So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Interesting article HGK. Looks like we're not so distant relatives from our plant friends if it's true (which I'll be honest, I suspect it's not).
the one guy got observed in a hospital doing it for a month. im looking for the article now its semi new.
I tend to look at what we ate over the last million years. Pretty good chance we've been optimized for that. A Cave Man diet. That doesn't at all mean eat all meat. To the contrary; meat was a bitch to catch, so most meals were foraging.

No getting around our need for protein, however. If you don't eat it, your body will consume muscle to get it.
the more i look into it the doctor making the claims isnt really respected among his peers. this appears to be his thing. finding someone he can make amazing claims about. idk still pretty weird.
Stoned rant:

Regarding the food / bacteria interaction, one thing helps me clarify things. Just about anything can be broken down by some strain of bacteria. If you pile up material X in a nice culture medium in the open air, sooner or later microbes will come along on the wind that just happen to love material X. They settle in, and multiply.

Same thing in our gut. Eat McDonalds daily and you'll start to encourage the growth of microbes that like McDonald's also. These McDonald Microbes are not natural for us. Prior to this point in our human existence, these compounds and the corresponding bacteria were not present in our guts.

All this is still fine and dandy, maybe, except that we don't know what by-products these bacteria may produce. Could have hormone-like behaviors, disrupt normal nutrient absorption, who knows? Likely they could displace beneficial bacteria who are performing a necessary function. We know beneficial microbes keep our immune system in tip-top shape. There's also links between autism and the immune system. There's a lot more connections here. We're literally swimming through oceans of microbes like something out of the Matrix.

So crazy that only 1 in 10 cells in / on us are human.
The line of thought above is the future of medicine, well that and the endocannabinoid system. Soon we will realize that's all about balance.
Hey guys, my plants look awesome but the stems are purple and green streaked . I dont know if this means anything, ive got to learn how to post pictures.
Let me ask my 24 yr old , the plants look amazing , there are 5 to 9 fingers per leaf, does that mean anything .
Stoned rant:

Regarding the food / bacteria interaction, one thing helps me clarify things. Just about anything can be broken down by some strain of bacteria. If you pile up material X in a nice culture medium in the open air, sooner or later microbes will come along on the wind that just happen to love material X. They settle in, and multiply.

Same thing in our gut. Eat McDonalds daily and you'll start to encourage the growth of microbes that like McDonald's also. These McDonald Microbes are not natural for us. Prior to this point in our human existence, these compounds and the corresponding bacteria were not present in our guts.

All this is still fine and dandy, maybe, except that we don't know what by-products these bacteria may produce. Could have hormone-like behaviors, disrupt normal nutrient absorption, who knows? Likely they could displace beneficial bacteria who are performing a necessary function. We know beneficial microbes keep our immune system in tip-top shape. There's also links between autism and the immune system. There's a lot more connections here. We're literally swimming through oceans of microbes like something out of the Matrix.

So crazy that only 1 in 10 cells in / on us are human.
Bro im on my first month of juicing and the difference is amazing, i can think much better, much less stress and emotionally much better.
Went from 289 to 264 in a month, at 230 im a beast again and can run all day again, spread the word, good nutrition is easy and affordable.

My doctor tried to sell me on a 300 plus dollar a month diet plan, they called and asked me if i need an appointment,,,no thinks.
Do you have a juicing protocol you're following? Also, what equipment are you using to juice? Very cool!!! bacterial links to arthritis Brain cells of the Immune System linked to Autism Bacteria related to immune system

All this stuff is linked in humans and animals just like it is in plants. Side note- my dog eats a raw diet, raw chicken and bone, etc. since he was a 7 week old pup. Caught Parvo when he was 10 weeks old. Vet said he'd die. I nursed him at home and three days later he was fine. 2 vets independently diagnosed him. He's never been sick since.

We live in the woods and he's never had a flea, tick or even a bug bite. I have seen horseflies swarm, smell him, and leave. Craziest thing I ever saw.
Bro im on my first month of juicing and the difference is amazing, i can think much better, much less stress and emotionally much better.
Went from 289 to 264 in a month, at 230 im a beast again and can run all day again, spread the word, good nutrition is easy and affordable.

My doctor tried to sell me on a 300 plus dollar a month diet plan, they called and asked me if i need an appointment,,,no thinks.

Are you eating solids in addition to the juicing, or just juicing?

I've done a juice fast a few times, where you ingest nothing but juiced veggies/fruits and water. I usually last a couple weeks and throw in the towel. The first week is difficult. You feel tired and a bit foggy. After that you get a real burst of energy and generally feel quite good. The biggest issue is taking a shit. By juicing everything you essentially strip the fiber out, making it very difficult to take a dump. When I start approaching the point of needing to give myself an enema, I pull the plug on the fast. That's exit only. :-)
:shock: :shock:

GdG, I so hear you. I've stripped out as much chemical as I can. No processed food, less packaged food (can liners and popcorn bags are bad). Lost a lot of visceral (organ) fat. Feels great.
Nah no protocol , just juicing, ate some sardines the first week or so , now i just juice and eat right, feeling much better.
Hey guys, my plants look awesome but the stems are purple and green streaked . I dont know if this means anything, ive got to learn how to post pictures.
Let me ask my 24 yr old , the plants look amazing , there are 5 to 9 fingers per leaf, does that mean anything .
You guys know anything about this?