so it's mitt romney and paul ryan


Ursus marijanus
canna thought obama raised his taxes last year.

turns out the guy didn't even realize that obama had cut his taxes for several years while we got out of bush's great recession.

so canna is financially better off thanks to obama.
The other leading brand? cn


Ursus marijanus

the other leading brand of canna is now being vended at more dispensaries than ever before.
~sigh~ no royalties.

Wordz, you crack me up. I thought Santorum was the enemy of the pors. Even though he has given a name to the product of some churned pors. Gonna go watch some sexy bear pors now. cn


Well-Known Member
Go outside and play with the other kids.
go outside and irrigate with a half feeding of nitrogen for the last time, like i just did. you shouldn't have cut them off from nitrogen in march. poor sickly twigs are starving.

and for the record, that half nitrogen feeding was accompanied by their second or third full flowering feeding. just in case you try to make any unfounded assumptions.


Well-Known Member
what about using 10-54-10 during flowering to increase production of fragrant flowers?
i have no idea. i know that stretch is just about over and my first plant is starting to flower, so it's time to cut off the veg nutes and move on to flower nutes only.

unlike beenthere, who seems to give up on veg nutes sometime in early march. i believe he gets the seed to pop, burns it with a nice heavy feeding of N to achieve that yellow glow that growers so desire, and then cuts off all nutrients for the rest of the grow.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member


This one makes me LOL ^

Can't wait for debate time. I wish Ryan was running for president..

You can smell the fear from the Obama administration. This guy is smarter than 99% of everyone in Washington. Now go on and bash his views on social issues, hypocrites. ;-)

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Look at Barney scrambling for some sort of response, and gets owned LOL

And look at him crush the idiots of msnbc. Chris Matthews even says "republicans do not want to reform medicaid to cut the budget". Wait, I thought the left was bitching because his bill DID cut medicaid in his bill? My god these people are dumb

I urge you leftist to watch these videos, maybe it will open your eyes.


Well-Known Member
Look at Barney scrambling for some sort of response, and gets owned LOL

And look at him crush the idiots of msnbc. Chris Matthews even says "republicans do want to cut medicaid". Wait, I thought the left was bitching because his bill DID cut medicaid in his bill? My god these people are dumb

I urge you leftist to watch these videos, maybe it will open your eyes.
Sorry i am too busy reading my communist manifesto and organizing a 5th column bring flouridation to the cities


Well-Known Member
I urge you leftist to watch these videos, maybe it will open your eyes.
you sound like a rawn pawl worshiper now :lol:

yeah, all we need is a little lord fauntleroy whose only real work experience was driving the weinermobile to explain to me why i have been so blind as to the raging successes of trickle down and why we need to double down on it.

re. tar. ded.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
you sound like a rawn pawl worshiper now :lol:

yeah, all we need is a little lord fauntleroy whose only real work experience was driving the weinermobile to explain to me why i have been so blind as to the raging successes of trickle down and why we need to double down on it.

re. tar. ded.
A no substance response from UB, how typical.


Well-Known Member
A no substance response from UB, how typical.
you missed the substance.

number one, explain to me the successes of trickle down economics, because ryan's plan is to put trickle down on steroids.

secondly, paul ryan is the political embodiment of little lord fauntleroy. completely inexperienced, naive, not ready for the job, and with all the men in his family passing away from heart attacks like they were going out of style, he is not fit for office.

now go ahead and make the case for trickle down on steroids.


Well-Known Member
pawl ryan is so naive and inexperienced, all he's been able to do in a dozen years in office is to name a fucking post office. he might have done something similarly uninmpressive, but nothing more than that.

little lord fauntleryan.