Super frosty, but not long lasting

You can not know about it all you want, because you obviously don't know...... Its a fact, TONS of new growers chop their plants to early, and then complain about the high, or about the taste and smell. Chopping early is one of the biggest reasons for lame weed with little to no high. Sure some strains aren't as potant as others, but many people also just chop to early and miss out.

Just because you got high doesn't mean your weed was at its proper potential. I've grown many hundreds of plants since '05 when I started, and watched friends grow many hundreds more.

I'm sure your 100% correct, this weed hasnt reached its full potential. But this is a little larf i took at 5 weeks and I'm stoned as F. I'm not going to my parents for dinner high. Maybe I'm super sensitive


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I didn't say it was less potant..... Read what you quoted.

You told me about that testing a few months ago and while surprising I didn't doubt you.

While I don't know precisely what it is about properly ripened buds that makes them different, they definitely produce a better longer lasting high in my experiance. Perhaps it is terpene related....

Well... when you say chopping early is one of the biggest reasons for lame weed with little or no high, what else could you be referring to if not thc potency (since thc potency is what dictates the intensity of the high)?
Well... when you say chopping early is one of the biggest reasons for lame weed with little or no high, what else could you be referring to if not thc potency (since thc potency is what dictates the intensity of the high)?

There are multiple variables which dictate the type and intensity of high, its not just about THC content. Can I spell all of them out.... no.

The terpene profile is one aspect that is very commonly believed to impact the type of high because of what's called the entourage effect. I feel strongly that this applies to the combination of all the cannabinoids in the plant as well. From my understanding we don't know exactly what makes some plants more sedative or more speedy, but it seems likely the various combinations probably affect that.

I've chopped plants early and I've watched others do it many times for various reasons. The difference between the same clones when chopped early and when fully ripened is significant. Once people fully let plants ripen, typically they realize what they were missing out on, but until they do they have no idea.
I'm sure your 100% correct, this weed hasnt reached its full potential. But this is a little larf i took at 5 weeks and I'm stoned as F. I'm not going to my parents for dinner high. Maybe I'm super sensitive

Lol you might be more sensative, how much/often do you smoke? Many years ago, three were definitely times when I didn't have enough weed, and so I chopped off some early, and dried it up so we had something to smoke. Once I got those plants fully ripened though, I realized what i had missed out on is all. So I really try to encourage people to give their plants the best chance they can to reach their best potential.
There are multiple variables which dictate the type and intensity of high, its not just about THC content. Can I spell all of them out.... no.

The terpene profile is one aspect that is very commonly believed to impact the type of high because of what's called the entourage effect. I feel strongly that this applies to the combination of all the cannabinoids in the plant as well. From my understanding we don't know exactly what makes some plants more sedative or more speedy, but it seems likely the various combinations probably affect that.

I've chopped plants early and I've watched others do it many times for various reasons. The difference between the same clones when chopped early and when fully ripened is significant. Once people fully let plants ripen, typically they realize what they were missing out on, but until they do they have no idea.
Terpene profile is related to aroma and flavour. Its effect on little to no high is minimal, if at all. I know of no canabinoids that will affect how high a person can get, as from what i have read once they have been isolated they dont produce any psychoactive effect.
So... youre side stepping my point about little or no high.
Lol you might be more sensative, how much/often do you smoke? Many years ago, three were definitely times when I didn't have enough weed, and so I chopped off some early, and dried it up so we had something to smoke. Once I got those plants fully ripened though, I realized what i had missed out on is all. So I really try to encourage people to give their plants the best chance they can to reach their best potential.
No shortage for me.
I lab tested for curiosity
Lol you might be more sensative, how much/often do you smoke? Many years ago, three were definitely times when I didn't have enough weed, and so I chopped off some early, and dried it up so we had something to smoke. Once I got those plants fully ripened though, I realized what i had missed out on is all. So I really try to encourage people to give their plants the best chance they can to reach their best potential.

I stopped smoking 10 years ago. I smoked solid for 10 years prior to that but that disappeared and everyones selling green which made me paranoid. Now im growing my own so I dont have to buy anxiety bud from kids half my age lol. So I plan on letting my grow go a bit beyond ripe to get the high I need, but at 5 weeks that stuff is potent, albeit my throat is in tatters from the leaves
Terpene profile is related to aroma and flavour. Its effect on little to no high is minimal, if at all. I know of no canabinoids that will affect how high a person can get, as from what i have read once they have been isolated they dont produce any psychoactive effect.
So... youre side stepping my point about little or no high.

