If I ever do go out there I'll fly private, because I have everything you guys want here in it's original cut, Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint, Blue Dream, and OG Kush, just hanging out in my backyard
Oh man, you are my new BFF

Just seeing "cookie" on the menu in coffeeshops would be a huge selling point. I'd be extremely happy with some pollen already (Tiresias Mist

). I've been pondering on how to get the original over here while avoiding legal probs at customs etc, not even primarily for commercial reasons, I just want it. To grow, smoke, mix it. "Fresh minty" is according to an old dutch growguide the true taste of pure sinsemilla (when you don't burn it, suck on a pure joint without lighting it).
I saw little going into detection prevention
Ah but the ones that do it properly don't get caught very often but moreover they aren't the ones the cops call the press for, they want to show how dangerous growers are, not how professional some operate. Stealth is for many actually top priority though, with the population being so dense and typically in small houses keeping grows private from neighbors etc is essential. Most growers here get busted after "an anonymous tip" (meaning they got snitched on or cops smelled something or took a peek without a warrant). Sound (from exhausts) and especially odor control is a big thing here. Cooling air not so much as we indeed need the warmth (and heat our homes at least half of the year).
Criminals (the real ones), growgangs(?) are giving the rest (hobby growers, 'breadgrowers' who pay their bills with it, and old hippies) a bad name. Simply put they don't care about anything except money. Take one down and they stuff two new houses full with plants. The house/building and entire setup is considered disposable, multiple growshops in every city anyway. They push it to shops but also export. Making it easy for the MoJ to spread negative propaganda about all growers, making more people snitch on growers.
It just seems with all the opposition, if someone could do it big, do it ridiculous, there would be no doubting they're inevitable domination of the market out there.
Despite the opposition there has never been a shortage in supply of coffeeshops. One of the main issues is electricity. The larger growers need to bypass the meter to avoid getting noticed and 'steal electricity', which eventually gets them noticed too. Power companies and housing rental service (
which are large former-government corporations here), counties, police, they all work together. What can I say... lots of sheople here.
Oh man, so cool, I wish I could go out there and see what it's like. I'm interested in learning Dutch, but the lazy man in me wants to learn Frisian, lol. Is Frisian fairly common out there, it seems like it's pretty exclusive to a few islands and towns.
They speak Frysian in the entire province Frysia (11 cities and a whole bunch of small towns) and that includes most of the 'Waddenislands' (the row of island at the top). Haven't spoken in it years, never learned to write it well, but I understand it entirely (lived in Frysia for a few years). Frysia is one of the farmer provinces, and there's a region where the economy is the worst of the Netherlands. To put that in perspective, that region is like 15x10 miles and there hardly live any people, large cities close by. Land and houses are a lot cheaper in some (beautiful, near the sea) areas in Frysia. Houses just outside small remote towns with large towns.
And thanks for the rep comment!