• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...here's something for ya PakaloloHui.

Air or no air

There are two main groups of bacteria. The first, anaerobic bacteria are able to live in the absence of oxygen; indeed, mostcannot live in its presence. The bacterial Clostridium, for example, does not need oxygen to survive and can invade and destroy the inside soft tissue of decaying matter. By-products of anaerobic decay include hydrogen sulfide (think rotten eggs), butyric acid (think vomit), ammonia, and vinegar. The notorious Escherichia coli (E.coli) and other bacteria normally found in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract meaning they can live in aerobic conditions if they must but prefer anaerobic environments.

Most gardeners have smelled by-products of anaerobic decomposition, perhaps ingarden but certainly in the refrigerator. These are smells to remember when composting and gardening with soil foodweb because anaerobic conditions foster pathogenic bacteria and, worse, killoff beneficial aerobic bacteria, the other major group of bacteria: those that require air.

While some facultative aerobic bacteria are able to live in anaerobic conditions if they must, most cannot. Aerobic bacteria are not normally known to cause bad smells. In fact, the actinomycetes (of order Actinomycetales, specifically thebacterial genus Streptomyces) produce enzymes that include volatile chemicals that give soil its clean, fresh, earthy aroma. Anyone who has gardened recognizes this smell, the smell of “good soil.”

Actinomhyctesare different from other soil bacteria: they actually grow filaments, almost like fungal hyphae. Some scientists believe Streptomyces species use their branching filaments to connect soil particles so they, along with the soil particles, become too big to be eaten by their natural predators, the protozoan ciliates, which would engulf and ingest them. Actinomycetes are particularly adept at decaying cellulose and chitin---two difficult –to- digest (“brown”) carbon compounds, the former found in plant wall cells and latter in fungal cell walls and in arthropod shells. These are not normal foods of other bacteria. Actinomycetesare also adapted to live in a wider range of pH than other bacteria, from acidic to alkaline.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
What Is the Soil Food Web and Why Should Gardeners Care?

Given its vital importance to our hobby, it is amazing that most of us don’t venture beyond the understanding that good soil supports plant life, and port soil doesn’t. You’ve undoubtedly seen worms in good soil,and unless you habitually use pesticides, you should have come across othersoil life: centipedes, springtails,ants, slugs, ladybird beetle larvae, and more. Most of this life is on the surface, in the first 4 inches (10centimeters); come soil microbes have even been discovered living comfortablyan incredible two miles beneath thesurface. Good soil, however, is not justa few animals. Good soil is absolutely teeming with life, yet seldom does the realization that this is so engender a reaction of satisfaction.

In addition to all the living organisms you can see in garden soils (for example, there are upto 50 earthworms in a square foot [0.09 square meters] of good soil); there is a whole world of soil organisms that you cannot see unless you use sophisticated and expensive optics. Only then do the tiny,microscopic organisms----bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes----appear, and in numbers that are nothing less than staggering. A mere teaspoon of good garden soil, as measured by microbial geneticists, contains a billion invisiblebacteria, several yards of equally invisible fungal hyphae, several thousand protozoa, and a few dozen nematodes.

The common denominator of all soil life is the every organism needs energy to survive. While a few bacteria, known as chemo synthesizers, derive energy from sulfur, nitrogen, or even iron compounds, the rest have to eat something containing carbon in order to get the energy they need to sustain life. Carbon may come from organic material supplied by plants, waste products produced by other organisms, or the bodies of other organisms. The first order of business of all soil life is obtaining carbon to fuel metabolism----it is an eat-and-be-eaten world, in and on soil.

Do you remember the children’s song about an old lady who accidentally swallowed a fly? She then swallows a spider (that wriggled and jiggled and tickled insideher) to catch the fly, and then a bird to catch the spider, and so on, until she eats a horse and dies (of course!). If you made a diagram of who was expected to eat whom, starting with the fly and ending with the improbable horse, you would have what is known as a food chain.

Most organisms eat more than one kind of prey, so if you make a diagram of who eats whom in and on the soil, the straight-line food chain instead becomes a series of food chains linked and cross-linked to each other, creation a web of foodchains, or a soil food web. Each soil environment has a different set of organisms and thus a different soil foodweb.

This is the simple, graphical definition of a soil food web, though as you can imagine, this and other diagrams represent complex and highly organized sets of interactions, relationships, and chemical and physical processes. The story each tells, however, is a simple one and always starts with the plant.

Plants are in control

Most gardeners think of plants as only taking up nutrients through root systems and feeding the leaves. Few realize that a great deal of energy that results from photosynthesis in the leaves is actually used by plants to produce chemicals they secrete through their roots. These secretions are known as exudates. A good analogy is perspiration, a human’s exudates.

Root exudates are in the form of carbohydrates (including sugars) and proteins. Amazingly, their presence wakes up, attracts, and grows specific beneficial bacteria and fungi living in the soil that subsist on these exudates and the cellular material sloughed off as the plant’s root tips grow. All this secretion of exudates and sloughing – off of cells takes place inthe rhizosphere, a zone immediately around the roots, extending out about a tenth of an inch, or a couple of millimeters. The rhizosphere, which can look like a jelly or jam under the electron microscope, contains a constantly changing mix of soil organisms,including bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, and even larger organisms. All this “life” competes for the exudates inthe rhizosphere, or its water or mineral content.

At the bottom of the soil food web are bacteria and fungi, which are attracted to and consume plant root exudates. In turn, they attract and are eaten by bigger microbes, specifically nematodes and protozoa (remember the amoebae,paramecia, flagellates, and ciliates you should have studied in biology?), who eat bacteria and fungi (primarily for carbon) to fuel their metabolic functions. Anything they don’t need is excreted as wastes, which plant roots are readily able to absorb asnutrients. How convenient that this production of plant nutrients takes place right in the rhizosphere, the site of root-nutrient absorption.

At the center of any viable soil food web areplants. Plants control the food web for their own benefit, an amazing fact that is too little understood and surely not appreciated by gardeners who are constantly interfering with Nature’ssystem. Studies indicate that individual plants can control the numbers and the different kinds of fungi and bacteria attracted to the rhizosphere by the exudates they produce. During different times of the growing season,populations of rhizosphere bacteria and fungi wax and wane, depending on the nutrient needs of the plant and the exudates it produces.

Soil bacteria and fungi are like small bags of fertilizer, retaining in their bodies nitrogen and other nutrients they gain from root exudates and other organic matter (such as those sloughed-off root-tip cells). Carrying on the analogy, soil protozoa and nematodes act as “fertilizer spreaders” by releasing the nutrients locked up in the bacteria and fungi “fertilizer bags.” The nematodes and protozoa in the soil come along and eat the bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere. They digest what they need to survive and excrete excess carbon and other nutrients as waste.

Left to their own devices, then, plants produce exudates that attract fungi and bacteria (and, ultimately, nematodes and protozoa); their survival depends on the interplay between these microbes. It is a completely natural system, the very same one that has fueled plants since they evolved. Soil life provides the nutrients needed for plant life, and plants initiate and fuel the cycle by producing exudates.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member

Cation exchange capacity

All tiny particles, not just humus, carryelectrical charges. These particles arecalled ions. Ions with a positive (+)charge are called cations and negatively charged (-) ones, anions. Positively charged particles are electricallyattached to negatively charged particles. This is exactly what happens when opposite ends of magnets attract eachother. When a positively changed cationattaches itself to a negatively charged anion, the cation is “absorbed” by theanion. Even microorganisms in the soilare small enough to carry and be influenced by electrical charges.

Sand particles are too large to carryelectrical charges, but both clay and humus particles are small enough to havelots of negatively charged anions that attract positively charged cations. The cations that are absorbed by clay andhumus include calcium (Ca++), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), magnesium (Mg++),iron (Fe+), ammonium (NH4+), and hydrogen (H+). These are all major plant nutrients, and they are held in the soil bytwo components of good soil. Theattraction of these cations to the clay and humus particles is so strong thatwhen a solution containing them comes into contact, the attraction is satiatedand only about 1% of the cation nutrients remains in solution.

