Electric Nettle Tea


Hey’ya there, folks!
Universal Rhizome here with a little hack to add to your next outdoor anaerobic stinging nettle tea. Mind you, this trick is exclusive to those with access to live mushrooms.

I amn’t going to go into detail as to how to make an anaerobic(as opposed to aerated), stinging nettle tea in that there is plenty of information already available on the subject. Go into the search engine and do your research!

Aside from stinging nettle leaves I am just as notirious for adding other dynamic accumulators i.e. Dandelion, Comfrey, Borage etc and am also quite fond of Insect Frass. Anaerobic teas can be made from just about anything that can be broken down into a microbial feeding frenzy. The landscape is your oyster!

I found this trick by accident so bare with. Within my greenhouse last year I covered the floor with alder chips and placed my smart pots in their respective locations. It was spring and the nettles were six feet tall. Time to make tea!

Within my tea batch are:
Stinging Nettle leaves
Deveined Dandelion
Olympia artesian well water

the unsung hero?
I put in three live Liberty Cap mushrooms

What I didn’t realize? Is that over the next ten days the “steeping” process not only breaks down any vegetable matter it “activates” the sporulae.

By proxy I use one quarter cup of “green gack” nettle tea to a two gallon watering can. So I watered my plants on a Friday, locked up the greenhouse and went camping in the Olympics all weekend. When I returned on Monday(Holiday weekend), I came home to quite an amazing sight:

The entire floor of my greenhouse was loaded with liberty caps!!!! Not to mention the nutrients and microbial action that your plants receive! The drippings from my smart pots colonized thereby accidently turning my greenhouse into a liberty cap extravaganza. Everywhere that I water with this tea pops liberty caps! (No pictures, sorry.)

Try it out! Use any mushroom types that you like. I am currently using this tea method to seed “Wine Cap” mushrooms!