

Well-Known Member
So why do i gotta mix this up with luke warm water? and why do i gotta let it sit for 15 minutes?? This stuff works so fucking good its not even fucking funny (the fuckings are needed to show how well it actually works lol) I use it with a few other ferts and a wetting agent in veg and I've never seen results like this.

My questions still stand tho.. what is this stuff exactly? everything I've found is just micro nutes but that seems strange to me that you would have to mix in such a fashion.



Well-Known Member
Thank you. I foliar feed every 3-4 days. I'm pretty sure thats helping out with the bushiness. I just wish i knew exactly what i was giving them. After you mix the spray n grow with water you have to let it sit for 15 minutes and it turns a nice shade of amber. Whats going on during this time? Whats the magic behind this stuff!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I foliar feed every 3-4 days. I'm pretty sure thats helping out with the bushiness. I just wish i knew exactly what i was giving them. After you mix the spray n grow with water you have to let it sit for 15 minutes and it turns a nice shade of amber. Whats going on during this time? Whats the magic behind this stuff!!!!
I am not sure but it looks like it is working, I am very interested in your grow would like to see how it turns out


Well-Known Member
So far so good. I'm gonna put together a journal on these Headband seeds i think. I've tracked em with pics since they were little so i figure il do a write up when they are about done. (less suspense lol)

I do gotta tattle on myself a little and let you know these are seed plants too that helps a little with structure. I've found anything that started off life as a seed has a much denser structure.

il take some pics of my routine and post em here too if you like so you can see my nutes. Nitrozime is my best friend i absolutely love it in veg. cost a ton but you see how well it works. my main veg "base" nutrient too is Age old veg 12-6-6 shit works awesome.


Well-Known Member
Heres the girls huddled around the bucket waiting for me to put nutes in there for em! :mrgreen: (they are so impatient)


heres my nutes and ferts.


thats the majority of it. i add some coco and greensand when i mix up my dirt. i run sunshine advanced 4.

heres some of the budding beauties


Most of the bushy plants are bushing out on their own but sometimes they like to stay all Xmas tree on me so i gotta convince them a little bit


i attach bottom beaches to top ones to pull them up and to the side to get them up into the canopy. this works pretty good but my best bushy plants usually do it about on there own.

il leave ya one with all the girls that isn't wide angle. if any of those pics look weird or distorted some of them are on the 10-24mm wide angle lens.


5 gallon squat pots too. they rock.

*edit* nm the 2 pics of H202 and Mighty was i put a big section in this post that i deleted causer it was unneeded



Well-Known Member
the green and white bottle on the right side of the one pic is the spray and gro by the way


Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to grow clones and have some with the spray and some without. I am a skeptic, I need to see more than "this fucking stuff works!".


Well-Known Member
its not just spray and grow that i foliar feed. but I've always foliar fed and never had results like this. the tightness of inter nodal spacing is amazing. like i said i don't even know what it is, that was the whole point of this thread is what is the stuff? i even googled it and checked a few pages and only thing i can find is "micro nutrient"

im not trying to like sell the stuff to you... i don't care if you use it or not but in my grow its working and I'm curious as to what it is. so once again anyone have any ideas at all?!?!?!?!?

You have to mix it in luke warm water and then let it sit for 15 minutes while it turns amber. what is that all about? is it some kind of chemical reaction? micro life? enzymes?


Well-Known Member
i could get a side by side goin once i take some clones off my holy grail, so its not different seeds. that will be the good test too she likes to stretch out and get lenky. if i can get some holy grail too look like those headbands i posted then I'm for sure doing something right lol. I wonder how much has to do with the spray and grow?


Well-Known Member
I bought it couple yrs back from shopnbc.com and it didn't work for me I was using it on cones and my local hydro store had it also and no one buys it and I ask if it works and they said they never tried that stuff. But it's good that it's working for you.


Well-Known Member
Hydro stores sell what they want too most of the time. only about 10% of your customers have any idea at all what they want and they will probably buy it if you tell them to anyway.

Honestly it probably isn't the Spray-N-Grow for all i know. I'm spending more time daily then I ever spent in my garden before, 8-12 hours . I really just wanna know what this spray and grow is so i can even tell if its working or not lol. There are a couple of pretty unique things you can foliar feed and i wanna know if I'm using one of those weird tricks. (i.e. harpin protein)

I don't know how safe or nice to the plant things like those are really so id like to know what it is so i can study the stuff more. Any one have any hints? any other nutes that you gotta mix in warm water? it kinda looks like synthetic cal mag after it turns amber after 15 min. yellowish oily lookin kinda.


Well-Known Member

A lil update on the headbands that got the spray n grow. i quit using it since they came into the flower room but i think it accomplished all it needed to in veg. these plants are perfect little platforms to build off of in bloom!


Well-Known Member
reserva privada Headband https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/reserva-privada-sour-kush-aka-headband/prod_3309.html

I was under the impression that these were gonna be stretchy but i don't think thats the case lol
I grow kush as well but they never turn out as bushy as yours. I would love to try that strain but at 70 euro for 13 seeds thats to expensive for me. I get 15(plus extras) for 55 canadian at BCSeedKing.
But hey bro I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labour they look very good.
Another question for you: How many times did you top those girls?

P.S did the conversion and it's 110.00 us for 13 seeds there. Damn but such a nice plant though.