

Well-Known Member
Everyone go and check out this site This is the guy that made the movie supersizeme he is allowing private or public screenings of his new dvd superhighme. Which means he will send you a dvd and let you do the screening yourself FREE. The screenings will be on april 20th. I am throwing a huge screening party on 420 i cant wait for my dvd to get here. anyways check it out and let me know what you think. I have a projector that is 1080i and a 101 inch screen so i am going to have fun with this one. I might take it in the backyard and just put the movie on my garage door though and have like a 300 inch screen or whatever.


Well-Known Member
I know you can get it early if you do a screening just go to the site and go to roll your own screening section and fill it out and they will mail you a dvd all you pay is s&h and bamm have some friends over a little pot or alot and you have a good ass screening


Well-Known Member
do you have to send it back? or does it become your copy? is it the full DVD or just the acual end movie?


Well-Known Member
I believe it is your copy and the full movie it isnt going to theatres so your home is the theatre or wherever you decide to show it at.


Mota King
do you have to fill out the Public screening part if your not planning on actually screening it for anybody but yourself? is there some way to make it all private?


Well-Known Member
Actually Doug Benson made Superhighme and Morgan Spurlock made Supersize Me, but Doug did admit to ripping off the idea from Supersize Me.

It will have wide dvd release in june


Well-Known Member
Ok so i figured i would update and let people know that i recieved my movie. Free of charge!!! On the website it says to pay shipping and handling but i have not had to pay anything. They sent the movie with no bill or anything just a movie in a sleeve with a coupon code for 20% off merchandise. I will probably watch tonight and let you guys no how it was....


Well-Known Member
I bet the movie is horrible, supersize me blew...The first day he throws up and gets sick after eating a #1 from mcdonalds....obviously someone who eats healthy and organic all the time isnt going to be able to eat all that...I bet its the same for this, there gonna get someone who never smoked before, smoke him out to high heaven and be like...see what an idiot the marijuana has made him!


Well-Known Member
From what ive heard so far the guy who made it is a big stoner, he said it was hard as hell to quit for 30 days prior to the movie i will let you know if it is crap or not tomorrow


Well-Known Member
oh well in that case, maybe not...and I just now read the post on the first page that says its not from spurlock...I thought It was gonna be spurlock blazing, of course that guy cant hang


Well-Known Member
Well i watched the movie last night. I was fairly dissapointed with this one, the testing he did was just pointless, it was more like a documentary of this guys dumb comedy. There was some interesting stuff about the clinics in Cali and the raids by the dea but that is common knowledge so it was like watching a news reel at those times. extremelly drawn out and poorly thought out. I wish they would of took the subject more seriously.