File cabinet grow box


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, so last year I finally knocked this off my bucket list.
I’ve been wanting to make a stealth grow for a couple years, After coming across a free filing cabinet measuring 18x28x60” I knew I found it.
after planning how I’d do it, I’ve finally reached my end result and I’d love to share it with you guys and get your thoughts.

first I started off by removing all the drawers out of the file cabinet, and drilling out the spot welds that held the roller tracks to get a bare inside1D8F7E4F-F483-4FEB-8A55-F672006F97DA.jpeg

Once they were removed, I drilled the spot welds that held the drawer faces to the actual drawer body and separated them. Using the tracks I removed earlier I pop riveted the drawer faces together to act as a solid door.

I cut 2 4” diameter holes on the back side, one up high and one down low for fresh air intake and exhaust, unfortunately I didn’t get the picture of this before the next step.

after the holes were cut out, I lined the inside of the cabinet with 1/2” foam board insulation for noise reduction, reduce rust, and help maintain temps better. Shortly after the foam board was cut to size and put into place with double sided tape, I used large picture frame hangers and pop riveted them to the top of the box to hang my LED light from. E378C6FF-8B7A-4501-9E1A-530C1C773218.jpeg

Once putting the light and insulation in. I traced the shape and size of the 120mm case fan I’d use as the intake /exhaust and cut through the foam. So it would mount flush to the metal.

Now the next part I would change how I did, but the way I did it still worked. I lined the inside of the box / foam insulation with reflective mylar sheeting to reflect light and limit moisture. Reaching into the cabinet and trying to tape it right was a dirty S.O.B.

only after did I realize I should have cut the pieces of insulation to size, then taped the Mylar to the board, then installed.EF920CBF-FD52-49CA-A704-3AAA54668D5F.jpeg

using HVAC metal tape I went over all the corners and ceiling.
2 major things to note from the picture above: the case fans were replaced with larger fans, and I created a mini carbon filter with the frame of the case fan.
I did this by using window screen on both sides and filling it with activated carbon, then taping it up on all edges.
The new exhaust fan is a 4” inline Vivosun fan, which I also got the fan speed controller to make it a little quieter. The intake is just a regular old usb desk fan.

for the last steps, for general Circulation throughout the box, I took a multi speed usb Fan and taped a straw to the frame of it. I then used a 1/4” dowel cut to the height of the box and slid it through the straw so I can adjust the fan height throughout the grow.491B40B5-91B8-45CC-8FBC-B0E2688D988D.jpeg
And obviously in the background I cut out a little area to have a thermometer/ hygrometer.

I’m in the middle of making some minor changes to the box, but I thought I’d share the V1 and get everyones opinions / input. This is my first grow box, and will be my second grow shortly.