SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
Howdy SS420. Too cool! Green with envy. but lots respect for all the hard work you put into your girls.:mrgreen::mrgreen: I can only wonder if I can be as patient as you, during the budding phase.Take a bow, cause those are some seriously sweer looking buds:peace:
it's easy to be patient when you have a goal to achieve.. reaching my numbers means i get to expand... and waiting until they are at peak doneness means more for me in the end that i can have through this grow..

i have decided i am going to keep the tundra for sure.. maybe another blueberry strain.. and the strawberry cough.. and the lemon haze.. the haze is definitely going to be a longer strain.. its not near as done as the others are.. the trichs are still clear while most of the others are heavily milky now... i figure it'll have a couple weeks longer.. but the claims about the high yield is very apparent... hell i may even go with a full room of just lemon haze.. and have mothers of the other couple for some straight to 12/12 clones or something.. im still working out the kinks..

looking good bro, great job um um um good
thanks bro.. they still dont compare to your girls.. but im trying!! you should come get a puppy when they are ready to be taken... they are cute as fuck and are going to be awesome dogs!


Active Member
i have decided i am going to keep the tundra for sure.. maybe another blueberry strain.. and the strawberry cough.. and the lemon haze.. the haze is definitely going to be a longer strain.. its not near as done as the others are.. the trichs are still clear while most of the others are heavily milky now... i figure it'll have a couple weeks longer..
So are you planning to flush? If so, how/when do you flush if the different strains mature at different times?


Well-Known Member
i am going to flush.. or try to at least... i havent figured out how i am going to yet for sure.. i think at week 8 i will start running a 1/4 strength solution through the system... this will act as a pre flush or whatever you want to call it.. then i think i will run florakleen through the system for a day or two before cut down.. i am going to balance when i harvest.. i think that if i want until the plants that are furthest along are almost completely ambered that the ones that are as far along will at least have started to amber.. so i may have some early stage ambering and later stage ambering throughout the plants.. but i think that will be the best thing... this last monday was week 5/ day 35.. if i wait to start the 1/4 strength until week 8/day 40 it will be 3 weeks i start.. i think that is going to be my plan..


Active Member
i am going to flush.. or try to at least... i havent figured out how i am going to yet for sure.. i think at week 8 i will start running a 1/4 strength solution through the system... this will act as a pre flush or whatever you want to call it.. then i think i will run florakleen through the system for a day or two before cut down.. i am going to balance when i harvest.. i think that if i want until the plants that are furthest along are almost completely ambered that the ones that are as far along will at least have started to amber.. so i may have some early stage ambering and later stage ambering throughout the plants.. but i think that will be the best thing... this last monday was week 5/ day 35.. if i wait to start the 1/4 strength until week 8/day 40 it will be 3 weeks i start.. i think that is going to be my plan..
Seems like a good plan to me. Can't wait to see how the crop turns out. So far it looks great. Nice Job!


Well-Known Member
love all the pix my dude there are so many crystals on those girls!
Seems like a good plan to me. Can't wait to see how the crop turns out. So far it looks great. Nice Job!

thanks guys...

ill tell ya, since i've had the puppies time is flying by.. its been almost a week since i've had them.. and it only feels like a day or two.. its helping to pass the days quicker and reach my goal faster...

if anyone has the opportunity to try koolbloom liquid and dry in combo together i highly recommend it... the liquid is the standard bulkening, flower enhancer, bud booster formula you use from day 1 of flowering.. the dry is a ripening formula used to push the flowers through a final swell... its supposed to be used the last 2 or 3 weeks... i started introducing it week 4... i've noticed the two of them together has made a huge difference... as i said very noticeable growth changes daily.. the floranectar has done its part in sugar coating the buds... and that other additives and nutes i have used are more than doing their part in making large beautiful flowers..

i think i may make a new video and post in a few days... its hard to get a good idea of how things really look in pictures.. i can tell you that the blueberry has all 8 to 12 inch buds that are 2 to 3 inches thick.. the cough has 4 or 5 x 12+ inch colas... the tundra is just littered with 6+ inch colas, that are going to be larger once the lower flowers finish growing into it... the shark is going to have a TON of buds.. but they arent going to be as big as i hoped.. they should all be nice 7 or so gram buds tho.. and the gigabud it really starting to push the flowers to do a final swell.. i am sure that the gigabud will be the first done plant.. and its only a couple weeks away... maybe earlier.. if any of the girls are done before week 8 i am just going to cut them without a flush...

i was thinking about something the other day.. and was curious what you all think... i saw some pics of buds that people had fed food coloring to the plant when they were being produced... it turned the buds a really interesting color... i was thinking with a hydro system it would be perfect to introduce food coloring to.. it could be added every res change and the plants would have 8 to 9 weeks of drinking it.. which should really make fore some crazy colored flowers... i dont think i'll try this myself.. just a thought i had..


