Mild leaf tip curling downward


Well-Known Member
Introduction: The plant is a strawberry cough clone I obtained 4 weeks ago at ~10 in. in a rockwool cube. I’m growing indoors under a T5 lamp, room is 7.5’ x 11’ with 8’ ceiling. I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting soil, which shows a pH of ~6.5 before use (mixed 1:5 with pH 7 RO water, GH pH test indicator ~5 drops, let the dirt settle before reading).

Transplant 1 (T1): into “1 gallon” (actual ~0.6) pot of FFOF and placed under a single bulb 2' T5 and periodic window sunlight.

d6 post-T1: Transferred to outdoor at the babysitters for 9 days (during my vacation to Maui). Out of 8 clones, she was the only one that drooped in the heavy morning sun, but recovered in the afternoon shade. On 3rd day outdoors, she stopped drooping in the mornings.

d10 post-T1: Watered with RO water, pH ~7. I understand that pH 6.3ish is ideal, but I was counting on the soil to buffer the water due to weak buffering capacity of pure water relative to organic soil.

*plant looks great

d21 post-T1: Fed with FloraNova Grow (7-4-10) in RO water, pH adjusted to ~6.3, 20% runoff.

*plant looks great

Transplant 2 (T2): At beginning of week 4, I transplanted into FFOF (mixed 3:1 with perlite to increase drainage) in a 7-gallon walmart bag. I gave it 1 tablespoon of Mikos granules sprinkled in transplant hole during transplant. The plant looked great going into and after transplant (pic 2), though it was clearly root bound before transplant (pic 1). I have been giving all my plants light for ~18 hours/day, manually switching, so give or take 1-2 hours.

*plant looks great

d1 post-T2: I installed a 4' 8-bulb T5 kept 3' above the plant-in-question (still waiting on my shipment for adjustable lamp hanger to lower it closer).

*plant looks great

d2 post-T2: Looked healthy, but due to a small infestation with some tiny (~0.5-1 mm) light green bugs (I picked off ~10 after inspecting all leaves carefully), I sprayed all my plants with low concentration neem oil/soap - 3 tablespoons triple action neem oil + 3/4 tablespoon Castile soap in 1 gallon RO water. They still looked great 1-2 days after spray.

*plant looks great

d2.5 post-T2: I switched to 24 hour light (since I was going to be out of town for a day and I haven't bought my timer noob I know). Plants looked mostly healthy at this point, but may have started to curl a bit (pic 3).

*plant looks great
*no dark period

d3 post-T2: Watered with pH 6.5 - 7 RO water, though I'm not sure I can accurately call the color from this kit (see later pics). I also cut 2 lower fan leaves off, since I saw small dark excrement spots and wanted to get rid of potential eggs left behind from aforementioned infestiation. I got ~20% runoff from the walmart bag (no holes), but plant/medium seemed to reabsorb after 2nd day.

*Note, there was some small amount of residual FloraNova gro nutes in the catch tray that had dried up from previous waterings, so it is possible that the plant had reabsorbed some extra nutes..although I hesitate to estimate the exact amount, I would say it was at most ~20% runoff from feeding ~1 gallon of FloraNova 7-4-10 at strength of 1 tsp/gallon, and perhaps some runoff from watering-only of another 2 1-gallon pots.
*plant looks great
*no dark period

d4 post-T2: In the PM, I noticed that the leaf tips (especially at top) starting to curl downward a bit. Some of the leafs at top were still cupped upward a little (pic 4).

Evening temperature in the grow room was around ~80 deg, with noticeable increase in humidity. I had a fan running, but no ventilation to/from room. I turned off 4/8 bulbs for the rest of evening and opened a window to ventilate/reduce temp (Working on getting an AC setup). Temps were down to 70ish by midnight.

**Leaf tips begin curling
*Note, all of my other plants in the grow room look good with little to no leaf curling.
*Re-introduced 6 hour dark period
*Tested the soil pH with a GH liquid kit by adding 1/5th soil in tube, then filled with RO water (pH 7), then adding 5 drops indicator. Again, I’m not sure I can accurately read these, so I attached pics of the read for the plant in question (pic 5), a control plant (birthday cake) not exhibiting tip curl (pic 6), and a pic of the water only (pic 7). Also, I attached a pic of the control plant, birthday cake (pic 8 ).

d5 post-T2: Morning temps cool ~65-70. Plant still displayed leaf curling at tips, especially at top, with a few blades still pointed upward.

d5.5 post-T2 (today): Afternoon sun on window raised temp in room to ~78. I turned on the fan again to air the plants and raised it up to hit the top of the plant. The last remaining leaf blades at top that were still turned upward begun to droop with the rest of them. (pic 9)

*Note, the walmart bag appeared wet toward the bottom, perhaps indicating poor drainage? I cut 6 x 1” holes in the bottom of sides of the bag to ensure not built up liquid, but no liquid came out.

