yes but i mean in the same living quarters as they are forcing straight men to room and board with homosexual men,
so they should let straight females and straight males live eat sleep and shower in the same houseing same shower stalls same bedrooms
its sounds obserd and rife with problems that will arrise, arguments fights pregnancy STD's you name it
tis the same as letting gays openly eat sleep and shower all together
im just saying why do the gays get to have all the fun showering with thier favorite gender to sexualise
if they get to shower with whomever makes them hard then by god I should be able to shower with the naked ladies too, thats discrimination, why do the gays get to have all the fun but the straights dont!!!
everything sounds good and fair in theory but once you look closly at it, you will find that you cannot pls everyone. best you can hope to do is please the majority, that way you can pls the most people.
if the majority was gay then fine but the majority is not gay
only way for it to be fair is if the gays had thier own platoons and that would be terrible and there would be fights jealousy and std's
but atleast they wont sour our whole military whos main function is to defend our people and those of our allies.
the gays have taken it too far, and im sure they're going to cry about it
lots of people are born different, one missing an arm one born blind, one born with the wrong sex than his anatomy has developed, are we gonna let one armed dudes serve in the military now? i do agree the anomoly of being gay doesnt really hinder you in a doing you job kinda way but it is desruptive if the vast majority is straight. so its different than somone with no arm wanting to serve but it poses challanges non the less
and whether you like it or not, being born gay is a defect in nature. not that somone can help it. but just like being born with a handicap, you have a defect that you were born with. or lets just say not normal compared to the majority who has 2 arms or are heterosexual
I was born with terrible eyes and a bad heart. u dont see me bitching about why I cant be a fighter pilot.