Some Leaf discoloration has me freaked! Insights please?


Okc strain. Ffof 3.6gal air pots RO water,
going on 4 weeks old 18/6 cycle
480watt QB @65% day temps 70-78 40-50 rh / night temps 64-66 55-62rh
Topped last Sunday
inspected for pests and none, they were drooping a bit as they were due for h2o this am.
8 'think' the new growth looks ok
Any guesses?20201212_093642_HDR.jpg20201212_093637_HDR.jpg20201212_093631_HDR.jpg20201212_093812_HDR.jpg has


Well-Known Member
You’ve given plenty of nitrogen. Note the deep green. They’re short and bushy. Try raising the light a bit and just water the next time. Are you adjusting pH on water and feeds?


I am not, total noob but I had read I didn't need to if I was using RO and no nutes?
Is this wrong
Idk because this is my first grow, but I read a lot.
Will take the light up a few inches asap
Thanks for the reply