Switching from soil to hydoponics


Active Member
This is my first cfl grow and I have some questions. I have been growing in soil for 6 weeks now and all seems to be going well however I am not impressed with the soil method, drainage is good but it seems that the plant is not growing at its full potential. The question I have is, has anyone ever removed a plant from soil and transplanted it into a hydroponic setup at this age? The roots are every where in the container top bottom. If someone has been able to switch, what was the best method for the transplant and how was it done? This is the only female that I have and I would not like to kill her.
Any help would be great.

My setup
3X 4ft shoplights
3x cfls Hanging
Grow space is 4ft H, 2ft W, 2ft D



Well-Known Member
yeah dont do that even transplantng into other dirt can be stressful you dont want to try and get all the dirt off the roots and stuff im really sure thats a bad idea

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
How big is that pot its currently in ? After 6 weeks (since you claim the roots are everywhere) I'm guessing its getting root bound so simply transplant it into a larger 1-2gal container so it can resume growth.


Well-Known Member
it looks like you are over watering in which case you plant can not get enough 02. wait until the soil fully dries out then water it. remember it is just a weed so in a way treat it like one. i remember for my first grow i was overly protective and plants did the same thing.