Such thing as spider web looking mold 1 month into cure?

Here's the deal. I had 2 WW/diesel girls that I harvested, no problems or questions with the harvest, looked good under 60x. Currently they're curing in 6 (1-pint) mason jars. They were trimmed and hung, then jarred and burped per the stickies here. Right now they have been curing for about a month, they went into the jars on April 10. The jars are in a cool dark cabinet.
One of the jars has had a different smell than the rest, a musty almost moldy smell. Under the scope I can see what looks like spider web looking fibers? For lack of a better description, that's what they look like under magnification. But I know it's not spiderweb. It's not visible to the naked eye. I only know its there because of the smell when I opened the jar, so I scoped it.
After finding this I did a quick scope of the other jars, even though they don't have the same smell as this one jar, thankfully I didn't find anything else.
Is this mold? Some waste product of a bug i did not notice? What could I have done to prevent it, and to prevent it in future cures? Oh, and should it not be smoked?
Never seen this before, this isn't my first grow/cure, but I'm looking to anyone who has more experience than me.
Thanks to any insights
If you see any dust(looks like faint smoke) rise from the nug when you break it, I know that's one simple, not 100%, way to check if you have mold. If it's mold, don't smoke it, don't water cure, just throw it away, no weed is worth ingesting/inhaling mold spores.
Hopefully someone can help you more. GL


Well-Known Member
That white spider webbing stuff is typically mold; if it has a slight urea (piss) odor then you know for sure. I'd throw it away but that's just me.
Thanks guys. At least its only one jar, weird though, I was pretty sure all the conditions/variables were the same for all the jars. I guess live and learn. On a side note, a buddy of mines (knowingly) sampled that one jar, he said there wasn't any noticeable difference. Oh well. Got my hands on some train wreck crosses, and since ive got a long season here, on to round 2!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. At least its only one jar, weird though, I was pretty sure all the conditions/variables were the same for all the jars. I guess live and learn. On a side note, a buddy of mines (knowingly) sampled that one jar, he said there wasn't any noticeable difference. Oh well. Got my hands on some train wreck crosses, and since ive got a long season here, on to round 2!

No matter how careful I am, and no matter how I try to make conditions the same, I usually end up throwing away a few jars due to mold. Distillers of Bourbon or Cognac have what they call, "The Angel's Share"; that which evaporates and so never gets bottled. If I have to sacrifice a jar or two to the lawnmower gods, maybe they'll keep the dandelions away.


Active Member
personally i dont throw away lightly molded bud... just quick dry it in the microwave.. in 5 minute burst under 10% power (VERY IMPORTANT) .. around the 3rd 5 minute burst you should see the water on the plate... the access water should eb drained from the bud and there you go.. no more mold issue.. the proper smell will also return.