain vibration and a growing buzzing. Then I took the second hit, and this where things got squirrelly. My heart raced, and an overwhelming anxiety took hold. Geometric patterns dominated my vision and I had a distant peculiar ringing in my ears. I couldn't do a third hit. I just
couldn't do it. I was too overwhelmed. I just laid back and tried to enjoy the show in all of its glory, despite the anxiousness.
I've never ever experienced such dread with psychs. Terrence McKenna once said that he thought he had a good handle on psychedelics.. until, that is, he was introduced to DMT. Perhaps I was ill-prepared. Maybe I was too afraid of the disconnect. Or possibly I have been told to take care of business before I can be admitted
there.. I do not know. But what I do know, is that I do have a lot to take care of in my personal life which is causing me much distress. Even though a breakthrough was not had (though, fuck, I was CLOSE.. a third may well have took me away) some realizations have definitely had light shed on them. So some success has resulted!! I am very optimistic for my next venture. Oh, so very