so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

You prefer trickle up poverty? I'd rather work for a wealthy person than a poor one. Good luck, dumb ass.

Truly the words of a stupid lost soul. Glad you like working for others.
Grow a set of balls and work for yourself. Only a fool allows someone else to profit more from their work than they do.
Yep, that's the idea. The only thing Obama has is to make Romney and Ryan into evil demons with lies and slander. The last thing people like Uncle Buck want to do is honestly discuss the issues.

See the thing is, I met Mitt Romney. We had discussed issues several times. I really don't care for him. At the time he was running for governor and after he became governor. He will take us in the direction of a police state, and promote war.
You're satisfied with this economy?

exactly. The economy is a mess because fools like you though rich people were gonna pass the wealth along.

The only thing more foolish is to repeat those boneheaded mistakes. Hey Newatit, good to see you change up from racial slurs to accusations of child molesting. Stay classy burger boy
Americans are still waiting for Obama to fix this economy like he and his fellow Democrats promised when they took office and held unopposed power for two full years. That's why our founders were smart enough to give every President 4 years and then held to an accounting by the American people.

They did and theres weapons of mass destuction in Iraq and read my lips no new taxes and on and on endlessly. The guys we have today are nothing like a Sam Adams or any of the Founding Fathers. Big money owns us, so the officials will take us in the direction that makes their bank accounts and egos soar.
Seems to me that Newatit must have found the spell check.

It just sounds like his bath salt induced ramblings minus the racist crap