SS run-off ppm


Well-Known Member
My SS mix is ready to be used and was wondering if anyone knows what the ppm's should be? I took a sample in a foam cup, filled with water and poked a hole near the bottom of the cup and drained the water into a bowl. I actually have 2 containers with the soil and one got filled with rain a few weeks ago and I drained and dried it and it has a higher ppm than the one that didnt get soaked. Also, my tapwater has a ppm of 400, does that effect the actual ppm? My samples came out roughly 850 ppm for the one that got wet and 750 ppm for the other one. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!! sub, I know youve heard it before, but YOU DA MAN! I feel honored to get a reply from you:) 4100!!! Holy shit. Im way off. This is what I mixed up. What should I do to make it right?

peat moss 2 or so cu. ft
worm castings 10 lbs
bat guano 1.25 lbs
cow manure 15 lbs
perlite 1 cu. ft
azomite 1/8 cup
epsom salt 1/8 cup
humic acid 1/2 tbs
blood meal 1.25 lbs
bone meal 1.25 lbs
kelp meal 1.25 lbs
lime 1/2 cup


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!! sub, I know youve heard it before, but YOU DA MAN! I feel honored to get a reply from you:) 4100!!! Holy shit. Im way off. This is what I mixed up. What should I do to make it right?

peat moss 2 or so cu. ft
worm castings 10 lbs
bat guano 1.25 lbs
cow manure 15 lbs
perlite 1 cu. ft
azomite 1/8 cup
epsom salt 1/8 cup
humic acid 1/2 tbs
blood meal 1.25 lbs
bone meal 1.25 lbs
kelp meal 1.25 lbs
lime 1/2 cup

the more it breaks down the higher the available food content. your soil is good an ready.



Well-Known Member
Use the actual recipe bro.
I used it as close to it as I could with what is available to me. Aside from replacing the FFOF or Roots with peat moss w/o coco and sizing smaller portions, what did I leave out? I tried to keep the ratios the same. I studied it for weeks before I decided to make the mix, asked several questions here and a few guys said this mix would do good.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
look at the super soil guide, Sub outlined what you need to know like a million times. I wouldn't have gone with peat moss though. A high quality potting soil makes a huge diffrence in the mix.


Well-Known Member
look at the super soil guide, Sub outlined what you need to know like a million times. I wouldn't have gone with peat moss though. A high quality potting soil makes a huge diffrence in the mix.
Yes, yes, yes. Not all ingredients available!!! I cant afford to pay $50 a bag to have high quality potting soil shipped to me. None of the nurserys around carry a good base soil. Ive read nearly every post on this subject a dozen times. Peat moss wasnt my first choice, but my ONLY choice. If thats all I got wrong, then I guess Ill have to pay whatever it takes to get the best base soil. Would MG Organic mix work? I can get that at walmart.


Well-Known Member
Oh, since I only used peat moss, I added cow manure. Will this mix work or should/could I add a high-end base to it or just start over?

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
if you have a hydro shop anywhere near you ask them to order it for you. Even if you have to drive 1 or 2 hours to get it's worth it. you might have to pay for it before hand. . walmart soil grows walmart bud and i would be very hesitant using anything made by miracle grow

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
The thing is that when you use peat moss instead of roots you are leaving out about 20 ingredients that would be extremly beneficial. Starting over is a big hassle. If you start over yes your mix will be better though if you use roots. With a peat moss base i think you will have to do alot of supplemental feeding.


Well-Known Member
Oh, since I only used peat moss, I added cow manure. Will this mix work or should/could I add a high-end base to it or just start over?
You made the decision in your head to buy all stuff and mix it up. Then you come here and go "hey, will this work". That makes no sense.

Grow a set before you grow the cannabis and use your soil like a man!


Well-Known Member
I would not trust Roots to have excellent quality control so when you buy a bag and grow with it, you may get the perfect amount of NPK and trace minerals or you may get too much of one and not enough of another.

So dont worry about your soil, use it and if you start seeing a nute def
Correvt it using that chart. Just dont put your seedlings in that mix of yours. Things will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Thanks DAJ. I wasnt wanting to resort to MG. So, if I was able to get a few bags of FFOF or Roots, should I make a new mix or just add it to what I have?


