so it's mitt romney and paul ryan


New Member
This thread is hilarious. the left has probably the dumbest fucking Vice President in history and we have a thread bagging on Ryan! LMAO


Ursus marijanus
This thread is hilarious. the left has probably the dumbest fucking Vice President in history and we have a thread bagging on Ryan! LMAO
While i am a friend of neither party, I don't see Biden as being as spectacularly clueless as the Potatoe. cn


Active Member
I predicted Paul Ryan as the Anti Christ after the first speech I saw him make, if you believe in those kinds of things which I don't!!


Well-Known Member
I predicted Paul Ryan as the Anti Christ after the first speech I saw him make, if you believe in those kinds of things which I don't!!
He is from my state
You notice his medicare elimination package excludes those who are 52 or older now

Cant piss of that demographic before the election