Spread the truth

Obama during his first term made an executive order to close gitmo. The only reason why it is still open is because there is something that the US is hiding from the american public there. If not he would have pushed it until it was closed like he pushed obamacare down our throats. How is everyone's paycheck after January 1st. Ahh... the price of universal health care.

How about the simple explanation? It serves the purpose that he was not briefed on completely. Closing it has implications he was unaware of. However, I like the idea that we the people, as a Govt hide things from we the people, civilians. We the civilians have a great track record, that we can't handle the truth. And we have free press that Lies in the dirt like a donkey's dick. Keep secrets from the press is part of the job.

Who care what the hide there? Just don't bring it here. That the point of Gitmo.
our government has rockets, missiles, smart bombs, unmanned drones, and all manner of easier ways to blow shit up than hijacking airliners and making a kamikaze run.

fuck, if tyhe Govt was involved and just wanted the building destroyed they could have just use Eminent Domain.
If our government did this, blowing the building up wouldn't have been the end goal. Getting everyone to back whatever dicision the government makes without questioning it, all in the name of anti terrorism would have been.

If the Feds would have smart bombed the WTC, what benefit would it have had for them?

They would have needed someone else to pin it on to create fear and dependence on them. How would the government benefit by blowing up their own building without having someone else to blame it on?
If our government did this, blowing the building up wouldn't have been the end goal. Getting everyone to back whatever dicision the government makes without questioning it, all in the name of anti terrorism would have been.

If the Feds would have smart bombed the WTC, what benefit would it have had for them?

They would have needed someone else to pin it on to create fear and dependence on them. How would the government benefit by blowing up their own building without having someone else to blame it on?

but the government controls the media (or so the Troofers claim) so they could have knocked over the buildings with a smart bomb and claimed it was suicide bombers, or iraqi spies, or they could have used unmanned planes and simply claimed they were hijacked airliners.

thats the basis of the Troofer's lies, the entire story is false, and you cant believe the reports from the congress,, the NTSB, the media, or what you saw with your own eyes.
But why would the government go to all the trouble of actually hijacking airliners when they allegedly have the power to simply fake it all anyhow.

just like the "moon landing was faked" dumbasses, or the flat earth society, Troofers need something to believe in, and something to make them feel like they are smarter than everybody else, even if its 100% pure fiction.

it's called Munchhausen syndrome. the pathological need to tell outlandish impossible tales and insist they are true. the telling of impossible stories gives the Troofer the feeling that he is "In The Know" and anyone who tells him he is full of shit is a "sheeple".

they are pretty easy to spot, since at some point they invariably start shrieking "WAKE UP!!!" (thats a key phrase... anyone who screams "WAKE UP!!" is ripe for a rubber room) or they start accusing disbelievers of being part of the conspiracy.
If our government did this, blowing the building up wouldn't have been the end goal. Getting everyone to back whatever dicision the government makes without questioning it, all in the name of anti terrorism would have been.

If the Feds would have smart bombed the WTC, what benefit would it have had for them?

They would have needed someone else to pin it on to create fear and dependence on them. How would the government benefit by blowing up their own building without having someone else to blame it on?

Right! Did we then try to use a truck bomb the first time? Did we do all these terror acts before and since? Embassy bombings? Nightclubs, barracks bombed? We shut down our air transport system and risked more death from over-facing the air traffic controller, fuel planners, etc? Invaded 2 countries and occupied them for a decade with the 100% (almost) backing of Congress and the rest of WE. And we did all this for Haliburton?

It is laughable if people were not so gullible. So, it's not just sad, it is very dangerous. Kids will be raised to think this.

Many thought the North wanted a Civil War and contrived the entire thing.....in the South they still call it the War of Northern Aggression.

People will "believe" anything.
How about the simple explanation? It serves the purpose that he was not briefed on completely. Closing it has implications he was unaware of. However, I like the idea that we the people, as a Govt hide things from we the people, civilians. We the civilians have a great track record, that we can't handle the truth. And we have free press that Lies in the dirt like a donkey's dick. Keep secrets from the press is part of the job. Who care what the hide there? Just don't bring it here. That the point of Gitmo.
Gitmo is the USA and everyone knows the torture that goes on there. It's existence can't be justified.
No, We the People, justify it and of course there is "torture." Let's drop the charade. You think we are arrogant warriors? We are. If you fuck with us, it will seem like you are drowning. No, strike that. It will seem like we are drowning you to death as a punishment for not being honest.

And they do talk and they aren't drowned to death. I'm sure the psycho scars run deep. But, they are not as deep as their stupidity for fucking with the USA. So, overall, I'd say they are being well educated.

And so is the world. But, you know, if they really need torture, we send them to Poland. They have lots of experience and motivation from WW2. They know all about Gestapo.

And make no mistake. It is Gestapo operatives we have at Gitmo.
How about the simple explanation? It serves the purpose that he was not briefed on completely. Closing it has implications he was unaware of. However, I like the idea that we the people, as a Govt hide things from we the people, civilians. We the civilians have a great track record, that we can't handle the truth. And we have free press that Lies in the dirt like a donkey's dick. Keep secrets from the press is part of the job.

Who care what the hide there? Just don't bring it here. That the point of Gitmo.

