The Republicans not only blocked the transfer of the GITMO prisoners. They bragged about it. They wanted to use a closed down prison in Illionois
"some republicans" not all republicans, just some blocked the transparent and self serving idiocy of moving terrorist detainees, prisoners of the MILITARY to a non-military prison inside the US so they could get the kind of trials that purse snatchers and high ranking DOJ officials get when caught snatching purses or selling automatic weapons to the mexican mafia.
instead of say, a military prison in the arctic circle, or a Triple-Max Slam so deep under ground they will never see daylight again, BHO proposed moving these twats to ILLINOIS! (and the federal mordida that would come with them was merely incidental...)
sending the most dangerous detainees to the MOST CORRUPT state in the union for their detention is just stupid.
giving those twats access to the justice system that cant even keep Richard Alan Davis (look him up...) off the streets is INSANE.
Guantanamo bay is used as a prison because it's far enough to reduce the chances that the inmates will be busted out by their associates, close enough to our shores to be convenient , paid for, already staffed by our troops, and if one of the dippledinks should escape, they are loose in CUBA not chicago.
the math seems pretty easy to me.
as far as "torture" goes, if you get caught shooting at the US marine corps, in my opinion, you already exceeded the grace of provenance by surviving long enough to be captured.
being sent to warm and pleasant Cuba should be considered an adequate consolation prize for failing to achieve "martyrdom" and "paradise" promised to the deceased. theyre lucky im not in charge of their interrogation, cuz it would be an abrupt and unpleasant affair, often ending in their receipt of the 72 virgins and 18 smooth young boys (yeah, thats not creepy at all...) so widely celebrated for those who die facing the "great satan".
a little dampness and some strong language about your religious views is hardly torture, and since the geneva convention allows for the immediate and summary execution of spies saboteurs and other un-unifoirmed combatants, what the fuck are you complaining about?