im waiting to get into a therapy program, DBT (dialectical behaviour therapy). its supposed to have a lot of zen ideas in it...and it promotes the idea of oneness. its specifically designed for people that have my disorder. whats zen therapy like? do u have a link to some info?Anybody ever heard of zen therapy? Its pretty cool and it works really well. Some pretty crazy people have come out of it completely in like two weeks from this therapy.
then clearly you have never been seriously ill. walk a mile in a mental ill persons shoes and then tell me what you think...suicide is the cowards way out
that has always been my philosophy on suicide
pot has saved my life. it cuts down on my thoughts and urges big time...Heh, if you smoke pot I doubt you would want to commit suicide. So like, to people who want to kill them selves should just be smoking herb.
Like, I'm so faded right now, its just like, a perpetual 2 world living status. No need to kill myself, fer shure? Yea, fo sho.
oh ive been ill, n' im not talking physically... and i dont need to walk a mile in anyones shoes i got my own to walk in thank youthen clearly you have never been seriously ill. walk a mile in a mental ill persons shoes and then tell me what you think...
Im not even going to read the thread but the only thing I have to say is suicide is for pussies who cannot face reality. Its a ignorant, arrogant fuckin cop out.![]()
Wow, I never thought of depression like this....You gave me something to think about.depression sometimes being terminal.
There was a really cool show on bbc2 i think, called extreme pilgrim. An English vicar goes on a spiritual journey to various parts of the world in search of a more holistic approach to being than he was getting doing his day job. He was at Zen/Chan monastery way up in the mountains. He clearly got a great result from his experience there. With regard to Zen therapy, one of the monks told him he wasn't well judging by his skin, he got stuck straight into him, made him hurt a bit, and made him all better. You could tell he was a deeper, happier guy for having spent time there.Anybody ever heard of zen therapy? Its pretty cool and it works really well. Some pretty crazy people have come out of it completely in like two weeks from this therapy.
i may have come across as rude but i was just being blunt about it. life sucks, and it's hard but that doesnt mean you get to quit. Ive got no problem with euthanasia, but ending your life when you are not terminal is just pure cowardess to me.permalink
"suicide is the cowards way out
that has always been my philosophy on suicide"
Those are some pretty hefty and unexamined conclusions to draw guys. Have you considered that by stigmatizing suicide in this way could make someone who is considering killing themselves feel even worse. By giving negative forms to already horrific feelings, the suicidal person may feel that by considering suicide he is a coward, a word with very powerful negative, and zero positive connotations to it. I could imagine this word being in the top 5 words a suicide is saying to themselves when they go down. Even insurance companies(where i'm from) will pay out on suicide, because even they understand the validity of depression sometimes being terminal.
I understand firsthand the utter horror of having someone you love kill themself, i would not wish that on anyone, and i thank God (Everywhere.She Be ) that my Mum didn't follow suit. If i had given birth to someone who killed themself, i don't think i could stand the resultant internal beating. My Mum has balls of steel, but she also had the benifit of knowing the devestation in it's most profound form that accompanies suicide. That knowledge empowers you not to take your own life in many cases because you have something that is more vital and alive than your own suffering, and that is the suffering of your loved ones. For a suicidal person to be unequipped with this experience, then the focus can remain on ending their own suffering, and their life.
there is nothing in your mind that you cannot conquer with strength.
cowardice,, thats the word i was looking for,, just like the other day when i used applicators instead of applicants,, someone probably though i was talking about tampons, lol
i still believe it is a cowardly move... i have had my fair share of ups and downs and any time i have personally contemplated it it has been because it would have been the easy way out... and the easy way out is for the weak coward.. just my opinion... you stay strong, you grit your teeth, you stiffen up that lip and you continue on. and doing that makes you a stronger and better person
I read this earlier, and replied to it.....The part that got me was 'depression sometimes being terminal'permalink
"suicide is the cowards way out
that has always been my philosophy on suicide"
Those are some pretty hefty and unexamined conclusions to draw guys. Have you considered that by stigmatizing suicide in this way could make someone who is considering killing themselves feel even worse. By giving negative forms to already horrific feelings, the suicidal person may feel that by considering suicide he is a coward, a word with very powerful negative, and zero positive connotations to it. I could imagine this word being in the top 5 words a suicide is saying to themselves when they go down. Even insurance companies(where i'm from) will pay out on suicide, because even they understand the validity of depression sometimes being terminal.
I understand firsthand the utter horror of having someone you love kill themself, i would not wish that on anyone, and i thank God (Everywhere.She Be ) that my Mum didn't follow suit. If i had given birth to someone who killed themself, i don't think i could stand the resultant internal beating. My Mum has balls of steel, but she also had the benifit of knowing the devestation in it's most profound form that accompanies suicide. That knowledge empowers you not to take your own life in many cases because you have something that is more vital and alive than your own suffering, and that is the suffering of your loved ones. For a suicidal person to be unequipped with this experience, then the focus can remain on ending their own suffering, and their life.
courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, uncertainty, risk, danger, or intimidation.EArlier in this thread I quoted a movie called white light black rain.A woman spoke of how, after being horribly burned in Hiroshima or Nagasaki,and losing their parents, her sister stepped in fromt of a train.A short time later, she tried to do the same.She couldn't.She said."It was then I realized, there were two kinds of courage.My sister had the courage to die.I had the courage to live."
Death is the ultimate unknown. Choosing death is not cowardice. If anything, the suicidal person disregards fear of the unknown in an attempt to end the unbearable pain they experience, yet cannot express without being called a whiner.courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, uncertainty, risk, danger, or intimidation.
i dont see how you can have to courage to die,, thats an oxymoron
courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, uncertainty, risk, danger, or intimidation.
i dont see how you can have to courage to die,, thats an oxymoron