Some women really like doggystyle

Haha...the good ol' Dog Bone...
Speaking of dog bone! Shit! My bro's mate got a DVD of one of the back pack wearing pirate DVD selling Chinese women who frequent any place with a scaffold. Anyway, the film was called: Sarah's dog! She was quite pretty,dark haired and slim. She had a SKATTOO! Sorry I meant tattoo! Of all things? A dog!!
So in this movie she starts of relatively normal, then he starts fisting her, I was very quite surprised, as said she was slim and relatively pretty,downside to time? Tattoo! Yuk!
so now the star appears,(I didn't know what this film was about.) a huge black and white Great Dane!
And when I say huge, I don't mean the actual dog, I mean his stabber!
Fucking hell! Seriously! This dog had a dick as thick as a coke can and nearly twice as long!
It was a strangely magnetic sight,yet totally fucking disgusting!
PICK cannot help but think of that woman's mind set, comprehend I cannot!
Just when you thought bestiality couldn’t get any ickier, it does – thanks to a man who is charged with having sex with a dead dog, in full view of a day care centre.
Ronald Kuch, a 44-year-old from Michigan, is charged with ‘crimes against nature’ after allegedly being seen engaging in sexual acts with the dog corpse, which had been dead for four or five days.
Police had already been called by day centre staff to remove the dead dog, which had been hit by a car several days before. But before police could arrive, Kuch allegedly turned up, and began getting his freak on with the canine cadaver. As luck would have it, that’s when the police turned up.
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Police say the sexual acts were witnessed not only by one of their officers, but by staff at the day care centre in Saginaw, Michigan.
When police tried to arrest him, he reportedly shoved an officer aside and ran away. He was eventually tracked down and discovered hiding in the attic of a nearby house – which, police say, belonged to his girlfriend.
Just to make this perfectly lovely story even more charming, police say that they have determined the dead dog had also belonged to his girlfriend. No word on whether he’d been grooming the dog before the incident, though.
If Kuch is convicted, he could face up to 15 years in prison, reports the Associated Press.
Haha...who does oral with a dog? The same person who fucks it, i guess...haha...

Do you really NEED to picture it? lol :mrgreen:
well, ya. lol if that's the subject at hand.but I don't need a picture, lol I just can't see how it could be done. is the dog just gonna lay back while she gives head? or does the dog eat here out instead? things I'd like to know. this thread is about bestiality, a subject I know nothing about. so I got questions.
well, ya. lol if that's the subject at hand.but I don't need a picture, lol I just can't see how it could be done. is the dog just gonna lay back while she gives head? or does the dog eat here out instead? things I'd like to know

IMO she could lather that thing up with some peanut butter and the dog would be happy to lick it for
I can understand being craven/desperate for sex, I mean shit!! I am and have been for too long!

But the thought of doing the dog! Fucking weirdo's

same for women, what fucked up thought process leads to, "I know! I'll let buster fuck me! I'll suck him off and let him give me a cream pie. And swallow its love juice too!
fucking hell, there is some, Oh so Twistedly fucked up humans on this earth!
Peadophilia,beastiality,necrophilia and most likely plenty more odd ball names and seriously fucked up people behind those names,participating in those sick and fucked up sexual activities.

Degenerated fucked up freaks of human beings, the electric chair is too nice and a peaceful death for such sadistically twisted callously cold hearted yellow bellied cowardly scum cunt nonces, they lick arse to gain info, to gauge who knows what about who,Be warned! These grassing,child noncing degenerate freaks. Abu Hamaza comes to!!!

You speaking from experience there, cassanova? ;)

if i woke up and had a vagina.... hell i got no idea what i might do, prolly wouldn't leave my room for at least a few days, just sit in front of the mirror and touch myself.

i still think its funny how 10 years ago people reacted to homosexuality the same way people are reacting to this now..... funny how the world changes.
i feel bad for the boy friend....... imagine finding out the same girl you been munching on has been gettin topped off with pooch splodge.

brb got to puke.
Well to be fair maybe the dad walked in while she was giving the dog a blowjob.
