Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

It's clickbait.

Science is the methodical acquisition and processing of data.

Spurious claims are not data despite the source, that's a logical fallacy called "Appeal to Authority".

faster than a speeding bullet
more powerful then a locomotive
able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
Look up in the sky
its a bird
its a plane
probably a climate change one
Hey, snowflake

It's too bad that you don't understand the workings of the modern world.

Are you sure about that, the workings of the modern world is no different then it always has been
Just different players, don't worry Americas turn at running the show is almost over
And thank Allah for that, for you blokes have made a complete clusterfuck of it
Are you sure about that, the workings of the modern world is no different then it always has been
Just different players, don't worry Americas turn at running the show is almost over
And thank Allah for that, for you blokes have made a complete clusterfuck of it
hey snowflake

Too bad modern science diminishes the ignorant.
hey snowflake

Too bad modern science diminishes the ignorant.
Why is modern science so good
plenty of old scientist's works are still valid, its all computer programing these days, the information coming out is only as good as the programing , get it wrong and you end up with shit like the climate change fiasco
Science is mostly theory, ask Einstein
Hey, snowflake

It's too bad that you don't understand the workings of the modern world.

Greed, corruption and the struggle for power?

The fact that you belittle and put down people on this forum who you feel are less than you just goes to show what humanity is really about.

Nobody would miss us.
Why is modern science so good
plenty of old scientist's works are still valid, its all computer programing these days, the information coming out is only as good as the programing , get it wrong and you end up with shit like the climate change fiasco
Science is mostly theory, ask Einstein
I didn't say science is good, I said that it makes the ignorant unimportant and mostly unemployed or minions of people who understand it

I bet you think gravity is not a theory. (snicker)
I didn't say science is good, I said that it makes the ignorant unimportant and mostly unemployed or minions of people who understand it

I bet you think gravity is not a theory. (snicker)
Gravity, yeah that was a hard one to work out, good old Isaac
for every action there is a reaction, another hard one to work out
its all about Observation, we could all be scientist if we had the time, well except you, a brain is needed to observe something and understand what's going on, and unfortunately that leaves you out
Gravity, yeah that was a hard one to work out, good old Isaac
for every action there is a reaction, another hard one to work out
its all about Observation, we could all be scientist if we had the time, well except you, a brain is needed to observe something and understand what's going on, and unfortunately that leaves you out
Tell me, is gravitational force

a fact,
a theory or
well its not a theory, and its a bit hard to disprove
it must be a fact
shit how did I get that so wrong
I fell of me chair and hit the deck when I realised
Thanks, an honest reply.

My point is, you along with many science deniers don't have a clue about what a scientist even does. Or how hard they worked to master their subject. Yet you feel that you can comment on the veracity of their work. Even claim they make stuff up in order to keep their cushy jobs. Why you take Exon's lobbyist's words is a mystery to me.

The answers are:

Gravitational force is a theory in Newtonian physics, because it has never been proven to exist but has not been disproven in classic Newtonian physics. Newton's theory is useful because it is very simple. Two objects with mass are attracted to each other and the force of attraction is proportional to the distance and sizes of each mass.

Gravitational force is disproven in Einsteinian physics. "Force of Gravity" is an illusion. What we call gravity is a property of distortions in space-time geometry caused by massive objects. Smaller objects follow a curved path in distorted space-time. When the smaller object contacts the surface of the larger mass, it is prevented from further travelling that path. What we perceive as a force holding the object "down" is really the force required to keep the smaller object from following its path in curved space. In this theory, a mass does not exert a gravitational force.

And so, you didn't fall off your chair, you lost connection with the forces holding you in place and you traveled along the space-time continuum until you were prevented from following that path by a larger mass.

Einstein's model or "theory of relativity" is better at predicting the movements of planets than Newton's theory. Therefore Newton's theory is disproven. But the the theory of relativity is not as simple as Newton's theory, which makes Newton's theory more often used because it is accurate enough in most applications.
Thanks, an honest reply.

My point is, you along with many science deniers don't have a clue about what a scientist even does. Or how hard they worked to master their subject. Yet you feel that you can comment on the veracity of their work. Even claim they make stuff up in order to keep their cushy jobs. Why you take Exon's lobbyist's words is a mystery to me.

The answers are:

Gravitational force is a theory in Newtonian physics, because it has never been proven to exist but has not been disproven in classic Newtonian physics. Newton's theory is useful because it is very simple. Two objects with mass are attracted to each other and the force of attraction is proportional to the distance and sizes of each mass.

Gravitational force is disproven in Einsteinian physics. "Force of Gravity" is an illusion. What we call gravity is a property of distortions in space-time geometry caused by massive objects. Smaller objects follow a curved path in distorted space-time. When the smaller object contacts the surface of the larger mass, it is prevented from further travelling that path. What we perceive as a force holding the object "down" is really the force required to keep the smaller object from following its path in curved space. In this theory, a mass does not exert a gravitational force.

And so, you didn't fall off your chair, you lost connection with the forces holding you in place and you traveled along the space-time continuum until you were prevented from following that path by a larger mass.

Einstein's model or "theory of relativity" is better at predicting the movements of planets than Newton's theory. Therefore Newton's theory is disproven. But the the theory of relativity is not as simple as Newton's theory, which makes Newton's theory more often used because it is accurate enough in most applications.

I better lift my game, I probably new that 30 years ago,
you got me :)
I better lift my game, I probably new that 30 years ago,
you got me :)
You miss my point. I wasn't trying to "get you".
My point is, you along with many science deniers don't have a clue about what a scientist even does. Or how hard they worked to master their subject. Yet you feel that you can comment on the veracity of their work. Even claim they make stuff up in order to keep their cushy jobs. Why you take Exon's lobbyist's words is a mystery to me.