subs supersoil

I don't really see how others lack of desire to further attain knowledge for themselves is Subs fault though. High phos you are talking?
I don't really see how others lack of desire to further attain knowledge for themselves is Subs fault though. High phos you are talking?
I don't think it's his fault and I'm not trying to attack him as a person. If you attempt to use the internet to learn about organic cannabis his method comes up more than most and so it is the lowest apple on the tree when it comes to managing the spread of misinformation in the cannabis community.

High phosphorus is a concern, the amount of plastic involved in purchasing excessive amounts of prebagged soil is another. Teaching improper composting methods and the use of environmentally irresponsible and unsustainable materials is another.
I did too, the more I learned and the more I continue to learn, the more I work to reverse the misinformation put forward and prevent the ecological damage caused by subs method.
Why are you constantly trying to prove you're so right and Sub is wrong w/ misinformation
Why are you constantly trying to prove you're so right and Sub is wrong w/ misinformation
We've been over this, I am a real bastard. Born of unmarried parents. Note the reversed colors of the Targaryen sigil, identifying me with the bastard offshoot house Blackfyre. Because like them, I am of bastard blood. The quote at the bottom of my page is about a character telling another character to never forget that he is a bastard. Everything about the first impression you could get from my posts should say to you "This guy is a bastard." I stir the pot son!
Throw up some pics of your organic plants in veg, lets have a look-see. Talk is cheap.
Dog I have multiple threads you can check out, pics and video.

You can follow my current grow over at this thread...

You can check out my previous one's a video blog
Nothing but a bigger dick contest and always trying to get the last word in on Sub.
I want to know why he does what he does because I can't find anything in science to support. Only negatives to it. I field messages, emails, and business calls from people having trouble with it. Some even pay me to help them with it. So I really should be on here encouraging more people to check out sub to generate more business for myself but I'm just on a quest for info and every time I get a brick wall of "it works cause it works/I'm not selling any" or "who are you to ask how this works/I don't see a problem, you're a jerk for saying there's a problem".

I share my info and will always throw shade on anybody that doesn't. I want us all to know as much as we can and I don't appreciate information hoarders. There's a lot worse dick measuring contests I could get into.
First Off I do not and have never sold Super Soil its simply a recipe based on a more basic recipe from Vic High who also taught me about the krebs cycle..I have never made a dime from soil.
I have no idea what your question is thousands of people around the planet use my recipe in one form or other and get great results.
if a grower finds something that he likes better by all means use it.

My super soil recipe is on google and you tube and a dozen other platforms where people make it and show the method.

I don't get why you bother responding to all these all your responses appear to be based off of skimming. It's clear you don't have any answers and I don't get why a response is composed other than "I really don't know guys, I kind of just made this and it works"

Wtf does the citric acid cycle have to do with this conversation Sub? :lol:
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I kept at him because I needed to try to do my part in getting an answer. There isn't one, anywhere on the internet. Just to day do some research, I've done a lot. Trust me. Asking a man to explain, shouldn't nor does it imply, that I don't the answers to my questions.

Years ago I abandoned subs method. I found out it didn't work for long periods of time and moved on. I see a forum with people years later still talking about it so trying to get some light shed on the subject by a man who created it and is active on the site, in my opinion was a good thing. He seems to always avoid questions so I kept at it. I'm doing my due diligence to get answers, not just for me but for everyone that tried and wasted money ( but gained somr knowledge) and for the future guy or gal that Google how to grow organic and stumbles on this forum, some clarification.

Sub I'm not attacking, just want a response to the article I posted explaining why some amendments are unnecessary and ecological harmful. I don't know why you keep saying you don't make money off soil in response to buildasoil. Fine, you can claim you dont, I'll go with it, just know the buildasoil article is off his blog that explains your recipe to a T and why things do or do not work. This is a man that is one of our peers and not just me or whoever on a forum.