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about something the other day.. and was curious what you all think... i saw some pics of buds that people had fed food coloring to the plant when they were being produced... it turned the buds a really interesting color... i was thinking with a hydro system it would be perfect to introduce food coloring to.. it could be added every res change and the plants would have 8 to 9 weeks of drinking it.. which should really make fore some crazy colored flowers... i dont think i'll try this myself.. just a thought i had..

Why mess with something that isn't broke. Let your big beautiful buds speak for themselves.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
it's easy to be patient when you have a goal to achieve.. reaching my numbers means i get to expand... and waiting until they are at peak doneness means more for me in the end that i can have through this grow..

i have decided i am going to keep the tundra for sure.. maybe another blueberry strain.. and the strawberry cough.. and the lemon haze.. the haze is definitely going to be a longer strain.. its not near as done as the others are.. the trichs are still clear while most of the others are heavily milky now... i figure it'll have a couple weeks longer.. but the claims about the high yield is very apparent... hell i may even go with a full room of just lemon haze.. and have mothers of the other couple for some straight to 12/12 clones or something.. im still working out the kinks..

thanks bro.. they still dont compare to your girls.. but im trying!! you should come get a puppy when they are ready to be taken... they are cute as fuck and are going to be awesome dogs!
and when you have a extra plant growing in the corner just for be impatiant... hehehehehe:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about something the other day.. and was curious what you all think... i saw some pics of buds that people had fed food coloring to the plant when they were being produced... it turned the buds a really interesting color... i was thinking with a hydro system it would be perfect to introduce food coloring to.. it could be added every res change and the plants would have 8 to 9 weeks of drinking it.. which should really make fore some crazy colored flowers... i dont think i'll try this myself.. just a thought i had..

Why mess with something that isn't broke. Let your big beautiful buds speak for themselves.
thats why i havent done it... its just.. a cool thought.. the only thing i would be concerned with is the food coloring staying in the buds.. like a residue.. that would burn them weird.. or make them crack popple... anyways... if i could do it to only 1 plant i would try it.. dont wanna run it through all my plants tho...

and when you have a extra plant growing in the corner just for be impatiant... hehehehehe:mrgreen:
whats sad is.. i dont have that extra plant going... until i get the flower room up and the coliseum up i dont think i will have that extra plant for me.. unless i do a dirt grow or something... or do some auto flowers along the way also... i dont know yet tho... till then, i will be bummin... :cry:


Well-Known Member
since the puppies came i've really been slackin on the journal.. but then again there hasnt been a whole lot to update on...

today is day 42... so still got 2 to 3 weeks left... time is passing quickly know as i antisipate the new room... i think i am going to stick with M. Tundra, SLH, and someones BB (any suggestions on which breeder)... they are the strains that seem like they will have the biggest yield per plant..

the girls are doing amazing... the SLH is going to have some crazy long colas... the tops add about 1/8" to 1/4" inch of growth a day.. i've had to start modifying how they are tied down to make them fit..

the gigabud has added about an inch or so over the last couple weeks... she's start to plump out which is nice.. but the buds are rock hard as is... so whether they continue to grow up or grow out, i dont much care...

the white sharks are doing well.. the clone actually has much larger buds than the bush does.. the bush is COVERED in popcorn buds.. it really surprises me.. but i guess she did get super stressed along the way.. she still have time to fill out a little tho..

the blueberry is blowing me away.. the buds are so long and fat and sticky and smelly... i just sit and stare at it sometimes... and since the pistils have started to color the buds are beautiful.. a nice blueish-green hue.. im hoping it gets a little bluer colored but oh well.. a funny story, sort of.. the other day i was up cleaning dead leaves from plants, and worked a lot on the blue berry (had a ton of small dead leaves throughout her)... when i was done i made my gf (yea... we are back together.... :wall::wall::wall:) smell my fingers.. she immediately picked up a STRONG blueberry smell.. strong enough she wanted me to go buy a fucking blueberry pie...

the strawberry cough is crazy... the buds are so dark green, with bright red pistils... they are starting to purp around the edges a little.. she smells amazing... really strong pungent smell... but for her size the yield isnt what i want... she may show back up in later grows tho.. when i have stronger flowering lights.. to really see what she's made of..

and lastly the tundra.. what can i say about the tundra's except HOLY SHIT... the colas, which there are PLENTY of, are all fat as fuck... what could be considered the "main cola", on each of them, are as fat as a 12 ounce beer bottle.. maybe even fatter.. and will easily be longer than... they are really starting to pick up some beautiful purple colors... and are frosted like a newly fallen snow... just an amazing amazing strain.. i cant wait to smoke some...

