I feel you Mojo. A couple hours ago my wife was running around naked getting ready for work. While she was out of the bathroom, I snuck in and climbed into the shower so I could peep her getting ready. When I realized she went downstairs to get dressed, I got out of the shower quickly, and in my haste, I kicked the tub with my toes. A driving, straight down, heading for the floor, only hitting the top of the tub, kick. I immediately stumbled into the hall and began to cry out in pain (curse words mostly). The pain was extraordinary. I couldn't look, because I just knew the bone was sticking out of the skin on my second toe. Excruciating pain, and even more aggravating knowing how long it would take to heal, and gimp around. My wife came to the bottom of the stairs to see if I was ok, and no more. I finally looked, only because I wanted to make sure I wasn't bleeding all over the carpet. No bone protrusion, but it was still VERY angry at me. Still hurts, hours later.
Holy cow! And you guys call US drama queens LOL !! Priceless