Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

You never knew that. They don't teach it in reform school.
never learnt anything at school, read a hell of a lot of books on all sorts of stuff though when I was young, had a big crash a few years ago, and don't remember what happened 5 mins ago these days
no idea what reform school is, the only way to get a decant education if your are not rich is to teach your self
Its up to you young blokes now, don't get sucked in, there is a reason all the big world controlling bodies want everybody believing in climate change including the Pope,
Religion is losing its appeal with the young,
the powers that be need something to keep you all on the hook, can't have people thinking for themselves can we, its always been about control
there is a ice age coming, and there is nothing anyone can do about it
And that's a fact
never learnt anything at school, read a hell of a lot of books on all sorts of stuff though when I was young, had a big crash a few years ago, and don't remember what happened 5 mins ago these days
no idea what reform school is, the only way to get a decant education if your are not rich is to teach your self
Its up to you young blokes now, don't get sucked in, there is a reason all the big world controlling bodies want everybody believing in climate change including the Pope,
Religion is losing its appeal with the young,
the powers that be need something to keep you all on the hook, can't have people thinking for themselves can we, its always been about control
there is a ice age coming, and there is nothing anyone can do about it
And that's a fact

It's good that your are done working. More and more of what you call work is being done by machines designed by people who learned what you never did. Science denial is an outcome of the hapless ignorant needing to fool themselves that they are still relevant.

It's too bad that you never had the desire or opportunity to enrich your life by learning more. The world needs more people who took the time and effort to learn the real workings of nature from those who went before us. Most of us can't teach ourselves, we need teachers, schools and time to learn too. And this is the very real threat of science denial. Cuts to education and science programs stunt humanity's future.

It's good that your are done working. More and more of what you call work is being done by machines designed by people who learned what you never did. Science denial is an outcome of the hapless ignorant needing to fool themselves that they are still relevant.

It's too bad that you never had the desire or opportunity to enrich your life by learning more. The world needs more people who took the time and effort to learn the real workings of nature from those who went before us. Most of us can't teach ourselves, we need teachers, schools and time to learn too. And this is the very real threat of science denial. Cuts to education and science programs stunt humanity's future.
No one is denying science, my father in law is/was a scientist and a bit of a flog
Its the all to convenient "its all mans fault" bullshit, you don't think for a minute if (manmade)global warming was real,
they would shit them selves and do something about it?

Not one prediction has come to fruition, and most are so far in the future they can't be proved wrong
sea levels have risen and fallen by 100s of yards in the past, why wont they again,
we can blame mankind this time, and tax his arse
I will concede the city's are getting warmer, being a concrete jungle and all, all the old temp records are gone or doctored
I live in the country nothing has changed here, drought, fire and flood rinse and repeat , same as always

How hot does it get at the mid point of the warm period between ice ages
And you cannot stop an ice age from happening, unless you can control the earths movement threw space
There's a job for some scientist's
No one is denying science, my father in law is/was a scientist and a bit of a flog
Its the all to convenient "its all mans fault" bullshit, you don't think for a minute if (manmade)global warming was real,
they would shit them selves and do something about it?

Not one prediction has come to fruition, and most are so far in the future they can't be proved wrong
sea levels have risen and fallen by 100s of yards in the past, why wont they again,
we can blame mankind this time, and tax his arse
I will concede the city's are getting warmer, being a concrete jungle and all, all the old temp records are gone or doctored
I live in the country nothing has changed here, drought, fire and flood rinse and repeat , same as always

How hot does it get at the mid point of the warm period between ice ages
And you cannot stop an ice age from happening, unless you can control the earths movement threw space
There's a job for some scientist's
WTF? Not one prediction has come to fruition? The effect of dumping carbon dioxide into atmosphere on global temperature was predicted 200 years ago. Also glacier melt and sea level rise. Evidence shows that the causes are man made. What kind of shit are you listening to?

The only point you make that is valid is that large financial concerns are pumping out propaganda. After that you go off the rails. You misconstrue who and what they are doing. Exon's own records contain discussion about global warming and what the company should do about it. The memos include Exon brass and were written in the early 1980's. Today, climate science denial is used to delay response to this problem because every day that the fossil fuel industry can freely dump carbon in the atmosphere is another hundred million in profit.

At the first sentence you say nobody is denying science then your proceed to do just that.

Little fragile snowflake, you are not unique, you are going to melt and become unknown to those who come follow you. But the people who come into the world global warming has shaped will curse you nonetheless.
No one is denying science, my father in law is/was a scientist and a bit of a flog
Its the all to convenient "its all mans fault" bullshit, you don't think for a minute if (manmade)global warming was real,
they would shit them selves and do something about it?

Not one prediction has come to fruition, and most are so far in the future they can't be proved wrong
sea levels have risen and fallen by 100s of yards in the past, why wont they again,
we can blame mankind this time, and tax his arse
I will concede the city's are getting warmer, being a concrete jungle and all, all the old temp records are gone or doctored
I live in the country nothing has changed here, drought, fire and flood rinse and repeat , same as always

How hot does it get at the mid point of the warm period between ice ages
And you cannot stop an ice age from happening, unless you can control the earths movement threw space
There's a job for some scientist's

what a shitty, fucked up way to go through life.

i feel bad for you.
there are semicircular canals in my ear filled with two different types of fluids whose entire purpose is to signal to me when i am in balance. this allows me to walk around until i can find a willing sexual partner, insert my penis into her vaginal canal, and thrust repeatedly until ejaculation.

if life were random and meaningless and we had no purpose here, my cochlea would not contain said fluids.
there are semicircular canals in my ear filled with two different types of fluids whose entire purpose is to signal to me when i am in balance. this allows me to walk around until i can find a willing sexual partner, insert my penis into her vaginal canal, and thrust repeatedly until ejaculation.

if life were random and meaningless and we had no purpose here, my cochlea would not contain said fluids.