so the problem i have is that i wont have a lot of any one kind to set back for myself.. so i think i will end up with an 1/8th or so of each kind to set back in my personal stash, until next harvest, and just hope i can make them last.. i'll smoke some other stuff during the time, and only pull them out for special occasions.. thats my goal at least..

i have to change out the reservoir either today or tomorrow.. today is the normal day.. but i am finally catching up on sleep (damn puppies are loud for their size, and the momma puppy needs to shit every 2 hours it seems) and its actually making me more tired... so i may not get to it today.. but i promise to have new pics up, hopefully today, but maybe tomorrow.. until then, just close your eyes and dream.. bongsmilie i am also going to make a new youtube video in the next week or so.. maybe 1 before harvest and a day of harvest video...
since the puppies came i've really been slackin on the journal.. but then again there hasnt been a whole lot to update on...

today is day 42... so still got 2 to 3 weeks left... time is passing quickly know as i antisipate the new room... i think i am going to stick with M. Tundra, SLH, and someones BB (any suggestions on which breeder)... they are the strains that seem like they will have the biggest yield per plant..

the girls are doing amazing... the SLH is going to have some crazy long colas... the tops add about 1/8" to 1/4" inch of growth a day.. i've had to start modifying how they are tied down to make them fit..

the gigabud has added about an inch or so over the last couple weeks... she's start to plump out which is nice.. but the buds are rock hard as is... so whether they continue to grow up or grow out, i dont much care...

the white sharks are doing well.. the clone actually has much larger buds than the bush does.. the bush is COVERED in popcorn buds.. it really surprises me.. but i guess she did get super stressed along the way.. she still have time to fill out a little tho..

the blueberry is blowing me away.. the buds are so long and fat and sticky and smelly... i just sit and stare at it sometimes... and since the pistils have started to color the buds are beautiful.. a nice blueish-green hue.. im hoping it gets a little bluer colored but oh well.. a funny story, sort of.. the other day i was up cleaning dead leaves from plants, and worked a lot on the blue berry (had a ton of small dead leaves throughout her)... when i was done i made my gf (yea... we are back together.... :wall::wall::wall:) smell my fingers.. she immediately picked up a STRONG blueberry smell.. strong enough she wanted me to go buy a fucking blueberry pie...

the strawberry cough is crazy... the buds are so dark green, with bright red pistils... they are starting to purp around the edges a little.. she smells amazing... really strong pungent smell... but for her size the yield isnt what i want... she may show back up in later grows tho.. when i have stronger flowering lights.. to really see what she's made of..

and lastly the tundra.. what can i say about the tundra's except HOLY SHIT... the colas, which there are PLENTY of, are all fat as fuck... what could be considered the "main cola", on each of them, are as fat as a 12 ounce beer bottle.. maybe even fatter.. and will easily be longer than... they are really starting to pick up some beautiful purple colors... and are frosted like a newly fallen snow... just an amazing amazing strain.. i cant wait to smoke some...

so the problem i have is that i wont have a lot of any one kind to set back for myself.. so i think i will end up with an 1/8th or so of each kind to set back in my personal stash, until next harvest, and just hope i can make them last.. i'll smoke some other stuff during the time, and only pull them out for special occasions.. thats my goal at least..

i have to change out the reservoir either today or tomorrow.. today is the normal day.. but i am finally catching up on sleep (damn puppies are loud for their size, and the momma puppy needs to shit every 2 hours it seems) and its actually making me more tired... so i may not get to it today.. but i promise to have new pics up, hopefully today, but maybe tomorrow.. until then, just close your eyes and dream.. bongsmilie i am also going to make a new youtube video in the next week or so.. maybe 1 before harvest and a day of harvest video...
Howdy SS420,
I'm on pins and needles thinking about your tundra, super lemon haze, and blueberry BUDS.:eyesmoke: I want to buy some exotic seeds, but I don't want to get ripped off either, any suggestions on which of your pretty ladies might be a good fit for my limited knowledge and 8x8x10 grow lab?:?: I currently have Pinny Paralyser clones which are wickedly strong, almost like a knock-out punch from Mike Tyson in his prime, but I'd like to try something different preferably super potent, and unique. I was leaning towards a strain called 'whitecastle' because of its supposed potentcy and super yield, but I trust results, and you've got some serious results!:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
I am still posting results in my journal and have just begun the flowering phase. I'm pretty excited.:mrgreen:
I can relate to your weariness, regarding your doggie mom and puppies, as my wife just rescued 2 pugs from the pound, a pair, Diego and Hidee, who is also pregnant. I want to find them a good home, and Hidee is very cute, looks like a fawn football with legs! But we'll probably end up delivering her pups before we find her a home.:peace: I can't see how anyone could've let this sweet pair slip through their fingers. My wife breeds pugs, but we've been cautious with the bad economy. We already have 6 pugs that are our pets, and my oldest sons elderly lab/pug half-breed to feed, care for ,and love. Needless to say I spend an unbelieveable amount of time walking dogs each day.:neutral: Don't get me wrong I love my pugs, especially my little buddy Lil Mel, but all of the extra work involved having a set of visiting/rescued pugs is nerve wrecking.
Oh well, at least I can kick back and relax when I need to!:joint: Keep up the good work, and check out my thread if you get the chance.
P.S. I'd keep at least an OZ of each for myself. You worked extremely hard on your grow, and should benefit from your sweat equity.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the vid again. ur last soil vid had me blown away. excited to see wut u did on this 1. ya everything in my room is starting to purp up, dont know if its the P shortage during flush or the recent cold weather. but its def been nice ive been able to maintain 60-76 no problem w./o a.c due to fall.winter conditions. started journaling my shit on the walls, so i dont overfeed or forget feedings. living by my ppm meter again. and shits starting to show. anyways cant wait for the vid..


