Supercharge mars hydro

Remember that vid :) Do you remember part 2, quantum board torture edition?

Please anyone watching theres no endorsement of whats done in the vid, but i endorse any laughs and mirth
I forgot about that one.
Looks as tho you'd need to upgrade the wires from driver to board
TOS should include not promoting dangerous electrical boneheadedness. Hook up a TV to 240 volts and see what happens.....see if your picture is better. Or 240 volts to your fridge maybe the food lasts longer? Cheap led lights should NOT be messed with. Their design is minimum to handle driver current and heat already.

Signed an Electrical Engineer and Master Electrician.
Your posts were removed for name calling. You had the opportunity to respectfully and politely share your knowledge with the rest of us and it would have been appreciated. We have no one on staff here who can vet subject area veracity in the myriad different subjects posted on RIU therefore this site is open only to adults who assume the responsibility for any advice they choose to use. I hope that helps. Almost forgot to add if you'd like to talk further feel free to PM me, thanks.
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Im going to add my voice to the couris saying that for the stated purpose this porject sounds both unsafe and destructive. But if instead of trying to push as much brightness as possible out of your lamp you dimmed them both to 50% so the same power went to the lamp you could probably reduce heat production and extend the life spand of the drivers. That sounds like a more benifical and safe experament to me
I understand. It was just a project that I wanted to try since I'm on hospice and housebound and have all these extra parts lying around from when I was more active. I've done it with other lights in the past but never with leds

That's fine, I just wouldn't count on it lasting 7-8 months. But there's one way to find out.