There are anions in soil as well. These include chloride (Cl-), nitrate (NO3-),sulfate (SO4-), and phosphate (PO4-) ----all plant nutrients. Unfortunately, soil anions are repelled bythe negative charge on clay and humus particles and therefore stay in solutioninstead of being absorbed. These plantnutrients are often missing from garden soils, as they are easily leached awayin the soil solution when it rains or soil is watered: nothing is holding themon to soil surfaces.

Why does this matter? The surfaces of root hairs have their ownelectrical charges. When a root hairenters the soil, it can exchange its own cations for those attached to clay orhumus particles and then absorb the cation nutrient involved. Roots use hydrogen cations (H+) as theirexchange currency, giving up one hydrogen cation for every cation nutrientabsorbed. This keeps the balance ofcharges equal. This is how plants “eat.”

The place where the exchange of a cationoccurs is known as a cation exchange site, and the number of these exchangesites measures the capacity of the soil to hold nutrients, or the cationexchange capacity (CEC). A soil’s CEC issimply the sum of positively changed nutrient replacements that it can absorbper unit weight or volume. CEC ismeasured in milligram equivalents per 100 grams (meq/100g). What the gardener needs to know is that thehigher the CEC number, the more nutrients a soil can hold and therefore, thebetter it is for growing plants. Thehigher the CEC, the more fertile the soil. You can order a CEC test to be run by a professional soil lab.

The CEC of soil depends, in part, on itstexture. Sand and silt have low CECsbecause these particles are too big to be influenced by an electrical changeand hold nutrients. Clay and organicparticles impart a high CEC to soils because they do carry lots of electricalcharges: the more humus and, to a point, clay present in soils, the morenutrients can be stored in the soil, which is why gardeners seek more organicin their soils.

There are limits to a good thing. Don’t forget that clay particles areextremely small; too much clay and too little humus results in a high CEC butlittle air in the soil, because the pore space is too small and cut off by theclay’s platy structure. Such soil hasgood CEC alone; you have to know the soil texture and mixture.


trichome fiend

Well-Known Member

Soil pH

Most ofus have a basic understanding of pH as a way to measure liquids to see if theyare acid or not. On a scale of 1 to 14,a pH of 1 is very acidic and a pH of 14 is very alkaline (or basic), theopposite of acidic. The pH tells theconcentration of hydrogen ions (H+, a cation) in the solution beingmeasured. If you have relatively fewhydrogen ions compared to the rest of what is in solution, the pH is high andthe solution is alkaline. Similarly, ifyou have a lot of hydrogen ions in solution, then you have a solution with alow pH that is acidic.

As a gardener, you (fortunately) don’t needto know much more about pH. You do needto understand, however, that every time a plant root tips exchanges a hydrogencation for a nutrient cation, the concentration of hydrogen ions in thesolution increases. As the concentrationof H+ goes up, the pH goes down---the soil is increasingly acidic. Things usually balance out, however, becauseroot surfaces also take up negatively charged anions, using hydroxyl (OH-) anions as themedium of exchange. Adding OH- to the solution raisesthe pH because it lowers the concentration of H+ ions. Fungi and bacteria are small enough to havecations and anions on their surfaces, electrically holding or releasing themineral nutrients they take in from decomposition in the soil. This, too, has an impact on the pH of thesoil.

Why is pH a consideration when we talk aboutthe soil food web? The pH created bynutrient-ion exchanges influences what types of microorganisms live in thesoil. This can either encourage ordiscourage nitrification and other biological activities that affect how plantsgrow. As important, each plant has anoptimum soil pH. This has more to dowith the need of certain fungi and bacteria important to those plants to thrivein a certain pH than it does with the chemistry of pH.

Knowing your soil’s pH is useful indetermining what you want to put into your soil, if anything, to supportspecific types of soil food webs. Andknowing the pH in the rhizosphere helps determine if any adjustments should bemade to help plant growth.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member


Bacteriaare everywhere. Few gardeners appreciatethat they are crucial to the lives of plants, and fewer still have ever takenthem into consideration. Yet no otherorganism has more members in the soil, not even close. In part, this is because these single-celledorganisms are so minuscule that anywhere from 250,000 to 500,000 of them canfit inside the period at the end of this sentence.

Bacteria were the earliest form of life onearth, appearing at least 3 billion years ago. They are prokaryotes: their DNA is contained in a single chromosome thatis not enclosed in a nucleus. Theirsize, or more precisely their lack thereof, must be the main reason ourfamiliarity with bacteria is usually limited to the diseases they cause and theneed to wash our hands before eating. Most baby boomers used a standard-issue 1000 power microscope to studymicroorganisms, but bacteria are too small to see in any detail at thispower. School microscopes have gottenbetter, and some lucky students now do get a closer look, literally, atbacteria. The three basic shapes, allrepresented in the soil, are coccus (spherical or oval), bacillus (rod-shaped),and spiral.

Bacteria reproduce, for the most part, bysingle cell division; that is, one cell divides and makes two cells, they eachdivide again, and so forth. Amazingly,under laboratory conditions, one solitary bacterium can produce in the vicinityof 5 billion offspring in a mere 12 hours if they have enough food. If all bacteria reproduced at this rate allthe time, it would take only a month or so to double the mass of ourplanet. Fortunately, soil bacteria arelimited by natural conditions, predators (protozoa chief among them), and aslower reproductive rate than their laboratory cousins; for example, bacteriamust have some form of moisture for the uptake of nutrients and release ofwaste. In most cases, moisture is also requiredfor bacteria to move about and to transport the enzymes they use to break downorganic matter. When soils become toodry, many soil bacteria go dormant. Bacteria, incidentally, rarely die of old age, but are usually eaten bysomething else or killed by environmental changes and then consumed by otherdecomposers, often other bacteria.

Primary decomposers

Despitetheir tiny size, bacteria are among the earth’s primary decomposers of organicmatter, second only to fungi. Withoutthem, we would be smothered in our own wastes in a matter of months. Bacteria decompose plant and animals materialin order to ingest nitrogen, carbon compounds, and other nutrients. These nutrients are then held immobilizedinside the bacteria; they are released (mineralized) only when the bacteria areconsumed or otherwise die and are themselves decayed.

Different kinds of soil bacteria survive ondifferent food sources, depending on what is available and where they arelocated. Most, however, do bestdecomposing young, still-fresh plant material, which composters call greenmaterial. Green material contains lotsof sugars, which are easier for bacteria to digest than the more complex carboncompounds of other plant material. Composters call this brown material, anduntil it is broken down into smaller carbon chains, other members of the soilfood web more readily digest this than do bacteria.

Given their diminutive size, bacteria mustingest what are necessarily even more tiny pieces of organic matter. How do they do this? The short answer is they take in fooddirectly through their cell walls, which are composed, in part, of proteinsthat assist in this molecular transport. On the inside of bacterium’s cell wall is a mixture of sugars, proteins,carbons, and ions---a rich soup that is out of equilibrium with the lessconcentrated mixture outside the cell wall. Nature likes to try to keep things balanced; normally, water would flowfrom the dilute solution without into the more concentrated one within (a specialform of diffusion known as osmosis), but in the case of bacteria, cell wallsact as osmotic barriers.

Molecular transport across the cellularmembrane is accomplished in several ways. In the most important, active transport, the membrane proteins act asmolecular pumps and use energy to suck or push their target through the cellwall---nutrients in, waste products out. Different proteins in the membrane transport different kinds ofnutrients molecules. One way to imaginethis is to think of an old-fashioned fire bucket brigade, in which the waterwas passed from its source to the fire: these proteins pass “buckets” ofnutrients into the cell.

Active transport is a fascinating butcomplicated process fueled by electrons located on both sides of the membranesurface. The gardener should certainlybe aware of and appreciate how bacteria feed but only needs to understand thatbacteria break up organic matter into small, electrically charged pieces andthen transport these through their cellular membranes, ready for use. Once inside the bacteria, the nutrients arelocked up.

