SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
Right on.
So how long can a mother plant still produce viable clones? Mines is pushin 6 months old right now. I am going to replace them as soon as I get a good batch of clones. Maybe that is part of my problem? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
That is A great price for the cloner, I hope you clicked the buy now feature!!!! I have keep mother's for almost 2 years without A problem. And the only reason I lost them is I did something stupid!!


Well-Known Member
I did not click buy it now. I am without employment at the moment. And as an added insult my unemployment benefits are less per week than I used to make in a day. But for some reason my bills are the same. Go figure. But as son as I can, I will have that thing. No more spending on mediums, no more worrying about watering, no more hassles. Thanks for all the help guys.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking into expanding my room and grow size but that means more work! I want more plant's but just really dont have the time or the energy to do it.


Well-Known Member
So I dropped the temps in the rooms to 65F day and 50F night...

The proliferation has slowed way down...

The trees are still not infested...:razz:

As for the moms, They have been sprayed with a weak solution of GO GNATS... as well as some put in the res... at 1/4 strength of the recommended dosage...




But I am starting to believe the trees will get a chance to finish...

These are pics of the best looking one...:eyesmoke:

So how long can a mother plant still produce viable clones?
This was about a 1 year old mom...:razz:



Well-Known Member
Gypsy- be very carefull with that gonat's! I used it in my dwc mother's alittle while back and it killed them in no time (I did mix it to the max like I was told by the store I bought it from)!
I have just built A Flood and Drain System.. I will have my first lot in a few weeks... I'm making a video for youtube.. about how i built it.. and how it works.. I will post some pics on here too.. How do i join your group Then? <-:KeepSmoking:->


Well-Known Member
quick question for the cloners if my clones seem like thier takeing forever 2 fully root in the aero cloner its been maybe a week in a half should i change the res? thiers rooting starts on the stalk every where and a few have started. the pump is on a 15 min on/off timer, and so far it looks like 99% are going 2 root, thanks for any imput good luck 2 all the savage sog grwrs.peace


New Member
How do i join your group Then? <-:KeepSmoking:->
you just did

quick question for the cloners if my clones seem like thier takeing forever 2 fully root in the aero cloner its been maybe a week in a half should i change the res? thiers rooting starts on the stalk every where and a few have started. the pump is on a 15 min on/off timer, and so far it looks like 99% are going 2 root, thanks for any imput good luck 2 all the savage sog grwrs.peace
as long as your water looks good and they cuttings are headed in the right direction your golden.


Well-Known Member
so bugs if my waters still clean and arerated u think i could leave them in thier for another 3 weeks witht the same water? ive been top ing it off with fresh but wouldnt they all grow better with pure clean wtaer?


Well-Known Member
no sweat bro, sometimes it might take longer than others to root.

and yah, i sometime use my cloner for 3 weeks, using 3 cycles of clones each a week rooting (without changing the water)... so im sure you wont have a problem keeping them in the cloner


Well-Known Member
O hai.

No movement in the apartment hunting , pretty much stuck in this lousy house atm...

This is turning out to be a major delay for the plans >.< Sorry i couldnt get a journal up sooner :P

Ill get this stinkbud sog up soon -_- i promise.

Nice to see your moms growing well like that Gypsy ;D Trees are just way to sexy -_-