since the puppies came i've really been slackin on the journal.. but then again there hasnt been a whole lot to update on...
today is day 42... so still got 2 to 3 weeks left... time is passing quickly know as i antisipate the new room... i think i am going to stick with M. Tundra, SLH, and someones BB (any suggestions on which breeder)... they are the strains that seem like they will have the biggest yield per plant..
the girls are doing amazing... the SLH is going to have some crazy long colas... the tops add about 1/8" to 1/4" inch of growth a day.. i've had to start modifying how they are tied down to make them fit..
the gigabud has added about an inch or so over the last couple weeks... she's start to plump out which is nice.. but the buds are rock hard as is... so whether they continue to grow up or grow out, i dont much care...
the white sharks are doing well.. the clone actually has much larger buds than the bush does.. the bush is COVERED in popcorn buds.. it really surprises me.. but i guess she did get super stressed along the way.. she still have time to fill out a little tho..
the blueberry is blowing me away.. the buds are so long and fat and sticky and smelly... i just sit and stare at it sometimes... and since the pistils have started to color the buds are beautiful.. a nice blueish-green hue.. im hoping it gets a little bluer colored but oh well.. a funny story, sort of.. the other day i was up cleaning dead leaves from plants, and worked a lot on the blue berry (had a ton of small dead leaves throughout her)... when i was done i made my gf (yea... we are back together....

) smell my fingers.. she immediately picked up a STRONG blueberry smell.. strong enough she wanted me to go buy a fucking blueberry pie...
the strawberry cough is crazy... the buds are so dark green, with bright red pistils... they are starting to purp around the edges a little.. she smells amazing... really strong pungent smell... but for her size the yield isnt what i want... she may show back up in later grows tho.. when i have stronger flowering lights.. to really see what she's made of..
and lastly the tundra.. what can i say about the tundra's except HOLY SHIT... the colas, which there are PLENTY of, are all fat as fuck... what could be considered the "main cola", on each of them, are as fat as a 12 ounce beer bottle.. maybe even fatter.. and will easily be longer than... they are really starting to pick up some beautiful purple colors... and are frosted like a newly fallen snow... just an amazing amazing strain.. i cant wait to smoke some...
so the problem i have is that i wont have a lot of any one kind to set back for myself.. so i think i will end up with an 1/8th or so of each kind to set back in my personal stash, until next harvest, and just hope i can make them last.. i'll smoke some other stuff during the time, and only pull them out for special occasions.. thats my goal at least..
i have to change out the reservoir either today or tomorrow.. today is the normal day.. but i am finally catching up on sleep (damn puppies are loud for their size, and the momma puppy needs to shit every 2 hours it seems) and its actually making me more tired... so i may not get to it today.. but i promise to have new pics up, hopefully today, but maybe tomorrow.. until then, just close your eyes and dream..

i am also going to make a new youtube video in the next week or so.. maybe 1 before harvest and a day of harvest video...