Other members of the soil food web obtaintheir energy and nutrients by eating bacteria. If there aren’t sufficient numbers of bacteria in the soil, populationsof these members of the soil food web suffer. Bacteria are part of the base of the soil food web food pyramid.

Feeding bacteria

Rootexudates are favorite foods for certain soil bacteria, and as a result, hugepopulations of them concentrate in the rhizosphere, where bacteria also findnutrition from the cells sloughed off during root – tip growth. But not all soil bacteria live in the rhizosphere,for fortunately, organic matter is almost as ubiquitous as bacteria. All organic matter is made up of large, complexmolecules, many of which consist of chains of smaller molecules in repetitivepatterns that usually contain carbon. Bacteria are able to break the bonds along certain points of thesechains, creation smaller chains of simple sugars and fatty and aminoacids. These three groups provide thebasic building blocks bacteria need to sustain themselves.

Bacteria use enzymes both to break the bondsholding organic chains together and to digest their food. All this is done outside the organism beforeingestion. Untold numbers of enzymes areemployed by bacteria, who have adapted over the millennia to attack all mannerof organic and even inorganic matter. Itis an astonishing feat that bacteria can employ enzymes to break down organicmatter, while at the same time not impacting their own cell membrane.

Air or no air

There are two main groups of bacteria. The first, anaerobic bacteria are able tolive in the absence of oxygen; indeed, most cannot live in its presence. The bacterial Clostridium, for example, doesnot need oxygen to survive and can invade and destroy the inside soft tissue ofdecaying matter. By-products ofanaerobic decay include hydrogen sulfide (think rotten eggs), butyric acid(think vomit), ammonia, and vinegar. Thenotorious Escherichia coli (E.coli) and other bacteria normally found in themammalian gastrointestinal tract meaning they can live in aerobic conditions ifthey must but prefer anaerobic environments.

Most gardeners have smelled by-products ofanaerobic decomposition, perhaps in garden but certainly in therefrigerator. These are smells toremember when composting and gardening with soil food web because anaerobicconditions foster pathogenic bacteria and, worse, kill off beneficial aerobicbacteria, the other major group of bacteria: those that require air.

While some facultative aerobic bacteria areable to live in anaerobic conditions if they must, most cannot. Aerobic bacteria are not normally known tocause bad smells. In fact, theactinomycetes (of order Actinomycetales, specifically the bacterial genus Streptomyces)produce enzymes that include volatile chemicals that give soil its clean,fresh, earthy aroma. Anyone who hasgardened recognizes this smell, the smell of “good soil.”

Actinomhyctes are different from other soilbacteria: they actually grow filaments, almost like fungal hyphae. Some scientists believe Streptomyces speciesuse their branching filaments to connect soil particles so they, along with thesoil particles, become too big to be eaten by their natural predators, theprotozoan ciliates, which would engulf and ingest them. Actinomycetes are particularly adept atdecaying cellulose and chitin---two difficult –to- digest (“brown”) carboncompounds, the former found in plant wall cells and latter in fungal cell wallsand in arthropod shells. These are notnormal foods of other bacteria. Actinomycetes are also adapted to live in a wider range of pH than otherbacteria, from acidic to alkaline.

Decay of cellulose

Cellulose, a complex carbohydrate made up oflong chains of carbon-based glucose, is the molecular material that givesplants structure. It constitutes halfthe mass of plant bodies, and hence half the mass of organic matter created byplants. Specialized bacteria, like theaptly named Cellulomonas, carrycellulose-breaking enzymes that they release only when they come into contactwith cellulose, as opposed to the random release of enzymes by other bacteria thateat in a hit-and-miss manner.

Most bacteria reach their limit when it comesto the noncarbohydrate lignin, another prevalent, molecularly complex plantmaterial. Lignin, the tough browncomponent of barks and woody material, is much more complex organic moleculethan cellulose, made up of chains of interlinked alcohols; these are resistantto the enzymes produced by most bacteria and are left for fungi to decay.

Element cycling

One wayof looking at decay is to view it as nature’s recycling system. Bacteria in the soil food web play a crucial rolein recycling three of the basic elements needed for life: carbon, sulfur, andnitrogen. For example, CO2 (carbondioxide) is a major by-product of aerobic bacterial metabolism. Carbon tied up in plant and animal biomass iscycled into CO2 gas during decay. Photosynthesis in higher plants converts the CO2 into organic compounds,which are eventually consumed and then recycled back to CO2.

Similarly, sulfur is recycled. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria use the element tomake plant-available, water-soluble sulfates. Liberated from organic materials by anaerobic bacteria,sulfur-containing compounds are produced by chemoautotrophs, bacteria that getenergy from the oxidation of sulfur.

The nitrogen cycle, propelled in part byspecialized bacteria, is one of the most important systems in the maintenanceof terrestrial life: living organisms produce the vital organic compounds, thebuilding blocks of life---amino and nucleic acids---using nitrogen. The strong bonds holding atmospheric nitrogenmolecules together make this nitrogen inert for all practicable purposes anduseless for plant needs. For plants tobe able to use nitrogen, it has to be “fixed” ---combined with either oxygen orhydrogen---producing ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), or nitrite (NO2-)ions. This important process is callednitrogen fixation.

Certain bacteria convert nitrogen from theatmosphere into plant-available forms. The genera that accomplish this nitrogen-fixing feat are Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Clostridium, andRhizobium. (Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and Clostridiumlive free in soil: Rhizobium species actually live in the root tissues ofcertain plants, particularly legumes, where they form visible nodules.

We don’t mean to suggest you need to memorizethe species of soil bacteria, but we do want you to focus on the fact thatnitrogen fixation as well as the recycling of carbon and sulfur requires theinterventions of living organisms. Theseare always taught as chemical processes, but they are really biological. Bacteria carry out these processes in thesoil, forming symbiotic relationships with specific plants or existingsymbiotically within organisms. Soundslike a case of the biology creating the chemistry to us.

Another part of the nitrogen cycle, the placeat which it “starts” in the soil, involves the decomposition of proteins intoammonium (NH4+). This ammonium usuallyfigures as part of the waste product produced by protozoa and nematodes aftereating bacteria and fungi. Next, specialnitrite bacteria (Nitrosomonas spp.)convert the ammonium compounds into nitrites (NO2). A second type of bacteria, nitrate bacteria (Nitrobacter spp.), convert the nitritesinto nitrates (NO3-).

Nitrifying bacteria do not generally likeacidic environments; their numbers (and hence the conversion of nitrogen intonitrates) therefore diminish when soil pH drops below 7. Bacterial slime happens to have a pH above 7. Thus, if there are enough bacteria in an area,the slime they produce keeps the pH in their vicinity above 7, andnitrification can occur. If not, theammonium first produced by organisms in the soil is not all converted tonitrate form. If the pH is 5 or lower,very little if any of the ammonium is converted.

Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrogen saltsback to N2, which escapes into the atmosphere. Obviously, denitrifying bacteria do not help the fertility of soil, butthey are essential in that they keep the nitrogen cycle moving.


Bacterialslime, or biofilm, is a matrix of sugars, proteins, and DNA. The fact that bacterial slime is the soil isslightly alkaline not only influences the pH where it counts most, in therhizosphere, but also buffers the soil in the area, so the pH remainsrelatively constant.

Some bacteria use their film as a means oftransportation, literally squirting this substance as a means ofpropulsion. (Most bacteria, however,travel using an astonishing bit of natural nanotechnology---with the aid of oneor more whip structures, or flagella, that resemble and operate likepropellers.) Biofilms save bacteria fromdesiccation as the soil dries: soil bacteria often live inside sticky globs ofbiofilms, complete with an infrastructure of channels filled with water fortransport of nutrients and wastes. Biofilms can also be a defense against antibiotics produced by otherorganisms, including fellow bacteria. Bacteria colonies protected by slime are 1000 times more resistant thanindividual bacteria to antibiotics and microbicides.

