Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok So If I started Flowering the OCT.25 When Should I stop the Nutes?? Exact or ruff Date Would Be Good Please...:bigjoint:
i wouldn't worry bout exact dates now man, your plant is still no where near being done flowering, keep posting pics and ask that question again in like 4 or 5 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Ok So If I started Flowering the OCT.25 When Should I stop the Nutes?? Exact or ruff Date Would Be Good Please...:bigjoint:
If you have a standard strain that finish up in around 8 weeks, then you would want to start flushing around the 11th of December. This date isnt set in stone, just a ballpark. But when the plants get further along and you're thinking about flushing, just do a pic update, and I'll be happy to give my opinion if they're ready to flush yet. Because not all plants finish on time, so thet date could be off by up to 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
yea buddy... lookin sexy haha :leaf:

hey ive been meaning to ask you... how much would you say you have spent on this entire project?? not including the seeds, just everything to do with the box?? just curious lol


Well-Known Member
Thanx Man Well Ill break it down...
  • Dresser I had Obviously...
  • Tape I had.
  • Silicone I had.
  • The cardboard I used for behind the drawers to seal it for light leaks.
  • White Paper Had.
  • Tin Lasagna Reflector HAHA I had...
  • The 3 Light fixtures my buddy had.
  • CFLS My Buddy Had The 6500 And I had the 2700 LOL
  • PC fans I had...
  • Hinges I had
  • My Back DoorLatch that snaps in to close the door I had
  • I think thats preety much... I didnt buy SHIIIIT LMAO Just the seeds. Not that I didnt want to buy anything just didnt have to.:bigjoint:
  • I no Its Not the nicest Stealth Dresser I can improve many things Lighting Ventilation But For Running the CFLS my Temps and humidity are always consistent never had a problem. Next the will be a 150 Wat MINI HPS with 2 15 Inch fans... Ull see:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanx Man Well Ill break it down...
  • Dresser I had Obviously...
  • Tape I had.
  • Silicone I had.
  • The cardboard I used for behind the drawers to seal it for light leaks.
  • White Paper Had.
  • Tin Lasagna Reflector HAHA I had...
  • The 3 Light fixtures my buddy had.
  • CFLS My Buddy Had The 6500 And I had the 2700 LOL
  • PC fans I had...
  • Hinges I had
  • My Back DoorLatch that snaps in to close the door I had
  • I think thats preety much... I didnt buy SHIIIIT LMAO Just the seeds. Not that I didnt want to buy anything just didnt have to.:bigjoint:
  • I no Its Not the nicest Stealth Dresser I can improve many things Lighting Ventilation But For Running the CFLS my Temps and humidity are always consistent never had a problem. Next the will be a 150 Wat MINI HPS with 2 15 Inch fans... Ull see:eyesmoke:
nice that makes it easy and cheap lmao... im looking foreward to the updated dresser too bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If you have a standard strain that finish up in around 8 weeks, then you would want to start flushing around the 11th of December. This date isnt set in stone, just a ballpark. But when the plants get further along and you're thinking about flushing, just do a pic update, and I'll be happy to give my opinion if they're ready to flush yet. Because not all plants finish on time, so thet date could be off by up to 3 weeks.
you may have christmas weed??? it prolly wont be quite done by then... but that would be nice lmao... new years?? ground hog day???? lol


Well-Known Member
Fuckkkk I want Xmas Weeeed wtf... LOL Watever This Baby is gunna Fill Out Nicely
My Plant Is A Camera WHORE :bigjoint:
Pics In order from Top To Bottom of Plant.



Well-Known Member
heck ya man... I cant wait to get mine started... by the way check the link in my sig... all credit for my setup goes to you... I havent started building yet... will in about 3 weeks when I have money LOL :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man!
Just wonderin though, if that top cola gets too heavy, will the whole plant tip?
if it gets too heavy... I guess you could wrap some string, or whatever you used to tie it down... to tie it to the top... that way ot wouldnt tip... not really sure if it would anyways, but I guess its good to have a plan just in case LOL :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanx Jig.. Im glad I can help... Im a noob too:bigjoint: But yea we all learn. I learn everyday from this site everyday!!!
Yea My buddy asked me that today too... I will tie something and hold it up if that happens and I really hope it does LOL I want a fat cola!!!:blsmoke: