Switching from 13/11 to 14/10 or above....

Ive made the determination that I started 13/11 too soon.. My plant is very bushy with around 10 nodes but is only 1 foot tall. It is also almost 2 months old... I know it should be around 1 and a half feet tall at this point, ugh.

I'm growing indoors so finding the right balance between not too short because I want a decent amount of bud vs not too tall because I am currently limited vertically and limited to 6 screw-in type buibs. I can buy a new surge protector to fit to my timer, thatll give me 6 more sockets to use. But then Ive got to come up with the money to buy 6 more of the highest watt LED bulbs, and 6 more "bottle lamp kits"(which are $8 a pop, quite ridiculous in my opinion since they used to be around $4.50). Everything I do is DIY from my mylar tent to the "fixtures" I make to hold the lamps in place while still being able to adjust this height in the future. A lot of this involves getting in very uncomfortable positions so I don't disturb x y z because it moves x which will move y which moves z, which moves x again.

So I'm at a dilemma, increase the light duration and risk turning my plant into an it, or leave my plant as is and be forced to wait a week just to see an inch an half of growth.

I do see preflowers at the node site, theyre a bit amber and very hard to capture on camera. Theyre pointing up and its obviously not a male, but they've been there for awhile (since about 3 weeks ago with no growth). So I'm pretty sure I'm still in veg but If I do increase my light, will it effect the gender of the plant? What if I taper the light duration "upwards" by say, 10 minute increases a day?

Lots of words I know. I'm just desperate. The grow room is pretty stinky as it is, I'm growing an indica but I figured it wouldn't have such an incredible smell this early on. Thankfully its not enough to spill into the next room (yet).

Help me out!!
I can post pictures if you guys want