The Republicans not only blocked the transfer of the GITMO prisoners. They bragged about it. They wanted to use a closed down prison in Illionois
I know. So they say, so they say. Each side brags enough to sicken mules. We know that bragging is distorted, inflated, changes the details of the story, etc. Add some lame public polls, shake in the strict ideological divisions and Party lines, spray statistics EVERYWHERE. Then the media outlets take those braggadocio statements and add it back to all the above, but as it pertains to the mood of the people and advertisers. Pick and Choose Newz.

Then the Media Editorial Boards peels it all apart again, to present it, as if there was truth there and not just game. The Public picks it up, for pick up conversation at cocktail parties and in forum.

It is how we choose to be governed and by being here, consent. I think it is just fine. Our system at work.

It is why I don't take sides.
The Republicans not only blocked the transfer of the GITMO prisoners. They bragged about it. They wanted to use a closed down prison in Illionois

"some republicans" not all republicans, just some blocked the transparent and self serving idiocy of moving terrorist detainees, prisoners of the MILITARY to a non-military prison inside the US so they could get the kind of trials that purse snatchers and high ranking DOJ officials get when caught snatching purses or selling automatic weapons to the mexican mafia.

instead of say, a military prison in the arctic circle, or a Triple-Max Slam so deep under ground they will never see daylight again, BHO proposed moving these twats to ILLINOIS! (and the federal mordida that would come with them was merely incidental...)

sending the most dangerous detainees to the MOST CORRUPT state in the union for their detention is just stupid.

giving those twats access to the justice system that cant even keep Richard Alan Davis (look him up...) off the streets is INSANE.

Guantanamo bay is used as a prison because it's far enough to reduce the chances that the inmates will be busted out by their associates, close enough to our shores to be convenient , paid for, already staffed by our troops, and if one of the dippledinks should escape, they are loose in CUBA not chicago.

the math seems pretty easy to me.

as far as "torture" goes, if you get caught shooting at the US marine corps, in my opinion, you already exceeded the grace of provenance by surviving long enough to be captured.
being sent to warm and pleasant Cuba should be considered an adequate consolation prize for failing to achieve "martyrdom" and "paradise" promised to the deceased. theyre lucky im not in charge of their interrogation, cuz it would be an abrupt and unpleasant affair, often ending in their receipt of the 72 virgins and 18 smooth young boys (yeah, thats not creepy at all...) so widely celebrated for those who die facing the "great satan".

a little dampness and some strong language about your religious views is hardly torture, and since the geneva convention allows for the immediate and summary execution of spies saboteurs and other un-unifoirmed combatants, what the fuck are you complaining about?
Y U Make Me Agree Wif Chomsky?

If I ever agreed with Chomsky, I'd shoot myself too. But he's doing it all wrong. You put the gun, with the barrel pointing towards your brain, in your mouth. What if you flinch? The temple method risks you turning into a drooling liberal, like what happened to Brady.
If I ever agreed with Chomsky, I'd shoot myself too. But he's doing it all wrong. You put the gun, with the barrel pointing towards your brain, in your mouth. What if you flinch? The temple method risks you turning into a drooling liberal, like what happened to Brady.

Getting shot made Brady crap in a bag

his drooling retardation came much earlier in life, and resulted in his voting Democrat.
if they "had to do it someway" then it would have been so much easier for them to use a truckbomb

adding planes into the mix as a government operation addeds stupid layers of complexity/ failure/ discovery

it just doesnt make sense

Way too unoriginal. They already blamed whitey with that method. The Manchurian Candidate is so 20th century.
If our government did this, blowing the building up wouldn't have been the end goal. Getting everyone to back whatever dicision the government makes without questioning it, all in the name of anti terrorism would have been.

If the Feds would have smart bombed the WTC, what benefit would it have had for them?

They would have needed someone else to pin it on to create fear and dependence on them. How would the government benefit by blowing up their own building without having someone else to blame it on?

If the government did it, wouldn't it have been a simpler plan?. These guys can't even get their bitches to keep their mouth shut about sucking dick. Yet they can pull off bombing a building and blaming camel jockies? Seriously?
You must be talking about the entire republican party and the tea baggy movement. Now that Ron paul is retiring Do you think he will be the keynote speaker at the John Birch society........again?
Maybe, Robert Byrd can't make it!
"Why do you think 9/11 happened and then nothing has happened since then? Do you think our security is so great here that these people who pulled off 9/11 can't knock down another plane? 9/11 was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to perpetuate the fear of the American people into subordinating themselves into anything the government wants them to do. And to create this endless 'war on terror', which has no real enemy"
You so funny. Tell us how they faked the moon landing.
Obama during his first term made an executive order to close gitmo. The only reason why it is still open is because there is something that the US is hiding from the american public there. If not he would have pushed it until it was closed like he pushed obamacare down our throats. How is everyone's paycheck after January 1st. Ahh... the price of universal health care.
Obama never ordered Gitmo closed. He only promised he would. You believe everything he promised?
Right! Did we then try to use a truck bomb the first time? Did we do all these terror acts before and since? Embassy bombings? Nightclubs, barracks bombed? We shut down our air transport system and risked more death from over-facing the air traffic controller, fuel planners, etc? Invaded 2 countries and occupied them for a decade with the 100% (almost) backing of Congress and the rest of WE. And we did all this for Haliburton? It is laughable if people were not so gullible. So, it's not just sad, it is very dangerous. Kids will be raised to think this. Many thought the North wanted a Civil War and contrived the entire thing.....in the South they still call it the War of Northern Aggression. People will "believe" anything.
I've lived in the South over twenty years, and not once did I hear it called the War of Northern Aggression.