Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

What the fuck is wrong with humans? Where the fuck we going to go? If we fuck up life on this planet, which we have, then we're fucked. There is no living in outer space. LOL What makes humans think we could live in space when we can't even live on a giant ass planet without fucking shit up.
I'm afraid your information is a bit out of date, mate.

We have proven that we can live underground, underwater, at the poles AND in outer space on the ISS.

And we either colonise space or our species perishes here on Earth, and soon.

We won't be around to see it, unless some madman starts a nuclear war, but the only difference between today's global civilization and all those who have come before it's that we possess the ability to use up all the planet's resources instead of only an island or region.
I'm afraid your information is a bit out of date, mate.

We have proven that we can live underground, underwater, at the poles AND in outer space on the ISS.

And we either colonise space or our species perishes here on Earth, and soon.

We won't be around to see it, unless some madman starts a nuclear war, but the only difference between today's global civilization and all those who have come before it's that we possess the ability to use up all the planet's resources instead of only an island or region.

What do you see the human of the future looking like ttystikk?
who apart from you and the irrelevant raving mad Hawkins, thinks we can survive in and colonise outer space
you might like to think your Captain James t Kirk of the USS enterprise and Hawkins is Mr Spock
Reality says otherwise
What do you see the human of the future looking like ttystikk?
who apart from you and the irrelevant raving mad Hawkins, thinks we can survive in and colonise outer space
you might like to think your Captain James t Kirk of the USS enterprise and Hawkins is Mr Spock
Reality says otherwise
Since you've made the stupid claim...

Why can't humans live in space?

You know a space craft is basically just a submarine designed to keep the pressure in rather than out?
Since you've made the stupid claim...

Why can't humans live in space?

You know a space craft is basically just a submarine designed to keep the pressure in rather than out?

So we are just going to cruise around space in a space craft, so that's the future of humans, tourists forever, fuck it looks so easy on star trek, what could go wrong, how long do they stay on the good ship SS, that's right not long, or risk long term harm and I can see that in the sky from home, its hardly outer space
many gas stations in outer space
its a little bit different than "colonise" outer space anyway
you blokes watch way to many movies
So we are just going to cruise around space in a space craft, so that's the future of humans, tourists forever, fuck it looks so easy on star trek, what could go wrong, how long do they stay on the good ship SS, that's right not long, or risk long term harm and I can see that in the sky from home, its hardly outer space
many gas stations in outer space
its a little bit different than "colonise" outer space anyway
you blokes watch way to many movies
So you're ignorant, making assumptions and don't actually know any technical reason why we can't live in/travel through space?

Why don't people just stfu about stuff they have no clue about?

You're like one of those morons who argued against the first sailing ships because we could "never survive on the sea".
So you're ignorant, making assumptions and don't actually know any technical reason why we can't live in/travel through space?

Why don't people just stfu about stuff they have no clue about?

You're like one of those morons who argued against the first sailing ships because we could "never survive on the sea".
Wood floats, can't see any reason not to get on a boat, how about you prove they can survive long term in a space ship
where is the technical data to back it up,
Wood floats, can't see any reason not to get on a boat, how about you prove they can survive long term in a space ship
where is the technical data to back it up,
Hold on, I asked you why we couldn't.

You made the ridiculous claim (considering we send people into space all the time) that people can't survive in a pressurised space ship.

Why not?
sure they can survive a trip down to the shop, but what about across the universe forever that's a bit different
where do they get the basics let alone anything else, the tooth fairy, we would be better of turning earth into a space ship
that's a better idea
you and ttystikk can design it
sure they can survive a trip down to the shop, but what about across the universe forever that's a bit different
where do they get the basics let alone anything else, the tooth fairy, we would be better of turning earth into a space ship
that's a better idea
you and ttystikk can design it
What basics? Across the Universe forever?

Are you literally retarded?

You don't live on a ship, you use it to get somewhere else, why would we just drift through the emptiness of space?

I bet you even think things in space can be
sure they can survive a trip down to the shop, but what about across the universe forever that's a bit different
where do they get the basics let alone anything else, the tooth fairy, we would be better of turning earth into a space ship
that's a better idea
you and ttystikk can design it
The rest of the universe is made up of the same elements and chemical come as those found here on Earth.

We grow plants with 26 nutrients. With them we can feed animals, ourselves and an ecosystem.

Not easy, no. But possible. Just 120 years ago, people just like you said, 'if man was meant to fly, God would have given us wings'. In 1903 the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk- and history has shown their rapid development from canvas kites carrying motorized windmills to the 747 and the Space Shuttle.

Colonizing the moon is a first step. All the basic materials are already there. We'll need to build the on-site capacity to refine them into the forms we need, something we've been doing here on Earth for centuries.

Then we repeat the process on other rocks in the solar system and beyond. We'll of course get much better at it as time goes on, because that's how progress works.

There is no fundamental physical impediment. There is only the lack of will to do so.
The rest of the universe is made up of the same elements and chemical come as those found here on Earth.

We grow plants with 26 nutrients. With them we can feed animals, ourselves and an ecosystem.

Not easy, no. But possible. Just 120 years ago, people just like you said, 'if man was meant to fly, God would have given us wings'. In 1903 the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk- and history has shown their rapid development from canvas kites carrying motorized windmills to the 747 and the Space Shuttle.

Colonizing the moon is a first step. All the basic materials are already there. We'll need to build the on-site capacity to refine them into the forms we need, something we've been doing here on Earth for centuries.

Then we repeat the process on other rocks in the solar system and beyond. We'll of course get much better at it as time goes on, because that's how progress works.

There is no fundamental physical impediment. There is only the lack of will to do so.
It's funny when you think about it.

No-one has wanted to go back to the Moon in the last 50 years... but once fusion plants start coming online it'll be a race back there to harvest the He-3.
I don't know, you started waffling on about spaceships

are you an
These problems can be solved.

Gravity can be simulated with centrifugal force.

Radiation decreases the further from the sun we go. There are new kind of shielding now being developed.

I didn't say it would be easy. I said it is possible and if we humans want to have a future, it is necessary.

You're more than welcome to stay.
I don't know, you started waffling on about spaceships

are you an
Lol, Quora is your source of information?

No wonder you're so ignorant (I mean that in the "lacking knowledge" definition)...but ignorance can be overcome.

Tell the people in the 60's that one day you'd carry a device in your pocket capable of gigabytes of solid state storage, with a battery capable of 24 hours use on a 60Mb wireless internet connection and with more processing power than the entire US space program (at the time) and they'd think you were on acid, man.
Lol, Quora is your source of information?

No wonder you're so ignorant (I mean that in the "lacking knowledge" definition)...but ignorance can be overcome.

Tell the people in the 60's that one day you'd carry a device in your pocket capable of gigabytes of solid state storage, with a battery capable of 24 hours use on a 60Mb wireless internet connection and with more processing power than the entire US space program (at the time) and they'd think you were on acid, man.
More processing power than the entire planet Earth possessed in 1965...