No, that's what you were brainwashed into thinking by the media and government. You've been brainwashed in a world where anyone who disagrees w/ controversial things, such as 9/11, is marked as a conspiracy theorist and insane. You ask questions and you're ridiculed, regardless of how undeniable the evidence is. Go along and keep living in this fantasy world where the government is there to serve and protect its people and never lies about anything. Why would a corrupt government let you in on what it's doing? For humanities sake, have some intuition. Have a will of your own to find out the truth. You probably haven't spent more than an hour of your life researching 9/11 and how it happened. If you did, you'd have questions. Unless you just accept everything the TV and newspapers tell you?
Well, I have. I don't take sides. I want to Know. You are in the fantasy.
Even if all of this were true, so what? What if this? What if that? Who cares? How many times will they dig up President Kennedy?
And serious, technical look at this shows it basically happened the way we all watched on TV. I saw a live broadcast, reporter on the street because of the first plane and the camera panned up to show the second plane smash the building.
It's so stupid. There is no one factual thing about that doesn't fit the story. Now, sure there is a lot of Monday morning quarter backing, not technical. "Rumsfeld said....." "When Bush mentioned.......he sounded funny."
Israel tourists got a good set of footage, so what? No one know what a giant building of that particular structure looks like when it falls, so WHAT?
But, techically all this "what really happened" is bullshit. Why do we have to have a superior power? It is just our fear of attack (can't happen here) plus the peacenik agenda. Rosy O'Donnald. Just ignorance and fear. In our heart of hearts, secret even unto us, it really would be better if we did 9/11 to ourselves.
Then we'd still be in control and there would be no war on terror. We can smuggly set aside the fear of Jihad. Not a good idea, at all.
Gitmo is still open. Why doesn't he close it if 9/11 never happened like that? Why we would we spend $T in treasure, align all our security into the Homeland banner, thousands of Military dead, attacks every 9/11 somewhere?
What? A lark? Bi-partisan, Military misadventure? For FUN?
Shit man, it is not so simple. If you have a simple explanation like govt mis-conduct, God, or Space Aliens, we wish!!
Not so simple as a grand higher power capable of fooling every single member of Congress. They have the secret breifings.
We don't.