Well-Known Member
I have watched my 67 year old neighbor grow great plants that stay green all way using MG Moisture Control. And he does not have a clue what he is doing and he gets all his advice from me or 420 mag.
I told him "we have to go to the big city and get roots"
He went to HD. I drove to the big city. His weed in MG looks every bit as good as mine did in Roots

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'd go down to the local nursery and get a bag of their house brand potting soil, and use that as a base. You can use peat, but be aware that it's acidic and you'll have to lime it. Manure will get you thru the veg phase, no prob. It is a nute in and of itself.
You don't have to have "Name Brand" stuff. You will get just as good if not better using other, more readily available stuff. Rather than go thet route you're going, maybe you want to consider getting the soil I mentioned, some earthworm castings, a bag of Espoma BioTone Plus, and a bag of either Espomas Kelp or Bone meal, all of which you can get locally. Mix them together, and water from then on, supplementing with the occasional tea.

You are chasing your tail trying to interpolate PPMs in soil. There are way too many variables that will throw off the PPM count to be a reliable indicator of the nutrient content. pH shouldn't even be an issue there either. Soil stabilizes pH if mixed properly. Mix the soil, take a sample and water thru it. Read the pH. If it's low, add lime bit by bit until it's where you want it. Lowering a high pH is a lot harder than raising a low pH. Once the pH of the soil itself is established, you shouldn't be able to fuck it up if you stick with organics. The runoff pH will be an INDICATOR of the inside soil conditions. To get the true pH of your soil, carefully dig a spoonful out from the middle and put it in a jar with enough distilled water to make a slurry. Read the pH of that.
BTW, there is nothing wrong with Miracle Gro. It's just not cool enough for some people I guess,


Well-Known Member
You made the decision in your head to buy all stuff and mix it up. Then you come here and go "hey, will this work". That makes no sense.

Grow a set before you grow the cannabis and use your soil like a man!
I made the decision after discussing it with other members over a month ago. Many of them use peat moss as their base with good results. I didnt have any concerns until I saw my ppms were very low. I figured I needed to add more of another ingredient or two since I downsized the portions. Ive done tons of research and come across lots of conflicting answers like here today. Yes, subs exact recipe wouldve been ideal, but Damn it people! Sometimes you must work with what you can! I have several threads from August asking many questions trying to get as many facts as possible and based my list on the answers I received. I do NOT appreciate the negative comments! Ive been growing hydro and soil-less or several years, this SS stuff is new to me and Im asking for HELP and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


Well-Known Member
I'd go down to the local nursery and get a bag of their house brand potting soil, and use that as a base. You can use peat, but be aware that it's acidic and you'll have to lime it. Manure will get you thru the veg phase, no prob. It is a nute in and of itself.
You don't have to have "Name Brand" stuff. You will get just as good if not better using other, more readily available stuff. Rather than go thet route you're going, maybe you want to consider getting the soil I mentioned, some earthworm castings, a bag of Espoma BioTone Plus, and a bag of either Espomas Kelp or Bone meal, all of which you can get locally. Mix them together, and water from then on, supplementing with the occasional tea.

You are chasing your tail trying to interpolate PPMs in soil. There are way too many variables that will throw off the PPM count to be a reliable indicator of the nutrient content. pH shouldn't even be an issue there either. Soil stabilizes pH if mixed properly. Mix the soil, take a sample and water thru it. Read the pH. If it's low, add lime bit by bit until it's where you want it. Lowering a high pH is a lot harder than raising a low pH. Once the pH of the soil itself is established, you shouldn't be able to fuck it up if you stick with organics. The runoff pH will be an INDICATOR of the inside soil conditions. To get the true pH of your soil, carefully dig a spoonful out from the middle and put it in a jar with enough distilled water to make a slurry. Read the pH of that.
BTW, there is nothing wrong with Miracle Gro. It's just not cool enough for some people I guess,
Thank you! Thats the kind of answer I was looking for.