Well-Known Member
Thundercat said: ↑
Chopping early is one of the biggest reasons for lame weed with little to no high
Okay. You did not say "potency," but... you did say the above which any literate person could only interpret as a DIRECT reference to potency. It is as plain as day. And it is just plain wrong. Own it.
I have nothing to own, I very clearly explained my point which had nothing to do with THC potancy. You really should move on, you are just looking silly now. I'm sorry that you mis-interpreted what I stated, but I did not say anything that was untrue.
If you want to troll someone, troll the guys running around posting the clear vs cloudy vs amber pictures or the guys telling everyone that ripeness is All about the trichomes.
I know how to grow healthy fully ripened buds, and everyone that has taken my advice over the years comes back and thanks me for the help, I must be doing something right.
Hope you have a good night man, I'm done repeating myself.