Nutrient retention

Bacteriaplay a major role in plant nutrition. They lock up nutrients that might otherwise disappear as a result ofleaching. They do so by ingesting themwhile decomposing organic matter and retaining them in their cellularstructures. Since the bacteria arethemselves attached to soil particles, the nutrients remain in the soil insteadof being washed away, as is the case with chemical fertilizers.

Indeed, these nutrients will be tied up,immobilized inside the bacteria until the bacteria are eaten and reduced towastes. Since soil bacteria don’t travelvery far, and there is ample source of bacterial food in the root zone, thenutrients ingested by bacteria are kept in the vicinity of the roots. Other organisms, such as protozoa, play majorroles consuming bacteria, releasing excess nitrogen as ammonium (NH4+) in theirwastes, which are deposited in the rhizosphere, right where the roots canabsorb nutrients.

Other benefits of soil bacteria

Someanaerobic bacteria produce alcohols that are toxic to plant life and to otherbacteria. These anaerobic bacteria canbed avoided when gardening by controlling the conditions that allow them tomultiply: poor soil texture, lack of pore space, standing water, and compactedsoil. Other bacteria are pathogens thatcause disease in higher plants. The listof pathogenic bacteria is a long one, including bacteria that cause citruscanker, diseases of potatoes, melons, cucumbers, and fire-blight of pears,apples, and the like. Thousands ofbacterial pathogens are in soil, and billions of dollars are spent every yearto protect crops from damage by the culprit bacteria. Agrobacteriumtumefaciens causes galls or tumors to grow on the stems of certainplants. Burkholderia cepecia is a bacterium that infects and rots the rootsof onions. Some Pseudomonas species cause leaf curl and black spot on tomatoes.

Despite the presence of pathogenic bacteria,there are more benefits to a healthy soil bacteria population than not. For example, bacterial activity is also oftenresponsible for breaking down pollutants and toxins. These processes are usually aerobic,requiring oxygen to occur. Youundoubtedly have heard of bacteria that can eat oil spilled on a beach in Alaska; there aresimilar bacteria that will eat gasoline spilled on your lawn, for example.

Soil bacteria produce many of the medicinalantibiotics upon which we have come to depend. One can only speculate that since these bacteria have to compete notonly with other bacteria for nutrients but also with fungi and other organisms,they evolved protective capabilities. For example, Pseudomonas bacteriacan correct take-all, a disastrous fungal wheat disease, by producingphenazines, very strong, broad-spectrum antibiotics. Obviously, many soil bacteria keep pathogenicbacteria in check, a big benefit of a healthy soil food web.

All bacteria compete with each other and withother organisms for the finite amount offood the soil offers and thus keep eachother’s populations in balance. Soilswith a high diversity of bacterial types are more likely to have a largernumber of nonpathogenic bacteria out competing pathogenic bacteria for spaceand nutrients. We are convinced thatusing the soil food web’s natural defenses is the best way to keep the bad guysin check. Gardeners need to appreciate thatbacteria are at the front line of defense.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member

Over 100,000 different kinds of fungi are known, and some authorities suggest a million more are out there waiting to be discovered. Say the word, however, and most gardeners immediately think of the familure white toadstools, bracket and coral fungi, and puffballs that appear in the lawn or on the bark of trees (or they know soil fungi from the diseases they cause). But except for the white threads and the spore-producing mushrooms, soil fungi are as invisible as bacteria, requiring a microscope of several hundred powers to be seen. Even the visible congregations of mycelia are usually hidden in the organic matter they are in the process of decaying.
Fungi, too, are underappreciated by gardeners, and yet they play a key role in the soil food web and are an important tool for those who garden using soil food web principles. It wasn't too long ago that they were considered plants without chlorophyll and unable to photosynthesize, and build their cell walls from chitin instead of cellulose, among other unique characteristics, they are now placed in their own kingdom in the domain Eukarya.
Fungi, like higher plants and animals, are eukaryotes: organisms that have cells with distinct, enclosed nuclei. Each cell can have more than one nucleus. Fungi usually grow from spores into thread-like structures called hyphae (singular, septum). The walls connecting hyphae growing in close enough proximity form visible threads, or mycelia (singular, mycelium), which you may have seen in decomposing leaf litter. Fungi reproduce in many different ways, not just by spores, but never by seeds, as the most advanced plants commonly do.
A fungal hypha is considerably larger than a bacterium, the average length being 2 to 15 micrometers with a diameter of 0.2 to 3.5 micrometers---still so thin that it takes hundreds of thousands of individual hyphal strands to form a network thick enough for the human eye to see. A teaspoon of good garden soil may contain several yards of fungal hyphae, invisible to the naked eye, millions upon millions merge together to produce something as obvious as a king bolete or an intricate Amanita muscaria in all their fruiting glory. These and other mushrooms are simply the fruiting bodies of fungi. Consider the energy and nutrients required to produce them.
One major advantage fungi have over bacteria, and perhaps the reason they were misclassified for so long as plants, is the ability of fungal hyphae to grow in length. Unlike bacterial cells, whose world is a very finite one, fungal hyphae can travel over space measured in feet or meters, distances that for a bacterium are truly epic. And unlike bacteria, fungi do not need a film of water in order to spread through the soil. Fungal hyphae are thus able to bridge gaps and go short distances, which allows them to locate new food sources and transport nutrients from one location to another, relatively far away from its origin.
The ability to transport nutrients is another key difference between fungi and bacteria. Fungal hyphae contain cytoplasm, a liquid circulated throughout the septa in their cells. When a hyphal tip invades a nematode, for example, it drains its hapless victim of its nutrients and distributes them in the hyphal cytoplasm and from there though the main body of fungus. Nutrients are thus transferred from the tip of the fungal hypha to a wholly new location that can be several yards away (think conveyor belt). Once inside the fungus, the nutrients are immobilized and will not be lost from the soil.
Fungi produce special structures---for example, mushrooms above ground or truffles below---to disperse spores. Since fungi grow in all sorts of environments, they have devised some elaborate methods to achieve spore dispersal, including attractive scents, triggers, springs, and jet propulsion systems. To ensure survival, fungal spores can develop tough membranes that allow them to go dormant for years if the conditions are not right for immediate germination.
As with bacteria, fungi occur universally; some species even exist in the frozen region of Antarctica. Airborne dispersal of spores helps explain why visitors from, say, Alaska, will recognize species of fungi growing in far-off Australia. While dormant spores can be found around the world, they need the right conditions to germinate and grow. Thus, fungal spores may be found continents away from their source, but they may not be functional because the conditions for growth are not right.

Fungal growth and decay

While some fungi prefer the "softer," easier-to-digest sugars characteristic of the foods that feed bacteria, most go for tougher-to-digest foods (mainly because bacteria are better and faster at grabbing and taking up simple sugars). Fungi, however, win in the competition for more complex foods: they produce phenol oxidase, a strong enzyme that dissolves even lignin, the woody compound that binds and protects cellulose. Another characteristic of fungi is their ability to penetrate hard surfaces. Fungi have perfected apical growth--- that is, growth at their hyphal tip. Apical or tip growth is an incredibly complex process, and engineering job akin to building a tunnel under a river and requiring great coordination of events. Even before electron microscopes, scientists identified a dark spot, the Spitzenkorper, in the tip of actively growing hyphae; when hyphal growth stopped, the Spitzenkorper disappeared. It seems this mysterious region has something to do with controlling or perhaps directing apical growth.
During apical growth, new cells are constantly being pushed into the tip and along the sidewalls, elongating the hyphal tube. Materials for the growth of fungal hyphae are supplied to the advancing tip by the cytoplasm, which transports vesicles loaded with all necessary "construction" supplies. Of course, it is important to keep extraneous material from flowing into the hypha as well as out while this growth is happening. All the while, powerful enzymes capable of dissolving all but the most recalcitrant carbon compounds are released as the new cells are put into place. Think about it: these enzymes are powerful enough to convert lignin, cellulose, and other tough organic matter into simple sugars and amino acids, yet they do not decay the chitin cell walls of the fungi.
Fungi can grow up to 40 micrometers a minute. Discount for the moment the speed, which is incredibly fast for such tiny organisms, and compare the distance covered to the movement of a typical soil bacterium, which may travel only 6 micrometers in its entire life.
As with the death of any organism in the soil, the death of fungi means the nutrients contained within them become available to other members of the soil food web. But when fungi die, their hyphae leave a subway system of microscopic tunnels, up to 10 micrometers in diameter, through which air and water can flow. These "tubes" are also important safety zones for bacteria trying to elude protozoa: protozoa are considerably bigger than the tunnels.
Fungi are the primary decay agents in the soil food web. The enzymes they release allow fungi to penetrate not only the lignin and cellulose in plants (dead or alive) but also the hard, chitin shells of insects, the bones of animals, and ---as many gardeners have learned---even the protein of strong toenails and fingernails. Bacteria can hold their own, but they require simpler-to-digest foods, often the by-products of fungal decay, and often only after such food has been broken or opened up by fungi and others. Compared to fungi, bacteria are in the Minor Leagues of decaying ability.

