now this is just coming down to a matter of difference in opinion... i just believe it to be a selfish cowardly act and i will tell you why
selfish - when you end your life you are making it easy for yourself never having to deal with anything again, but you are making everyone who knew and loved you sad and you make their life more difficult having to deal with your choice of death. that is selfish no matter which way you spin it.
coward - we were all put on this earth for a reason, and that was to live. by "giving up" when things become too difficult you become a coward, again no matter which way you spin it,, you have also "cheated" in the "game of life" by skipping right to the end. it would be nice if we could all just give up and die when we wanted,, but it doesnt work that way. we do have a purpose even though we may not know what it is
im not trying to sound harsh as i think people are taking it.. i am actually being very optimisic.... we have the power to change anything in our lives,, and if something makes you not want to live anymore then you need to do something pro-active about it
im trying to get the point across that we do have a choice on how our lives go, and we can make change... it just takes a little strength... its like the Darwinism of your mind i guess... survival of the fittest
Death is the ultimate unknown. Choosing death is not cowardice. If anything, the suicidal person disregards fear of the unknown in an attempt to end the unbearable pain they experience, yet cannot express without being called a whiner.
Your comments only serve to further stigmatize the mentally ill. Someone who has a diseased mind may look perfectly fine outwardly. They are not disabled by any logical measure. Everything is in place: two arms, two legs, eyesight, hearing, etc. It's all there, except for a healthy mind.
However, mental illness strikes with little warning and it is insidious. It is made worse by the fact that most mentally ill persons impose self-isolation on themselves, preventing friends and family from witnessing their steady decline. Rejecting help, it is usually a steady and disintegrating pattern as the circles get smaller and smaller.
The mentally ill are discriminated against all the time, especially when it comes to employment. No one is willing to hire a 'psycho.'
Telling a mentally ill person to 'buck up' or 'suck it up' is incredibly cruel. Telling them 'everybody hurts' just serves to remind them that they cannot deal with the everyday obstacles in life most people overcome.
You're right, big difference of opinion.Most of what you are saying is based on the whole christian philosophy that we are here for a higher purpose, and one must suffer to attain heaven.I don't believe that way, but I guess we'll just agree to disagree.
Noone knows what happens after death for sure.
whoa back up here,,, im not pushing religion, not even close,,
first off what have i said other than i dont believe people should kill themselves that is "based on the whole christian philosophy"? i think you are starting to shoot your mouth off with the religion shit,, you could have left that out... and like i said, i believe in euthanasia, and i also believe that our minds can conquer anything
and i am not saying that we have to suffer, i am saying to people need to get better, and you dont do that by killing yourself you do that with personal strength. and not once did i mention anything about a higher purpose,, just said we are here for a reason, and that reason is whatever you may wish it to be
right there is a prime example of our difference in opinion,, i am almost sure i know what is after death and that is nothing... to me we are a species that got too complex for our own good, and nothing more... we started asking dumb questions that never could be answered like "why are we here" and "who put us here" and these are the questions that are driving us to insanity
ive been down in a deep motherfucking hole and i pulled myself out,, because there is always a brighter day waiting.... i know what its like to have absolutley nothing, no home, no real friends, no family... but you have to be strong and make it to tomorrow, because THAT is courage,,, you have no fucking clue what courage is and thats for damn sure
im not getting snappy you just dont listen,, im not saying its a sin at all im saying its cowardly and selfish
explain to me why someone with a stable brain would choose to die.
Someone with a stable brain who chooses to kill themselves is escaping punishment in most cases. See Hermann Goering, Adolph Hitler, Jim Jones, the Columbine punks & Judas not getting snappy you just dont listen,, im not saying its a sin at all im saying its cowardly and selfish
explain to me why someone with a stable brain would choose to die.
Once again, you are confusing mental health with mental illness.courage is having the strength to push through the bad times.. and if not for yourseklf then for the ones who hold you dear.... and im still waiting to hear why a stable person would think they have to kill themself
courage is having the strength to push through the bad times.. and if not for yourseklf then for the ones who hold you dear.... and im still waiting to hear why a stable person would think they have to kill themself