Well-Known Member
Howdy SS420,
I'm on pins and needles thinking about your tundra, super lemon haze, and blueberry BUDS.:eyesmoke: I want to buy some exotic seeds, but I don't want to get ripped off either, any suggestions on which of your pretty ladies might be a good fit for my limited knowledge and 8x8x10 grow lab?:?: I currently have Pinny Paralyser clones which are wickedly strong, almost like a knock-out punch from Mike Tyson in his prime, but I'd like to try something different preferably super potent, and unique. I was leaning towards a strain called 'whitecastle' because of its supposed potentcy and super yield, but I trust results, and you've got some serious results!:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
I am still posting results in my journal and have just begun the flowering phase. I'm pretty excited.:mrgreen:
I can relate to your weariness, regarding your doggie mom and puppies, as my wife just rescued 2 pugs from the pound, a pair, Diego and Hidee, who is also pregnant. I want to find them a good home, and Hidee is very cute, looks like a fawn football with legs! But we'll probably end up delivering her pups before we find her a home.:peace: I can't see how anyone could've let this sweet pair slip through their fingers. My wife breeds pugs, but we've been cautious with the bad economy. We already have 6 pugs that are our pets, and my oldest sons elderly lab/pug half-breed to feed, care for ,and love. Needless to say I spend an unbelieveable amount of time walking dogs each day.:neutral: Don't get me wrong I love my pugs, especially my little buddy Lil Mel, but all of the extra work involved having a set of visiting/rescued pugs is nerve wrecking.
Oh well, at least I can kick back and relax when I need to!:joint: Keep up the good work, and check out my thread if you get the chance.
P.S. I'd keep at least an OZ of each for myself. You worked extremely hard on your grow, and should benefit from your sweat equity.:bigjoint:
well bro.. as far as potent strains that yield high and are easy to grow, i would recommend the super lemon haze.. it can take a high EC/PPM, so if you over feed it would hurt as much.. if left to veg a little while can be an extremely high yielder for the size of the plant... but does take a little longer to flower, as it does have sativa dominance... also, its a fairly new strain so the phenos are still a bit varried... i have one really great looking one and one that looks like a charlie brown christmas tree.. so if you are looking for uniformity i would look else where...

as far as other strains that are easy to grow and potent... well... theres a lot... lol hard to say unless i have a list in front of me to say yes/no to... i would just look around on the attitude and see what you can turn up..

the pups are starting to settle down a little and things are slowly returning to normal.. still working on catching up on sleep.. but i'm getting there...

cant wait to see the vid again. ur last soil vid had me blown away. excited to see wut u did on this 1. ya everything in my room is starting to purp up, dont know if its the P shortage during flush or the recent cold weather. but its def been nice ive been able to maintain 60-76 no problem w./o a.c due to fall.winter conditions. started journaling my shit on the walls, so i dont overfeed or forget feedings. living by my ppm meter again. and shits starting to show. anyways cant wait for the vid..
sounds like that weather there is about like what i have here... just perfect for indoors... especially when you have an outdoor fresh air intake...i've been loving it.. as have the girls.. seems you know exactly what i mean.. bongsmilie

i'm pretty excited to do a new video... it'll really show off how things are... its like i've said before.. pictures are nice.. but video REALLY shows things off... be looking for it in the next week...


alright guys.. so here are some pics... enjoy!!



Well-Known Member
nice shit sammy i like those . and especially the 1 foot cola thats nice shit man and when u gunna do the vid so we all can see how your shit is going bro


Well-Known Member
im going to try to get the camera i need to take the video friday.. i cant take video off my phone and transfer to my computer for some reason.. which is fucking stupid.. so i have to wait to borrow the right camera...


Well-Known Member
things are lovely!! the trich covering is great.. im super stoked..

took a sample of the gigabud to try.. and damn.. it was great.. smooth.. good taste.. great high... should be amazing when everything is done!