Fungal feeding

The acidic digestive substances produced by fungi and leaked out of their hyphal tips are similar to those utilized by humans; fungi don't require a stomach as a vessel in which to digest food, however, Like bacteria, fungi lack mouthparts; instead, fungal decay breaks up organic materials into compounds the fungus can then ingest through its cell walls via diffusion (osmosis) and active transport. Nutrients taken in by fungi are usually immobilized, just as they are when ingested by bacteria, and later released like bacteria, then, fungi should be viewed as living containers of fertilizer.
Excess acids, enzymes, and wastes are left behind as the fungus continues to grow and as a consequence, the digestion of organics continues even through the fungus has moved on, opening up organic material for bacterial decay and making nutrients available to plants and others in the soil community. Hyphal growth gives a fungus the ability to move relatively long distances to food sources instead of waiting for its food to come close (through it can clearly do this, too, as the nematode-trapping fungus proves). Fungi can, for example, extend up into the leaf litter on the surface of the soil, decay leaves, and then bring the nutrients back down into the root zone---a huge advantage over bacteria, the other primary nutrient recycler in the soil food web.
Soil fungi are usually branched and quite capable of gathering organic compounds from different sources simultaneously. Once the nutrient material is inside the cellular membrane, it is transported back through the network of fungal hyphae that often ends at the root of a plant, where some fungi trade for exudates. Thus the same fungus can extend hyphae downward and outward, absorbing several crucial nutrients---phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, nitrogen---as well as water. In the case of phosphorus, for example, the propensity of fungi to gather and transport it over distances is truly remarkable. This mineral is almost always chemically locked up in soil: even when it is applied as fertilizer, phosphorus becomes unavailable to plants within seconds. Not only do fungi seek out this necessary plant nutrient, but they have the ability to free it from its chemical and physical bonds. Then they transport their quarry back to plant roots, where the phosphorus is absorbed and utilized.
Don't forget that in those instances where a fungus brings food back to a plant root tip, it was attracted to that plant by the plant's exudates. Fungi are good, but the plant is in control.

Fungi and plant-available nitrogen

Some fungi trade nutrients for exudates, but most often nutrients are released as waste after they are consumed by fungi or when the fungi die and are decayed. Much of what is released is nitrogen. A key tenet of gardening with the soil food web is that plants can take up nitrogen in two forms, either as ammonium ions (NH4+) or as nitrate ions (NO3-). The nitrogen released by fungi is in ammonimum form (NH4+). If nitrifying bacteria are present, this is converted in two steps to nitrate (NO3-).
The enzymes produced by fungi are decidedly acidic and lower the pH. Remember that bacterial slime raises soil pH; nitrogen-fixing bacteria generally require a pH above 7. As soils become dominated by fungi, the populations of nitrogen-fixing bacteria require to convert ammonium into nitrates diminish because the pH is lowered by the acids the fungi produce. More ammonium therefore remains as plant-available ammonium instead of being converted to nitrates. This has an important implication to gardening with the soil food web: fungally dominated soils tend to have nitrogen in ammonium form. This is great if you are a plant that prefers ammonium to nitrate, but not so good if you prefer to have your ammonium converted to nitrates.

Fungal adaptations

Fungi have developed all sorts of clever strategies to make it through life---our nematode-strangling fungus proves it. The fungus that developed this very artful and useful adaptation is Artrobotrys dactyloides. The ring that trapped the nematode is actually just a hyphal branch, twisted back on itself. These branches each consist of only three cells, which when touched, produce a signal to let water in; the cells then swell to three times their size and the unsuspecting victim is killed in a tenth of a second. Pretty amazing---a sophisticated trapping mechanism developed from an inverted branch using only three cells. Once again, nanotechnology can only hope to duplicate such as complicated process. Not only does the fungus figure out a way to kill nematodes, which are all blind, but it attracts them to its trap in the first instance. In this case, the fungus releases a chemical that attracts the worm.
Within a matter of only a few minutes after trapping, the tip of a fungal hypha enters the nematode's body, secretes its powerful enzymes, and starts absorbing nutrients. As this is exactly what the nematode has for the fungus. These nutrients, of course, are then locked up inside the fungus until the fungus is eaten by one of its predators or it trades them for exudates. Then the nutrients are mineralized and again are available to plants.
The fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, the common oyster mushroom you can buy at the supermarket, uses another clever technique to trap food. It emits toxic drops from the tips of its hyphae; an unsuspecting nematode (our perennial fungal fall guy), out and about, looking for food, touches a drop with its mouth and within minutes is immobilized. A few hours later, and the fungus is inside the nematode, already digesting it.
This is not a bad way to ensure a meal: attract your food and either trap it or stun it and then consume it. Other mechanisms have evolved as well. Some fungi use adhesives to stick to nematodes. Other soil fungi trap protozoa and even springtails, much larger microarthropods that are big enough to see with the naked eye. Once attached, the fungi digest their prey and again lock up or immobilize plant nutrients.
What drives soil fungi in the direction of particular nutrients is still an open question. It is known that some send out filaments as if they were scouts looking for nutrients. If you have ever seen a well-trained bird dog look for a downed bird, you get the idea. The dog circles until its nose finds the bird. Some fungi clearly possess tactile-or contact-sensing capabilities that allow then to orient in a certain direction so they can invade their prey or other food source. Others demonstrate the ability to track specific chemicals they know to be in the vicinity of specific prey.
For the gardener it is sufficient to know that fungi can find nutrients. When a source is found, fungal strands head over to the area and literally settle in, digesting the material, often combining one nutrient source material with another and transporting nutrients back to the base of the fungus. All the while, other strands "scout" for more food to attack. Nutrients are held inside cell walls, preventing them from leaching away.