From my research, possible causes are:

1) heat stress

-temps in room were ~80 and humidity seemed high to me
-other plants didn’t mind the heat, but this clone already showed heat sensitivity in past

2) Overwatering

-New to using walmart bags, and other healthy plants are still in black pots
-I usually let the top 1 inch of the soil dry up, but maybe the remainder of soil below was still very wet?

3) Underwatering

-Usually I am watering or feeding ~once per week, which seemed to work out well in terms of soil at top getting dry and plants looking healthy. Maybe this changed when I placed this plant in walmart bag with 30% added perlite, resulting in need to water more frequently? However, the plant did not perk up when I added water.

3) Nitrogen excess

-Walmart bag soaked up excess runoff that may have picked up nutes from previous runoff.

Other thoughts:

a) Perhaps a combination of the heat/humidity stress in combination with high soil moisture and clipping 2 fan leaves stressed the plant out?

b) Maybe some harmful chemicals are leaching out of the walmart bag?

Main Question: I would be grateful for any advice on how to proceed and what might have caused the leaf curling.

Here are the pics.


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Doesn't look too bad, but I'd say over watering in that bag. Get a real grow bag made for growing.
Doesn't look too bad, but I'd say over watering in that bag. Get a real grow bag made for growing.

Thanks jtrizzy. Yeah, it's not too bad right now, but I wanted to figure out why it was turning south to prevent any further deterioration of the plant.

I went with the WalMart bag to save $ for other grow equipment (lights, ac, fans/ducting, etc.), since I'm on a tight budget startup operation. What do you think is the problem with WalMart bags?
Thanks jtrizzy. Yeah, it's not too bad right now, but I wanted to figure out why it was turning south to prevent any further deterioration of the plant.

I went with the WalMart bag to save $ for other grow equipment (lights, ac, fans/ducting, etc.), since I'm on a tight budget startup operation. What do you think is the problem with WalMart bags?
They are made to carry grocery's not plants totally diffrent material. and not sure what you paid for it but you can by a 5gal smart pot for less then 6 dollars, and truthfully the most critical and important part of your grow is your pot in my opinion, if you dont have a happy root ball but its under a 2000.00 led grow light you wont succeed
Amazon has grow bags for a pack of 5 5gallon for $13....Walmart bag is just not made to grow a plant in guy. get a real grow bag or just buy a plant pot, $1.99 at Home Depot, anything is better than that bag. Your other plants in real plant pots aren't showing those signs, It's gotta make u wonder a bit right....
does the bag let the water come out the bottom without obstruction?

plants look fine to me
I don't really see what the issue is

other than a t5 isn't going to light a plant that during bloom
They are made to carry grocery's not plants totally diffrent material. and not sure what you paid for it but you can by a 5gal smart pot for less then 6 dollars, and truthfully the most critical and important part of your grow is your pot in my opinion, if you dont have a happy root ball but its under a 2000.00 led grow light you wont succeed

Amazon has grow bags for a pack of 5 5gallon for $13....Walmart bag is just not made to grow a plant in guy. get a real grow bag or just buy a plant pot, $1.99 at Home Depot, anything is better than that bag. Your other plants in real plant pots aren't showing those signs, It's gotta make u wonder a bit right....

Thanks jtrizzy and tpc_mikey.

jtrizzy: Absolutely, the fact that this plant is the only one curling does make me wonder, which is why I added the walmart bag to possible causes. However, it is not the only variable that changed. The complete list of variables are:

1) Strain: this is the only one of my 9 strains that has shown heat stress drooping previously.
2) Proximity to lamp: this plant is 1.5-2 feet taller than my other plants, hance higher heat exposure.
3) Soil composition: this is the first plant that I tried adding 25% extra perlite to the FFOF base.
4) Mycorrhizae: this is the first plant I transplanted with Mykos.
5) Container: oh, that damn walmart bag.

On a bright note, since I cut holes in the bottom of the walmart bag and reduced the temperature in the room and went back to 18/6 lights, the plant seems to be recovering (pic 10), though we'll see if it comes back completely (I love it when the fan leaves just stick straight out like morning wood).

Having said that, you both bring up a great points that if it comes down to uncertainty in the grow bag I'm using possibly affecting the plant health, then it's not worth the couple dollars/plant savings.

jtrizzy: Those bags must have just went on sale, I haven't seen them so cheap before...good eye! I just got back from Home Depot, and the cheapest 7-gallon pots were $10 fucking dollars, but my local hydro shop had some cheapy pots for 3.50, so I picked up a couple for my transplants tonight.

One final thought before I end this tiresome post: I wonder if anyone has experienced enhanced plant stress during initial colonization by mycorrhizae? I applied a hefty dose of Mykos (rhizophagus intraradices) to the transplant hole just before transplanting. I imagine there could be a period of adjustment for mycorrhizae symbiosis.

Final synopsis: I'm going to skip the walmart bags on future transplants for peace of mind. Hope this fixes the problem!

Thanks everyone for your input!


