Thanks, an honest reply.
My point is, you along with many science deniers don't have a clue about what a scientist even does. Or how hard they worked to master their subject. Yet you feel that you can comment on the veracity of their work. Even claim they make stuff up in order to keep their cushy jobs. Why you take Exon's lobbyist's words is a mystery to me.
The answers are:
Gravitational force is a theory in Newtonian physics, because it has never been proven to exist but has not been disproven in classic Newtonian physics. Newton's theory is useful because it is very simple. Two objects with mass are attracted to each other and the force of attraction is proportional to the distance and sizes of each mass.
Gravitational force is disproven in Einsteinian physics. "Force of Gravity" is an illusion. What we call gravity is a property of distortions in space-time geometry caused by massive objects. Smaller objects follow a curved path in distorted space-time. When the smaller object contacts the surface of the larger mass, it is prevented from further travelling that path. What we perceive as a force holding the object "down" is really the force required to keep the smaller object from following its path in curved space. In this theory, a mass does not exert a gravitational force.
And so, you didn't fall off your chair, you lost connection with the forces holding you in place and you traveled along the space-time continuum until you were prevented from following that path by a larger mass.
Einstein's model or "theory of relativity" is better at predicting the movements of planets than Newton's theory. Therefore Newton's theory is disproven. But the the theory of relativity is not as simple as Newton's theory, which makes Newton's theory more often used because it is accurate enough in most applications.