I'm not side stepping anything bud, I'm saying there is more to the type of high other then just THC. I get a much different high from flower then from distillate. If it was just about THC then there wouldn't be a difference in the high between strains. So what I'm saying is there are differences, and I don't know exactly what causes them. Terpenes, and the other cannabinoids, are the only real variables to account for it.

I do know that from my many experiences with different strains, and plants cut at different ages to test exactly what we are talking about that fully ripened plants have a better more well rounded high. I definitely notice a longer high from mature plants vs the same clones cut earlier as well.
I'm not side stepping anything bud, I'm saying there is more to the type of high other then just THC. I get a much different high from flower then from distillate. If it was just about THC then there wouldn't be a difference in the high between strains. So what I'm saying is there are differences, and I don't know exactly what causes them. Terpenes, and the other cannabinoids, are the only real variables to account for it.

I do know that from my many experiences with different strains, and plants cut at different ages to test exactly what we are talking about that fully ripened plants have a better more well rounded high. I definitely notice a longer high from mature plants vs the same clones cut earlier as well.

I hear tap
I hear tap

lol I'm not sure what you are going on about man, and frankly you are coming off as rude.... I stated my points clearly, and havn't tried to be a know it all, I don't have all the answers is exactly what I said. You should look up the "entourage effect".

Smoking pure THC isolate and High THC distilate does not give me the same well rounded high as smoking flower that has terpenes, and other cannabinoids. To each their own though man, I'm not sure what you are even trying to debate. Its common knowledge that chopping plants early produces different effects, and as you already stated THC is there early, so what causes the different effects....? I'm trying to have a discussion and you don't seem to have the answers either so you are choosing to just disregard what I've stated already, and claim I'm side stepping something.

If you don't think it matters when you harvest, then you go ahead and chop your plants at 5 weeks. I prefer the well rounded and balanced high from a fully ripened plant.
I stopped smoking 10 years ago. I smoked solid for 10 years prior to that but that disappeared and everyones selling green which made me paranoid. Now im growing my own so I dont have to buy anxiety bud from kids half my age lol. So I plan on letting my grow go a bit beyond ripe to get the high I need, but at 5 weeks that stuff is potent, albeit my throat is in tatters from the leaves
It's rare but some genes will pack a small punch by mid flower, enough for red eyes and the munchies but good luck if you try to use it for sleep. Then again everybody has a different tolerance, we dont know if your a weekly/monthly smoker or daily smoker.

For sure let it ripen though & you'll be much happier.
lol I'm not sure what you are going on about man, and frankly you are coming off as rude.... I stated my points clearly, and havn't tried to be a know it all, I don't have all the answers is exactly what I said. You should look up the "entourage effect".

Smoking pure THC isolate and High THC distilate does not give me the same well rounded high as smoking flower that has terpenes, and other cannabinoids. To each their own though man, I'm not sure what you are even trying to debate. Its common knowledge that chopping plants early produces different effects, and as you already stated THC is there early, so what causes the different effects....? I'm trying to have a discussion and you don't seem to have the answers either so you are choosing to just disregard what I've stated already, and claim I'm side stepping something.

If you don't think it matters when you harvest, then you go ahead and chop your plants at 5 weeks. I prefer the well rounded and balanced high from a fully ripened plant.

Same, found this out by smoking flower after taking a dab, the high changes to a calm,mellow,medicated type of sensation.
It's rare but some genes will pack a small punch by mid flower, enough for red eyes and the munchies but good luck if you try to use it for sleep. Then again everybody has a different tolerance, we dont know if your a weekly/monthly smoker or daily smoker.

For sure let it ripen though & you'll be much happier.
Ya I picked a Sunset Sherbert at 27 days, and my wife loves it. I only did it cause I made it hermie supercropping too late in flower for it. I stopped messing with it at about 2 weeks, but I guess that one is more sensitive. Lesson learned but my wife is happy I screwed that one up. She says it gives her energy, and that's what she likes. Me too, cause she does a lot more cleaning with the early harvests. Haha. I have clones of it that I will let fully mature this round.
I believe it has to do with the THC being converted into CBN the longer the bud stays on the plant. So earlier harvests have less CBN to THC and later harvests have more CBN to THC. CBN is the couch lock type feeling (so is CBD) and THC is the racy feeling.