Fungi and symbiosis

Soil fungi also form two extremely important mutual relationships with plants. The first is the association of certain fungi with green algae, which results in the formation of lichens. In this symbiotic relationship, the fungus gets food from the alga, which utilizes its photosynthetic powers while the fungal strands make up the thallus, or body, of the lichen, in which the pair lives. Chemicals secreted by the fungus break down the rock and wood upon which the lichens grow. This creates minerals and nutrients for soil, soil microbes, and plants.
The second are mycorrhizae (from the Greek for "fungus-root"), symbiotic associations between plant roots and fungi. In return for exudates from plant roots, mycorrhizal fungi seek out water and nutrients and then bring them back to the plant. The plant becomes dependent on the fungi, and the fungi, in turn, cannot live without the plant's exudates. It is a wonderful world, indeed.
Mycorrhizae have been known since 1885, when German scientist Albert Benhard Frank compared pines grown in sterilized soil to those grown in sterilized soil inoculated with forest fungi. The seedlings in the inoculated soil grew faster and much larger than those in the sterilized soil. Yet it was only in the 1990s that the terms mycorrhiza (the symbiotic root-fungus relationship; plural, mycorrhizae) and mycorrhizal (its associated adjective) started to creep into the agricultural industry's lexicon, much less the home gardener's.
We're the first to admit that we were blindsided by the subject---and one of us had written a popular garden column every week for 30 years and never once mentioned them out of sheer ignorance, a state shared with most gardeners. We now know the extent of our ignorance: at least 90% of all plants form mycorrhizae, and the percentage is probably 95% and even higher. What is worse, we learned that these relationships began some 450 million years ago, with terrestrial plant evolution: plants started growing on the earth's surface only after fungi entered into relationships with aquatic plants. Without mycorrhizal fungi, plants do not obtain the quantities of kinds of nutrients needed to perform at their best; we must alter our gardening practices so as not to kill these crucial beneficial fungi.
Perhaps gardeners lack appreciation for fungi because all soil fungi are very fragile. Too much compaction of soil and fungal tubes are crushed and fungi killed. Clearly fungicides but also pesticides, inorganic fertilizer, and physical alteration of the soil (rototilling, double digging) destroy fungal hyphae. Chemicals do so by sucking the cytoplasm out of the fungal body. Rototilling simply breaks up the hyphae. The fruiting bodies of mycorrhizal fungi even decrease when fungi are exposed to air pollution, particularly that containing nitrogenous substances.
Mycorrhizal fungi are of two kinds. The first, ectomycorrhizal fungi, grow close to the surface of roots and can form webs around them. Ectomycorrhizal fungi associate with hardwoods and conifers. The second are endomycorrhizal fungi. These actually penetrate and grow inside roots and well as extend outward into the soil. Endomycorrhizal fungi are preferred by most vegetables, annuals, grasses, shrubs, perennials, and softwood trees.
Both types of mycorrhizal fungi can extend the reach as well as the surface area of plant roots; the effective surface area of a tree's roots, for example, can be increased a fantastic 700 to 1000 times by the association. Mycorrhizal fungi get carbohydrates they need from the host plant's exudates and use that energy to extend out into the soil, pumping moisture and mining nutrients from places the plant roots alone could not access. These fungi are not lone miners, either. They form intricate webs and sometimes carry water and nutrients to the roots of different plants, not only the one from which they started. It is strange to think of mycorrhizal fungus in association with one plant helping others at the same time, but this occurs.
Finding and bringing back the phosphorus that is so critical to plants seems to be a major function of many mycorrhizal fungi; the acids produced by mycorrhizal fungi can unlock, retrieve, and transport chemically locked-up phosphorus back to the host plant. Mycorrhizal fungi also free up copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron for plant use. As always, any nutrient compounds not delivered to the plant roots are locked up in the fungi and are released when the fungi die and are decayed.

Pathogenic and parasitic fungi

Beneficial fungi compete for nutrients and form protective webs and nets, often in conjunction with bacteria, around roots (and even on leaf surfaces, as leaves produce exudates that attract bacteria and fungi as well); this prevents some of their pathogenic and parasitic fungal cousins from invading the plant. The list of fungal pathogens impacting agricultural and horticultural crops is long; the topic fills many books and is beyond the scope of this one. Smut fungi, for example, impact the flowers of cereal grains. Rust fungi cause diseases on wheat, oats, rye, fruits, and pines. More common garden problems are downy mildew (Plasmopara spp., Sclerophthora spp.), root rots (Phytophthora spp.), and white rusts (Albugo spp.).
Be there a gardener who has not encountered botrytis or powdery mildew, a catch-all name for a group of fungi that infects different plants with the same results, an unsightly gray or white powdery fungal growth that covers leaves, stems, and flowers? Most powdery mildew fungi produce airborne spores that do not require free water to germinate. Given temperatures between 60 and 80F (15 and 27C) and high humidity, these spores germinate and infect their host in your yard. How about grusarium wilt on tomatoes, the first thing to suspect when a tomato's leaves start to yellow from the bottom of the plant up? It is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, a soil-borne fungus that can survive for a decade or more in dormant stages. It enters the plant through roots and invades its water distribution network. Further testament to the power of fungi is Armillaria mellea (oak root fungus), which causes sudden oak death--a tiny fungus taking down towering oaks. The fungal activity decays a tree's lignin and cellulose to such an extent that the tree dies.
Pathogenic and parasitic fungi make use of various entry points into plants, including stomata (the opening on leaf surfaces that allow plants to breathe) and wounds. And, of course, with all this talk of enzymes decaying tough-to-digest lignin, it shouldn't surprise any gardener that some fungi can dissolve the cuticle and cell walls of the plant it is attacking. If you think this is difficult, think about the fungi that penetrate bathroom tile, and know that some fungi can penetrate granite in search of food.
This entire book could be filled with descriptions of fungi that get their nutrition at the expense of living plants. This is not our purpose---only that you realize that soil is loaded with fungi, and concept most gardeners readily grasp because of direct experience.

Functional overlap with bacteria

It should be obvious by now that in a healthy soil food web, fungi and bacteria shoulder much the same work and share many of the same functions. Like bacteria, some fungi produce vitamins and antibiotics that kill pathogens in the soil as well as in the human body. Remember penicillin, the most famous fungus-turned-antibiotic of all? In 1928, when English bacteriologist Alexander Fleming returned to his lab after his vacation, he found a fungus had contaminated a petri dish full of Staphylococcus bacteria. It ruined his experiment, but no bacteria were found growing near the fungus, and the world of medicine has never been the same.
Fungi, like bacteria, play crucial roles in the soil food web as decomposers, nutrient cycles, soil structure builders, and beneficial symbionts, preventing as well as causing diseases. As well, their ability to impact soil pH makes them an important tool for gardening with the soil food web.


Well-Known Member
More people should read this article before they post in this section. If the soil food web is correct no need for a ph pen. I have one now i'm mad I bought it three years ago. I used it a few times now it collects dust. Oh and another thing these teas and the Ph if you are feeding the soil food web correctly the soil will correct itself. keepem green dirrtyd

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
Algae and Slime Molds

Algae and slime molds are not related; we merely group themtogether because, while they have roles in soil food webs, they generally don’taffect gardeners. That said, we hope wehave already made the point that the soil food web is a community of organismsplaying out a drama: when one or another character is removed, it may havesignificant consequences on how the play unfolds.


Algae are broadly defined as single-celled or thread-likephotosynthetic organisms, including seaweeds and even giant kelp. Who hasn’t seen algae in a pond, river, orlake, at the beach, or, if not there, on the glass of a fish tank? There are three kinds of algae: marine,freshwater, and terrestrial, the latter often living in soil, on or near thesurface (where sunlight is available) not near the roots. While most algae require very moistconditions, it is surprising to find some that grow in hot deserts and at thefrozen poles---though even these still require a film of water to survive.

Although algae are closely related to bacteria on the treeof life, they are often thought of as primitive plants because they arephotoautotrophic, meaning they take energy from the sun and produce their ownfood. Indeed algae, like plants, areprimary producers, not dependent on the soil’s organic matter or other membersof the soil food web for their food needs as are bacteria and, unlike plants,they have no true roots, leaves, or stems and don’t have a vascular (water- andfood- conducting) system. The cell wallsof all but the diatoms, a form of algae, do contain cellulose, and in this waythey are like plants. The cell walls ofdiatoms are composed of silica covered with an organic skin that decays anddisappears after the organism dies, leaving behind, in huge numbers, the silicaskeletons that make up diatomaceous earth, a product familiar to manygardeners.

Most gardeners associate algae with bodies of water, not theraised bed or lawn, yet there you will find them if there is enoughmoisture---terrestrial algae require not only light but a film of water inorder to survive. A teaspoon of soil maycontain anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 cells of green algae (phylumchlorophyta), yellow-green algae (Xanthophyta), and diatoms(Bacillariophyta). At one time algaeserved as pioneer organisms, growing on moist rock surfaces and, when theydied, combining with weathered rock, and air, and water to form early soils. In this important way, algae helped start thesuccession of life by providing necessary organic matter when there was noother.

