SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
last night was a buddy's girlfriends birthday... went out last night and i am feeling rough today.. dont know if i will be able to do the video.. but i PROMISE i will have it up very very very soon...

when i went into the room to turn the lights on this morning i was in my boxers as normal.. i brushed up against a few of the girls with my leg accidentally.. and damn, it feels like i have honey or duct tape residue in my leg hair.. it sucks.. and feels nasty.. but its a good thing in a way.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
today officially is day 49... so i have a week or 2 until chop!! bout damn time huh?? then it begins all over again with the expanded setup! im getting really excited..

the girls are looking great.. they really are swelling from the 6th week explosion... should put on some nice weight over the next week... i think i am going to harvest on day 63... so 2 weeks from today.. unless something happens inbetween and i need to chop early..

i was going to take and post pics, but i should be doing a video tomorrow sometime and posting it... by wednesday for sure.. so ill just keep you all in anticipation for that...

time to start finalizing the shopping list of seeds and equipment i will need... gotta lot of work coming up...


Well-Known Member
That brings to mind a question I've had: When EXACTLY should you start the next crop?

From germ to veg room - 3 weeks? Then another 3 or 4 weeks in the veg room? So if a crop takes 8-9 weeks to mature, that means you should start germing the next crop 2 weeks after the others go in?

I want to end up with 12-18 inch tall plants when they go to flower.


Well-Known Member
That brings to mind a question I've had: When EXACTLY should you start the next crop?

From germ to veg room - 3 weeks? Then another 3 or 4 weeks in the veg room? So if a crop takes 8-9 weeks to mature, that means you should start germing the next crop 2 weeks after the others go in?

I want to end up with 12-18 inch tall plants when they go to flower.
its hard to say when to start a new crop.. mainly because of strain to strain growth rate differences.. a sativa will reach 18 inches before an indica.. but, for the most part what you outlined above is where i would start.. you can always adjust timing from there... thats part of the fine tuning we all have to do..

i have the space for larger plants.. so about a week before i switch to flowering i will take clones so (hopefully) they will be rooted and ready to go as soon as i clear the girls out and into flowering.. so i can get a solid 2 months of vegging... but thats just in my circumstance... but like i said, i think you are a good track to start with bro!!

i wonder what they will look like bro lol ima be stoping by in a min so be prepared bro
they wont be up when you get here.. at least these wont.. but i have decided on these 3 strains to keep around for sure;

super lemon haze
m. tundra

now its just deciding which blueberry i want...

does anyone know how easy any of these strains take to cloning?? just curious..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
its hard to say when to start a new crop.. mainly because of strain to strain growth rate differences.. a sativa will reach 18 inches before an indica.. but, for the most part what you outlined above is where i would start.. you can always adjust timing from there... that's part of the fine tuning we all have to do..

i have the space for larger plants.. so about a week before i switch to flowering i will take clones so (hopefully) they will be rooted and ready to go as soon as i clear the girls out and into flowering.. so i can get a solid 2 months of vegging... but that's just in my circumstance... but like i said, i think you are a good track to start with bro!!

they wont be up when you get here.. at least these wont.. but i have decided on these 3 strains to keep around for sure;

super lemon haze
m. tundra

now its just deciding which blueberry i want...

does anyone know how easy any of these strains take to cloning?? just curious..
the haze and blueberry are pretty tolerant tocloning..waz up how the hell have you been. i havent for got the stork me busy busy man right now. plus i need to find a ride to the post office.


Well-Known Member
My buleberry are good cloners with almost all of them making it. The white widow is super easy to clone and grows fast. The Speed Queen I am not impressed with so far, but we will see once it goes into flower.


Well-Known Member
the haze and blueberry are pretty tolerant tocloning..waz up how the hell have you been. i havent for got the stork me busy busy man right now. plus i need to find a ride to the post office.
what the fucks new brotha!! been a minute... i am sure you have been a busy fucker... are you done trimming and everything yet?? harvest time is a busy time.. i hope you didnt forget about me.. i dont think you did.. lol its cool bro.. when you get the time its all good.. im not going anywhere... stork is a few weeks out for you tho..

cutting time is quickly approaching for me too.. i am trying to get this damn digital camera around.. i was supposed to have it yesterday, but my dad forget to grab it from his house so im still waiting.. yes, i am 25 and dont have a camera myself... my cell works for great video.. i just, for what ever reason, cant get the video from my phone to my computer...

My buleberry are good cloners with almost all of them making it. The white widow is super easy to clone and grows fast. The Speed Queen I am not impressed with so far, but we will see once it goes into flower.
thanks for the heads up on the cloning strains guys... its much appriciated... one of the keys to this all is having strains that clone quick and easily so i can maintain a good pace with things... 6 months or so from now ill be swimming in clones and plants and all types of shit.. wow... its a mind fuck sometimes when i picture what i want... gotta see it happen first before it can happen tho.. if you know what i mean...


Well-Known Member
i made a video tonight guys.. and i apparently dont have the appropriate cord to connect the camera to my computer with.. so itll be another day or so before i can post it.. but its done at least..

here are a few pics i took to get by.. hope its enough..



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
all i can say is...... goooollliiiii sgt. carter WOW HOLLY SHIT THAT LOOKS DANK great job bro. looks very nice. yous shouldbe very proud of that there grow.. very proud in deeed. + reps