I personally like the racier high, the get up and go type of high, so I harvest a bit early on purpose. I've noticed that my tolerance acclimates quickly with these one sided ratios though. It gets me blasted for the first couple rips, but then its more or less .. Meh.. So then I have to go to hybrid or an indica for a few sesh's before that sativa pops again. I grow mostly sativas but a couple hybrids and rotate my smoke so my brain is always playing catch up. I think but do not know for certain, that the longer the bud stays on the plant the more time the thcv and thc has to break down into other canibinoids, which have more "couchy" effects and end up giving you that fuller more rounded out high.

Also terpenes do add to the high imo. I make my own e-juice and when I add alpha pinene and some others it makes a difference, but doesn't last long.

After all my ventures with different types of smoking techniques and products, imo its hard to beat a bowl of good cured bud topped with some bubble ripped through a double perc with a shower head ash catcher. I dab regularly but I just don't get the same high from good ol fashioned herb. I was kinda worried that the cannibus industry was going to morph into a pharmaceutical industry when they started using yeast to synthesize and grow THC in petri dishes. I thought well there goes everyone's perfect grow techniques and years of experience down the drain, lol, but I've come to the conclusion that there will always be a demand for herb, nothing can quite compare... Yet, knock on wood.
I've tried bucketfuls of Vapes. The volcano is the shitz. I haven't used anything except it for a year. Too expensive but no competition. I should have bought one first.

Volcano is decent, but it's definitely not the best or most hard hitting. Flowerpot and Glass Symphony pack a lot more punch. Same with Sticky Bricks.
lol I'm not sure what you are going on about man, and frankly you are coming off as rude.... I stated my points clearly, and havn't tried to be a know it all, I don't have all the answers is exactly what I said. You should look up the "entourage effect".

Smoking pure THC isolate and High THC distilate does not give me the same well rounded high as smoking flower that has terpenes, and other cannabinoids. To each their own though man, I'm not sure what you are even trying to debate. Its common knowledge that chopping plants early produces different effects, and as you already stated THC is there early, so what causes the different effects....? I'm trying to have a discussion and you don't seem to have the answers either so you are choosing to just disregard what I've stated already, and claim I'm side stepping something.

If you don't think it matters when you harvest, then you go ahead and chop your plants at 5 weeks. I prefer the well rounded and balanced high from a fully ripened plant.
I replied to a comment you made about potency which was 100% wrong. When you harvest has 0 effect on potency. Lab tests will prove that.

You never addressed that. You side stepped that point with "type" of high, which is something i never intended to debate or discuss because all of that is a matter of personal preference and perception.

Why? To avoid owning a completely erroneous statement you made. And when i called you on it you continued to dodge with "type" of high, in a very distinct manner that was rather condescending. ,

So who is being rude?
I replied to a comment you made about potency which was 100% wrong. When you harvest has 0 effect on potency. Lab tests will prove that.

You never addressed that. You side stepped that point with "type" of high, which is something i never intended to debate or discuss because all of that is a matter of personal preference and perception.

Why? To avoid owning a completely erroneous statement you made. And when i called you on it you continued to dodge with "type" of high, in a very distinct manner that was rather condescending. ,

So who is being rude?

I NEVER said potancy, you did. You are trying to put words in my mouth to prove a point that is seperate from what I even stated.

When you harvest ABSOLUTELY impacts the effects of the high. I never said potancy, and I never avoided anything.
I NEVER said potancy, you did. You are trying to put words in my mouth to prove a point that is seperate from what I even stated.

When you harvest ABSOLUTELY impacts the effects of the high. I never said potancy, and I never avoided anything.
Thundercat said:
Chopping early is one of the biggest reasons for lame weed with little to no high

Okay. You did not say "potency," but... you did say the above which any literate person could only interpret as a DIRECT reference to potency. It is as plain as day. And it is just plain wrong. Own it.
Thundercat said:
Chopping early is one of the biggest reasons for lame weed with little to no high

Okay. You did not say "potency," but... you did say the above which any literate person could only interpret as a DIRECT reference to potency. It is as plain as day. And it is just plain wrong. Own it.
Move on man.