I'm getting ready to assemble my flower unit and I had a couple questions.
I'm also going to put the res on the outside of the tent. Did you think about extending the fence post between the res and the first plant site? It seems that right now that first plant is growing right against the tent wall. If a person has the space inside the tent, what do you think about extending the distance to that first grow site?
My other question was sprayer placement. Instead of having sprayers directly across from each other, what do you think about staggering them? Seems like that would give a more even coverage.
hey Picasso,
putting the res outside the tent will work perfectly
all you need to do is extend the the first 7 1/8" part of the union joint
and extend your tube accordingly to reside outside the tent
you may also need to adjust the slope a bit, if you extend the tube
by adding to the front 3 1/8" pole, possibly 1/8"-1/2" to accommodate the extra length
how much are you planing on adding in length?
i run my design to maximize the internal space of a DR300
(everything will be inside my tent due to harsh conditions in my attic)
i will be able to run anywhere from 6-8 sites facing each other
with the res and equipment on the outer rims of the tent
sites facing inside in two rows of three or four
not sure i understand what you mean by staggering
the way i have it lined up will give an even distribution
all around the cups 4 quarters evenly for complete 360 coverage