A simple response was all I was asking for.
We've been over this, I am a real bastard. Born of unmarried parents. Note the reversed colors of the Targaryen sigil, identifying me with the bastard offshoot house Blackfyre. Because like them, I am of bastard blood. The quote at the bottom of my page is about a character telling another character to never forget that he is a bastard. Everything about the first impression you could get from my posts should say to you "This guy is a bastard." I stir the pot son!
Dude you need some therapy. Seriously your self astime is pitiful. It's tuff around the holidays for people who have mental issues. God bless you
Dude you need some therapy. Seriously your self astime is pitiful. It's tuff around the holidays for people who have mental issues. God bless you
The quality of my marijuana was questioned so I wrote something only someone high AF on quality organic cannabis would write. Filled it with Game of Thrones nerdiness, and lots of sarcasm. If you read the Song of Ice and Fire novels you would've been geeking out over my comment lol.

Me and some others were just trying to get some more specific questions answered and sub was being a dismissive older brother about it, while his fanclub chimed in with shouts of "how dare you question the master!"

I respond to ridiculousness with ridiculousness.

Thanks for your prayers tho bro!
I want to know why he does what he does because I can't find anything in science to support. Only negatives to it. I field messages, emails, and business calls from people having trouble with it. Some even pay me to help them with it. So I really should be on here encouraging more people to check out sub to generate more business for myself but I'm just on a quest for info and every time I get a brick wall of "it works cause it works/I'm not selling any" or "who are you to ask how this works/I don't see a problem, you're a jerk for saying there's a problem".

I share my info and will always throw shade on anybody that doesn't. I want us all to know as much as we can and I don't appreciate information hoarders. There's a lot worse dick measuring contests I could get into.

Rasta, I actually remember a video Subcool posted giving a lecture on how to mix his soil, I am paraphrasing here, but he said something like this.
"I can't tell you why it works, I am not a scientist I just know it does, you'll have to ask them your question about what is happening in my soil"
Its out there his own admission that he does his soil mix the way he does cause it works, yet he is changing it as he doesn't understand what is taking place biology wise so I believe his adjustments are best guesses on his part on what he thinks the soil needs. Obviously would be hard for him to accurately understand what is needed by his own admission he doesn't know what is going on at the microherd level. His mix and adjustments are observations he's experienced, so for those who want a plug and play system, that works but we know it is not optimal or sufficient in knowledge to truly address or create holistic permaculture practices that would support a healthier ecosystem then just mixing a store bought cake mix. As an analogy we can produce a better tasting more nutritious cake from our pantry using less ingredients and a bottomless cake at that.

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It's less about a recipe once you understand what you're doing and the amendments you're using. Having that knowledge can also help in building up your soil over time as opposed to creating an ammonia gas pile that has to lose half the nitrogen you put in it before it's acceptable to plant your plants in.

In the world securing data, anyone can click a icon, but if you don't understand the code behind or security principles in general, no amount of clicking is going to secure your data properly, it may be secure for awhile until a ROOT FEEDING NEMATODE MAKES YOUR PLANTS ROOTS INTO MUSH AND YOUR PLANT WITHERS BEFORE YOUR EYES IN SUPERSOIL. Adding just anything more from the recipe will not make the ROOT FEEDING NEMATODE GO AWAY!

For wanna be hackers there are pre made scripts for script kiddies, for wanna be organic farmers there is Super Soil.
Real hackers write their own code, real organic growers produce their own microbiology to feed the micro herd which takes care of everything Super Soil can't.

I guess you guys are much smarter than me.
I will repeat I use super soil and I am always making small changes. My latest was Insect Frass
I don't sell my soil and I have taught thousands to make there own soil and get rid of bottled nutrients.
Soil King sells a very similar mix and he seems to be doing very well in the soil business.
It works incredibly well for me and Jill and many Nerds
I am pulling 2.5 units per bulb and my clubs seem to love what I do.
If you guys want to spend you life talking about soil go for it.

Only here would people attack someone for teaching something to others for 40 years.

If you really want some good info ask me about investing thats my Jam these days.
Weed Kinda grows itself.

Back to Work

I was serious about investment advise but what ever :)

OK Jokes on Me what The hell and I doing arguing with Trolls?
I know better.

I'm Out

Yeah dude don't get into it with trolls.

If you're not interested in chatting soil science cause you got better things to do I totally get it. That answer would've shut me up a lot quicker than the "i don't sell this soil" but I get why you're saying that too. Sorry im an ass in conversation, I was just genuinely interested in your thoughts on the matter, even though I may have asked with jabs and sarcasm. My bad.

Investing is what it's all about! You playing with the stocks and bonds markets, or you playing the local game with flipping foreclosed houses and upcoming development projects?