As you worship make believe idols. lol

We have no purpose here. Survival is not a purpose.

Stephen Hawking is an inspiration. He can't walk, can't talk, can't eat or shit by himself- yet what he dreams up is nothing short of breathtaking. In his latest discussion, he says humans have 100 years to pack up shop and move off the Earth- or we're doomed.

This time, he's pulled back the curtain for a glimpse of the world our great grandchildren will inherit if we don't get off this rock, and soon. A true story more terrifying in its implications than anything Stephen King has ever come up with; We're in a race for the survival of our species, against the inevitability of using up the resources here on the ground and collapsing our global civilisation.

And as usual, he's right on the money with this. I've been thinking about this same 'escape window' concept for years.

We're safe- it's our grandkids who are in deep shit.

Thanks, Steve!
He's nothing more than a human remote control car with a microphone. Why doesn't anyone else have technology that can read their minds?
Fuck off sick dog, you can believe whatever bullshit you like
you need to get outside and have a look,
socializing the education system has done nothing but create brainwashed fools like you
who believe anything someone in so-called authority says
Good luck with your life of doom,
I continue on safe in the knowledge that you can't change the weather, the sun will come up tomorrow, life will go on
and you crazy foolish brainwashed bloody lefties will still be whinging about NOTHING

oh, hi echelon.

tell us more about how the holocaust was a hoax with that awesome education of yours.

bitter salty pussy.
Fuck off sick dog, you can believe whatever bullshit you like
you need to get outside and have a look,
socializing the education system has done nothing but create brainwashed fools like you
who believe anything someone in so-called authority says
Good luck with your life of doom,
I continue on safe in the knowledge that you can't change the weather, the sun will come up tomorrow, life will go on
and you crazy foolish brainwashed bloody lefties will still be whinging about NOTHING
That's the difference. You are lost in a false belief. The evidence is clear that man is altering the climate, not the weather which changes daily but the overall climate in most areas of the world. Typical of an ignorant fool, you lost your temper when you lost your argument.

Now you attack the public education system. As if Madrasas are the answer.

If you don't want to be laughed at and picked apart for holding your belief as fact, don't post your idiotic beliefs here.

Why did you even mention your "scientist" father in law? It's not as if what he knew did you any good.

Toddle on now and insult people about other things. You are done here.
He's nothing more than a human remote control car with a microphone. Why doesn't anyone else have technology that can read their minds?
Have you done anything nearly equivalent to what hawking has done? Even half his accomplishments?

How is that unconventional home you talked about a while ago doing? It sounded like an interesting idea. Just saying that I don't think you are entirely an idiot.
oh, hi echelon.

tell us more about how the holocaust was a hoax with that awesome education of yours.

bitter salty pussy.
which holocaust/genicide was the one that I was denying, there has been so many, I cant seem to remember them all
here is one I do remember
I'm sure the Jews suffered horribly as well
Oh, hey, a dumb ass holocaust denying Jew hater. I knew there was more depth to your ignorance. Do tell. What can you say that disproves the Holocaust. I could use a good laugh.
That's the difference. You are lost in a false belief. The evidence is clear that man is altering the climate, not the weather which changes daily but the overall climate in most areas of the world. Typical of an ignorant fool, you lost your temper when you lost your argument.

Now you attack the public education system. As if Madrasas are the answer.

If you don't want to be laughed at and picked apart for holding your belief as fact, don't post your idiotic beliefs here.

Why did you even mention your "scientist" father in law? It's not as if what he knew did you any good.

Toddle on now and insult people about other things. You are done here.
You started with the insults snowflake, which would be your generation not mine
There is no need to believe in anything but the FACTs not some computer modelling garbage
Now piss off, I got to go make some $ on the share market
you just stay in the basement posting shit,
I'll be back soon
You started with the insults snowflake, which would be your generation not mine
There is no need to believe in anything but the FACTs not some computer modelling garbage
Now piss off, I got to go make some $ on the share market
you just stay in the basement posting shit,
I'll be back soon
look, I called you a fragile snowflake because you hold yourself as some unique self informed being who needs no other information than what he was born with to form an opinion. If you had the ability to listen and learn from others, you wouldn't be such a ditz. Now you are crying about being told your "beliefs" are fake. Don't cry fragile snowflake the salt water in your tears will cause you to melt even faster. Then again, cry me a river, snowflake.

I don't regret making you cry.
You started with the insults snowflake, which would be your generation not mine
There is no need to believe in anything but the FACTs not some computer modelling garbage
Now piss off, I got to go make some $ on the share market
you just stay in the basement posting shit,
I'll be back soon

hey echelon, is your brother in law still banging your crackhead girlfriend, both of whom had to co-sign on "your" house?

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