Algae help to create soil by forming carbonic acids as partof their metabolic functions. Thiscauses rock to weather----a great example of chemical weathering brought aboutby biological activity. Resultant bitsof minerals and the dead algae combine, producing soil eventually. This is not unlike the decay of rock surfacescaused by lichens---the symbiotic relationship between certain algae andfungi. The fungus provides and humid andsomewhat protected environment, in which the alga can live and, in return,receives photosynthesized food from the alga. In this relationship, the decay abilities of algae are aided by theirfungal partners, and the process of weathering is sped up considerably. Lichens contribute nitrogen to the soil, andblue-green algae (Cyanophyta) use the enzyme nitrogenase to fix nitrogen,either in a symbiotic relationship or nonsymbiotically, similar tonitrogen-fixing bacteria. This is howrice plants can get nitrogen from the water in which they grow.

In truth, the role of algae in gardening is minor because oftheir need for sunlight, which can only penetrate a short distance into thesoil. However, where they do exist inthe soil, algae can excrete polysaccharides, mucilage, and slimes---all stickystuff---which help bind and aggregate soil particles. Their presence can also help to form airpassageways in otherwise compacted soil. And algae fit into some soil food webs as primary producers that areeaten by certain nematodes.

Slime Molds

The slime molds are unusual-looking, amoeba-like organismsthat inhabit damp, rotting wood, leaves, manure, lawn thatch, rottingmushrooms, and other organic material. They spend most of their lives pursuing bacteria and yeast in thesoil. The few hundred different kinds ofslime molds are in many ways like fungi but largely differentiated by the waythey eat. Whereas fungi “digest” theirfood externally and then bring the nutrients inside the organism, slime moldsengulf food and digest in internally.

The two groups of slime molds—Dictyosteliomycota (cellularslime molds) and Myxomycota (plasmodial slime molds)---have similar lifecycles: they start out as spores and germinate into myxamoebae, amoeboidorganisms that live in the soil and ingest bacteria, fungi spores, and smallprotozoa, locking up the nutrients they contain and preventing them fromleaching out. They themselves are foodfor insect larvae, worms, and in particular, specialized beetles that have mandiblesdesigned to scoop up the soft mold and cram it into their mouths.

At some point, for no apparent reason, individual myxamoebaeswarm together; up to 125,000 or so form a mass that looks something like a bigslug, a dollop of jelly, or, in some cases, vomit. These masses are of various sizes, in shadesof tan, yellow, pink, or red, and are actually quite attractive in their ownway. The species of one commonplasmodial slime mold genus, Physarum, are usually about 1 inch (2.5centimeters) thick and can grow to 1 foot (30 centimeters) or more wide.

The individual cells in the mass lose their walls, and theresulting plasmodium (or multinucleated mass of cytoplasm) emerges from thesoil and slowly moves over leaves, grass, driveways, logs, mulch and anythingelse in its way. It does so at anaverage speed of 1 millimeter per hour, engulfing food as it goes. If a source of organic dead matter is putnear a plasmodium, it will go to it. Even more amazingly, if you cut plasmodium in half or even in quarters,the parts will come together again.

All sorts of theories have been put forward to explain whythese organisms swarm. It may be thatwhen food becomes scarce, there is a need to work together. There is, after all, something to be said forstrength in numbers. Other slime moldscome in contact with this “slime sheet,” not unlike that left by a slug as ittravels, and take the same trail, adding their exudates to the path. As more and more organisms gather on thepath, each adding its chemical slime to the mix, the attraction increases untilliteral swarms of myxamoebae congregate into a growing mass.

Eventually the plasmodium finds an appropriate spot andforms a fruiting structure, or sporangium. This unusual=looking body is of a distinctive shape for each slime moldspecies. Some sporangia are like tinyraised towers, in the top of which spores are formed. Sporangia come in yellow, blue, red, brown,and white and form a beautiful net of colors that really is as pretty asanything you can grow in your gardens.

From the soil food web perspective, slime molds help cyclenutrients, and the slime each individual myxamoeba creates helps bind soilparticles. When conditions becomeunfavorable, plasmodia dry up and turn to powdery dust. Although these organisms don’t play a majorrole in the garden, when a gardener comes across a slime mold, he or sheremembers it.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
:fire:Hey trichome fiend does ph matter if i am cloning in rockwool and I use compost tea to clone? :fire:
...hate to let you down, but I've never experienced using rockwool with compost teas. I personally prefer aerocloning....wish I could help ya with that. I would suggest you presoak your rockwool into water pH'd to 5.0 overnight - 24 hours....then give the young ones a 1/4 strength of week #1 with hydroponic solution. Good luck.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member

Most gardeners first poked and prodded protozoa as part of a biology lab assignment, which invariable involved identifying and sketching cell parts of a paramecium; they may therefore remember that protozoa are single-celled organisms with a nucleus, which makes them eukaryotic and therefore, along with fungi, members of the domain Eukarya. Protozoa (which term is used descriptively in the book, as shorthand for a group of non-algal, non-fungal, animal-like unicellular organisms, across several kingdoms---but don’t get us started!) are almost always heterotrophs, meaning they cannot make their own food. Instead, they obtain their nutrients by ingesting bacteria, primarily, but also the occasional fungus and, to a lesser extent, other protozoa.
Paramecia are still the favorite microbe. That’s because these and other soil protozoa are considerably larger than bacteria, 5 to 500 micrometers verses 1 to 4 micrometers. This may still seem small to you, but in the scheme of microorganisms, 500 micrometers is pretty large---so large that under ideal lighting conditions a paramecium, at least in water, is visible to the human eye. You still have to look very carefully and certainly will not be able to differentiate any of those internal or external features you were told to label in school, but without a microscope you can see them flitting around. Through and electron microscope, unseen detail is observable.
Protozoa are something to stay away from if you are as small as a bacterium. By way of comparison, if a single bacterium was the size of a pea, a paramecium would be as large as a watermelon. This is why bacteria can hide from most protozoa in soil pores that are too small for the protozoa to reach into. Another way to make the comparison is to go back to that same teaspoon of good soil, with its billion-count bacteria---and “only” several thousand protozoa.
Over 60,000 kinds of protozoa are known and, contrary to any residual youthful hope you may have that they only live in pond water, a majority of them live in the soil; however, all do require moister to lead an active life. Given the crucial role protozoa play, a quick review of some school biology --- and then some --- is in order.

Amoebae, ciliates, and flagellates

Protozoa come in three basic “models.” First are the pseudopods, single-celled animals with amorphous forms most will remember as amoebae. These are constantly on the move, a feat (if you will pardon the poor pun) accomplished by pouring their cytoplasm---the soup with all its life parts---into one or more false appendages called pseudopodia (“false feet”). Pseudopods themselves are of two types. The first has a shell-like exoskeleton and five predefined holes (think of a bowling or golf glove), through which the pseudopodia can appear. The other class lakes any shell or predefined pseudopodia; these amoebae are relatively large microorganisms, and many would be as visible as paramecia if they weren’t so transparent. Amoebae lack a mouth and ingest bacteria by surrounding them and engulfing them in gas bubbles, into which are transmitted digestive enzymes. The entire vesicle is then absorbed, and waste products subsequently expelled.
Next in size are the ciliates. These protozoa are considerably smaller than their amoeboid cousins but still much larger than their bacterial prey. Ciliates are covered with rows of hairs that beat like the slaves’ oars on a Roman galley, propelling the organism to food---or away from enemies. In addition, these “oars” create currents that bring bacteria into the ciliate’s mouth region, so they can be ingested. The familiar paramecium is a ciliate protozoan.
The third and smallest types of protozoa are the flagellates. Their one of two long, whip-like hairs, or flagella, allow them to move about in search of food. A few flagellates, like euglena (the “classic” freshwater flagellates of pond water), produce their own food via photosynthesis and are thus autotrophs; most, however, are heterotrophic, obtaining nutrients from eating and digesting other organisms in the soil.