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does the bag let the water come out the bottom without obstruction?

plants look fine to me
I don't really see what the issue is

other than a t5 isn't going to light a plant that during bloom

Yeah, definitely not using a T5 for flowering, hehe. Will install a HPS 1000w soon, but gotta rig the ac/ventilation first.

The issue is the beginning of the leaves curling downward at the tips. It is not a huge problem now, but I want to be vigilant and correct any issues before they get bad and slow down growth.

Edit: The water did come out of the bottom, but then it got sucked back up, so that's why it might have experienced too much water and suffocated a little.
Yeah, definitely not using a T5 for flowering, hehe. Will install a HPS 1000w soon, but gotta rig the ac/ventilation first.

The issue is the beginning of the leaves curling downward at the tips. It is not a huge problem now, but I want to be vigilant and correct any issues before they get bad and slow down growth.

Edit: The water did come out of the bottom, but then it got sucked back up, so that's why it might have experienced too much water and suffocated a little.
sucking it back up is normal and what youd expect... if it didn't suck it and it was sitting in a puddle then youd over watered

I see the minor leaf curl but its so minor there nothing to do except watch her grow

she got a wee bit too much N maybe

and take mental note as to how much is too much for the next feeding
just ease back a small amount on the fertilizer or maybe water with plain water more frequently
myco's wont stress the plant they basically colinize and eat things in the soil and feed your plants, worst thing they can do is over feed your plant, I would recommend a product called recharge add it to your grow it will be the best thing you ever did! I grow organically and use all the bennies and recharge i feed my plants fox farm microbial brew for all the myco's along with the recharge here is my plant in last few weeks of flower it is in a 10 gal smart pot i paid 8 bucks for it on amazon.IMG_1699.JPG
sucking it back up is normal and what youd expect... if it didn't suck it and it was sitting in a puddle then youd over watered

I see the minor leaf curl but its so minor there nothing to do except watch her grow

she got a wee bit too much N maybe

and take mental note as to how much is too much for the next feeding
just ease back a small amount on the fertilizer or maybe water with plain water more frequently

Thanks for the insight im4satori,

And thanks for the reassurance, I was just watching the leafs curling more and more in real time and it was freaking me out about how far it was gonna go. Plus, since this is my first attempt at a serious grow, I want to learn everything I can this time around.

Hmm...I thought 10-20% runoff was a good way to tell that you've sufficiently watered? Not claiming that's right, I'm just saying that's what I thought. Is that not right? If this was a plastic pot, sufficiently raised off the water catch tray (like my other girls), then it wouldn't have soaked up the water that bled through like this walmart bag did. Thus, the slow (~12-24h) soaking back up of the liquid should have created a more water-saturated environment for the roots compared to my plastic pots, although I can imagine that breathing through the sides of the walmart bag may have counterbalanced the water-wicking effect in terms of final water saturation. I'm just working through the logic, I don't have experience with growbags, so I don't mean to shrug good advice, I just want to understand everything.

The major issue with sucking it back up in retrospect was that my tray had some residual dried nutes in it, so that was one theory of why leaf tips might be you said, a wee bit much N. Also, I haven't (intentionally) given this plant any extra nutes, just water...the FFOF (70% FFOF/30% Perlite) should have plenty of food for a few weeks right?

Edit: No new nutes after transplant..I had given her one drink of some FloraNova Grow 1 week before transplant.
myco's wont stress the plant they basically colinize and eat things in the soil and feed your plants, worst thing they can do is over feed your plant, I would recommend a product called recharge add it to your grow it will be the best thing you ever did! I grow organically and use all the bennies and recharge i feed my plants fox farm microbial brew for all the myco's along with the recharge here is my plant in last few weeks of flower it is in a 10 gal smart pot i paid 8 bucks for it on amazon.View attachment 3956315

Fucking gorgeous!!! My god, my mouth is watering!

How long did it take to veg/train that big momma?

I will certainly look into those products, thanks tpc_mikey!
Fucking gorgeous!!! My god, my mouth is watering!

How long did it take to veg/train that big momma?

I will certainly look into those products, thanks tpc_mikey!
Check out my grow journal, i vegged this lady for 60 days, she has been growing since seed poped on feb5th she is in Fox Farm Ocean forest , i amended the soil with additional worm castings espoma tomato tone espoma kelp meal, espoma dolomith hi cal lime. Have give a couple top dressings of bat guano during veg and one time during flower top dressed with some kelp meal and tomato tone, in the last few weeks i have added just a cap full of tiger bloom in a gallon of water just to add a little P and K but very little, some of the leaves were showing some P K deficincy but other than that she has had nothing but water with recharge and the microbial brew in it. Thats it, when i water she gets about 2 gallons every 3 to 4 days i get very little runoff not really worried about it as im not giving any chemicals to create salt build ups but she still gets some salt stains from the organic materials.
the flora nova is good stuff

when your plant needs nutes...not yet

mix about 8mls per gallon of the flora grow and water in every other watering