SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
lol! Bug's heres A question for you, What nut's are you using? I am gonna look into switching over from IONIC to something else......


Well-Known Member
Wait! So the DI part of the RO system is bad? What is the reason for that? Come to think of it I wasn't having cloning problems until I got the RO system. That will piss me right off if that thing is causing my problems. Please clarify your reasoning trouble. Or really anybody that might know why the DI is bad. And is it only bad for cloning or bad for the whole process?


Well-Known Member
I was it running for my fishtank's! But the DI is supposed to strip everything! Even in my ezcloner paper work it clearly states not to use DI water, But they do make A product called ro right that will replace all the good crap. But I just put A tee in before my DI that takes care of my system.

I started using the GH 3 part years ago and was not real happy with it, in fact I still have A half of gallon of each left (I was thinking about using the lucas formula for A try)


Active Member
Well I went and ordered some of the Sure to Grow 1.5" starter cubes. 98 of them for $9 plus shipping. Going to give it a whirl. I will let you all know how it goes. Also re tooling my clone box. Don't really know what the hell is going on but I have lost 3 small mother replacement batches of clones and I am tired of it. I need to sort this out before it is time to take replacement flowering clones. Hard to single out the problem when my first 3 batches of clones in rock wool went perfect and now I am Bugsin' it all up. (sorry Bugs.) The thing is I have been doing it all the same way and now I am having problems. UGH! When it is time for a new batch to go into flower though I am planning using the loose STG. I will post on that too as it happens. Peace.
i tried this a few months ago, the starter stg cubes need watering too often for me, i use rockwool for that. as for the loose fill i use that in my pots in my ebb and flow sog and it works great except for its so light by the time they are dry when you start watering again the pots start tipping over. i had read a post by al that said he had this same problem with fytocell and he used a layer of rockwool at the bottom of his pots and that kept them from tipping. as for you cloning problems keep the rockwool just barely moist watering every 12 hours and just use plain tap water and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Yep. It's settled. As soon as I have the funds, I will be using an aero-cloner. That just looks too easy. I do still have a bunch of rock wool cubes, so I will use those up for my next batch for the flower room. I will experiment with the STG when I am not in a bind for babies. And it is definitely back to tap water for the clones. Gonna ditch the DI filter too. Unless it is still okay for the nute soup? I would think it would be because the nutes added should have everything needed for the plants, right?
I want to use the loose fill STG for the flower ebb and flow and I was planning on using a bit of hydroton in the bottom of the pots for ballast. Gotta use it up any way. Thanks doods!


Well-Known Member
I only by pass for the cloner! The rest are off the full unit, and I underAstand what you mean by needing more little ladie's! I had just recently lost ALL my mother's..... I do still play with RW here and there trying to comeup with the fast route with it.

Steve do you know what cloner you will be getting? Depending on were you are the PT like spruce is using is A real nice price, I am really happy to have my ezcloner back in action. Have you thought of A DIY unit they work great and you can put 1 together for under 100.00.


Well-Known Member
Not sure which one to get yet. I am a bit weary of the DIY cloners because of the leak issue. That PT looks real nice though.


Well-Known Member
MY DIY bubble cloner does not leak.

I cut down the size of the lid so that it will fit nicely inside of the rubbermaid tub.



Well-Known Member
Not sure which one to get yet. I am a bit weary of the DIY cloners because of the leak issue. That PT looks real nice though.

I used some foam/rubber window gasket around the slant of the rubber maid lid, It work
s great for the leaking problem! The PT look's great I just had the ezcloner for awhile but just needed to replace the top! I do love my ezcloner and wouldn't give it up for anything but the price is pretty crazy......


Well-Known Member
Not sure which one to get yet. I am a bit weary of the DIY cloners because of the leak issue. That PT looks real nice though.

lol thas from people who dont know what they are doing

as previously mentioned in the thread, weather stripping works great bro.

i have zero leaks from my cloner....


Well-Known Member
Cool. But i found the PT for $158 and it comes with all those additives that Spruce has. I might just DIY one up and see how it goes.