More symbiotic relationships

As so many of the soil food web organisms do, protozoa form symbiotic relationships, particularly with bacteria, to such an extent that such associations appear to be the norm rather than the exception. A classic example is that of the flagellates residing in the guts of termites, which digest the wood fibers the termites eats. We now know that the relationship is actually a three-way one. Electron microscopy reveals working bacteria in the gut of the termite as well; these fix nitrogen from the atmosphere for the flagellates. Not often do you find a triple symbiotic relationship, though surely more will be discovered as exploration courtesy of the electron microscope continues.
Lots of ciliates, too, enter into symbiotic relationships with bacteria. Some ciliates live in sand and “farm” bacteria colonies; and it is the methane-generating bacteria inside ciliates that are responsible, in part, for the methane gas that develops in some ciliates as anaerobic respiration takes place.

Population-control police

Protozoa are attracted to and enter into an area where there is a good supply of bacteria in a pretty consistent progression (on average, a protozoan can eat 10,000 bacteria a day). First come the flagellates, the smallest of these microbes; these can move into small spaces in the soil, places where the large protozoa cannot and where bacteria are plentiful. Even after the larger ciliates arrive on the scene, the still-large population of bacteria provides plenty of sustenance for both the original flagellates and the newer ciliates. Finally, amoebae move through in search of bacterial prey (and also smaller protozoa). The combined pressure on the bacterial population becomes so great, numbers start to diminish. As readily available bacteria become harder to find, the larger ciliates and amoebae start to eat more of smaller ciliates and flagellates. This reduces the populations of bacteria to stabilize and return to a level that maintains the soil food web balance.
Why aren’t all the bacteria consumed by protozoa? One reason is that protozoa are restricted by bacterial slime: this film is hard for them to penetrate, and it lacks the oxygen that they require. Another reason is that the bacteria are smaller and able to hide in tiny soil pores.
It seems counterintuitive that increasing protozoa populations most often results in increases in the bacterial populations upon which they prey. This occurs because fewer bacteria means less competition for nutrients among the surviving bacteria. Not having to compete all the time for food means they can divide well fed. Likewise their progeny will have something to eat so they can multiply as well. If protozoa can keep their own numbers in check, they have all the bacteria and fungi they need to eat.
It is not just populations of bacteria that protozoa keep in balance. In their search for sustenance, some protozoa attack nematodes. Others reduce nematode populations by competing for the same, limited food resources, i.e., other protozoa and fungi. This also helps keep bad-guy nematode populations from flourishing.
Protozoa need moisture to live, travel, and reproduce, and hydroscopic water---that thin film of water left on the surfaces of soil particles and aggregates---provides it, under normal soil conditions. If things dry up, however, most protozoa stop feeding and dividing and go dormant, encasing themselves in a cyst. How long protozoa can survive in the state varies from species to species; some can withstand an extended dry spell of several years. This technique ensures the survival of both the protozoa and the plants that benefit from the nitrogen and other nutrients released by their activity.


Of critical importance to the workings of the soil food web are the waste products produced with protozoa ingest bacteria or fungi. These wastes contain carbon and other nutritional compounds that had been immobilized bat are now once again mineralized and made available to plants. Nitrogen compounds, including ammonium (NH4+), are among them. If nitrogen-fixing bacteria are present (remember, these usually require a pH of 7 or above to have good populations), free ammonium is converted into nitrates. If not, the nitrogen remains in ammonium form.
Mineralization of nutrients is crucial to the survival of plants in a natural system. Our premise is that by interfering with or destroying the soil food web, the gardener has to step in and do extra work, making gardening a chore instead of an enjoyable hobby. If you are not convinced, then consider that as much as 80% of the nitrogen a plant needs comes from the wastes produced by plant exudates to the rhizosphere, and that is where protozoa consume them, a huge source of plant food is delivered, right around the roots.

Other soil food web functions

All protozoa participate to some degree in the decay process by inadvertently ingesting small particles of organic matter. These are then broken up into smaller pieces if not totally digested and become available to bacteria and fungi in the waste stream. And other soil food web members rely on protozoa as one of their food sources---another reminder that it is a soil food web, not chain, with which we are dealing. Certain nematodes, for example, are dependent on protozoa as their food source and have developed specialized mouthparts to better ingest them. Worms too rely on healthy populations of protozoa. Without protozoa in the area, gardens are devoid of worms. Similarly, many microarthropods require a healthy dose of protozoa to thrive.
Finally, not all protozoa are beneficial. Several kinds eat roots, but in a healthy food web these are kept in check by others, cannibalistic protozoa. So to a certain degree protozoa serve as a food source for themselves---and remain, even the worst of them, crucial characters in a healthy soil food web.
Great post. You seem to know your organic ways. I'm a hydro grower that's always been tempted to switch. Got a few questions for you. 1. Does AACT have enough nutritional value to replace Chem nutes in soilless mix? I currently grow in 80-20 percent coco/perlite mix and would rather stick to this medium. 2. Can I use guanos and organic meals in the tea instead of compost? Summer is very short here and would rather not compost in cold wet weather. 3. Are bennies able to survive long enough in grow room that's constantly supplemented with co2 at 1500 ppm to reap their rewards? Thought they need oxygen. 4. If all I ask is possible, how do you cure the cal/mag deficiency that exist in coco organically? I really feel like doing this in the future and would like to keep it 100. I grew 2 plants in chicken manure, mushroom compost and coco mix and was really impressed with the vegetative growth. I understand now that I needed to supplement the plants for their flowering needs. I would really like to keep it hydro organic if possible. Love learning new ways to grow.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
Great post. You seem to know your organic ways. I'm a hydro grower that's always been tempted to switch. Got a few questions for you. 1. Does AACT have enough nutritional value to replace Chem nutes in soilless mix?
...sure. Noone fertilized the forest and it grows just fine. ...the soil food web will provide your plant for what it needs.

I currently grow in 80-20 percent coco/perlite mix and would rather stick to this medium. 2. Can I use guanos and organic meals in the tea instead of compost? Summer is very short here and would rather not compost in cold wet weather.
...coco is organic and I believe has a CEC (Cation Exchange Capasity) that will sustain microorganisms. However, I believe it is important to have a good soil mix to start. I believe Roots Organics has a coco-based soil (I've never used it,yet!) In an AACT, your taking microorganisms and repopulating them. One could use EWC (earth worm castings) as a microorganism source (rather than compost), add kelp and molasses, bubble for 24 hours @ 70F-80F to produce a good AACT...add to soil. Read the 1st few pages of this thread to understand how the soil food web provides all necessary elements.

3. Are bennies able to survive long enough in grow room that's constantly supplemented with co2 at 1500 ppm to reap their rewards? Thought they need oxygen. 4. If all I ask is possible, how do you cure the cal/mag deficiency that exist in coco organically? I really feel like doing this in the future and would like to keep it 100. I grew 2 plants in chicken manure, mushroom compost and coco mix and was really impressed with the vegetative growth. I understand now that I needed to supplement the plants for their flowering needs. I would really like to keep it hydro organic if possible. Love learning new ways to grow.
...I've heard it said that organic grows only need a 1200ppm, and ofcourse plants produce oxygen.... Dolomite lime should be added to your soil, and ebsom salts are valid for organic growing. Here's a couple shots of my organically grown plants using co2 @ 1500 ppm. I used Fox Farm's Ocean Forest and soil drenched with AACT throughout the grow.

AACT grown.jpg AACT grown (b).jpg AACT grown (c).jpg AACT grown (d).jpg AACT grown (e).jpg

Turtle Time

For people who say they don't want to compost, or would rather buy EWC. . . They make worm farms that could fit under your kitchen sink and allow you to (vermi)compost all your organic matter.

If you mostly just want EWC for tea, you could probably produce enough in a small apartment to keep you going. If you can get the beneficials established, they just need to be maintained.


Well-Known Member
If more growers could figure out how they could simply compost, the world would be a better place. Otherwise if we're buying bottled nutes (organic or not) we're supporting a company that inevitably cares more about our money than about us. I'd love it if everyone went to simple amended soil with their own compost.