so i found out adam and eve was bullshit

is christ bullshit ?

  • yes

    Votes: 18 72.0%
  • no absolutely not !!

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters
Yup, 'cause I'm lazy and pulled up the first image that came up with the simple search "spiral galaxy". It could be CG and it would make zero difference to me.

And your point has any bearing on the credulity of the Adam and Eve story, no?

Ohhh right cause your thoughts as a child has managed to decimate the beilefs of millions cause you are that fucking intelligent....whoops it must be bullshit then.

Cause im the one who hasn't input any real constructive comments into the thread.

Fuck you are right. Your argument is better. Its bullshit............

My point being is you've taken someone else's beliefs. Someone thought "I want it to look like this" and you have just went along with it.

So see when you come in to an argument trying to show that its bullshit to simply take another persons beliefs without critical thinking. Don't simply take some space dicks art work as the truth and use it as your display. It's fucking hypocrisy. Draw your own or something ;) after all you are a critical thinker ;)!
My thoughts as a child apparently exceeded those of millions, whoops, my bad.

Still waiting for your thoughts on Adam and Eve? You seriously think that's a logical explanation to the origin of the human race? That's patheticly close-minded. You base you're understanding off of what some man wrote, supposedly of "God's" word, and you think I'm taking the easy way out simply following along with another persons beliefs?

Science isn't belief man, it's based on replicable experiments that show the fundamental properties of the universe.. Where exactly do you get ANY of that in the traditional tales of creation?
My thoughts as a child apparently exceeded those of millions, whoops, my bad.

Still waiting for your thoughts on Adam and Eve? You seriously think that's a logical explanation to the origin of the human race? That's patheticly close-minded. You base you're understanding off of what some man wrote, supposedly of "God's" word, and you think I'm taking the easy way out simply following along with another persons beliefs?

Science isn't belief man, it's based on replicable experiments that show the fundamental properties of the universe.. Where exactly do you get ANY of that in the traditional tales of creation?

Haaaha. So now as a child you theorized Evolution and I'll quote " thoughts as a child apparently exceeded those of millions"

I can't have a discussion with you mate. If truly think you are this shit hot then I can't.

Most people on this thread have different views than me and that's cool I love hearing other views as that is the only way to expand your mind. I can see why they believe it.

You seem to just think your right cause you are mastermind bro. Fucking prodigy right here.

Science is full of theories. Ideas , just like I have mine you have yours.

Close minded? You believe what a man has wrote! It's not your beliefs I find hilarious, it is the fact you think you came up with them first back in your prodigy years. I don't the details of your beliefs however if you are following science then I know your beliefs are in a book too
Haaaha. So now as a child you theorized Evolution and I'll quote " thoughts as a child apparently exceeded those of millions"

I can't have a discussion with you mate. If truly think you are this shit hot then I can't.

Most people on this thread have different views than me and that's cool I love hearing other views as that is the only way to expand your mind. I can see why they believe it.

You seem to just think your right cause you are mastermind bro. Fucking prodigy right here.

Science is full of theories. Ideas , just like I have mine you have yours.

Close minded? You believe what a man has wrote! It's not your beliefs I find hilarious, it is the fact you think you came up with them first back in your prodigy years. I don't the details of your beliefs however if you are following science then I know your beliefs are in a book too
Jesus man, chill out. No, I'm not mastermind or youthful prodigy. I just call bull shit when I see it.
I have no faulty belief system. I symply accept facts as they are presented to me. As in other discussions I'll easily admit we cannot disprove the existence of a 'god', but we can prove the tales of origin as presented by all the vastly accepted world religions as false.
I have no faulty belief system. I symply accept facts as they are presented to me. As in other discussions I'll easily admit we cannot disprove the existence of a 'god', but we can prove the tales of origin as presented by all the vastly accepted world religions as false.

You are free to do so man, however "simply accepting facts as they are presented to you" doesn't need much critical thinking.
You would just be taking on the thoughts of others.

Now I am fully aware that this is how the Catholic church is found etc. However I must let you know that I also disagree with this system alot.

As all these people are doing are taking on the beliefs of another person which can be easily as wrong as what some of my beliefs may be.

The point is everyone should come to their own understanding. There is nothing wrong with taking on sciences views of life or thinking the way of Buddha is your thing, whatever. One day we will know what is right.

However it's not really right to just say my books better than yours.
And again I apologize, you're likely to get more clear and concise arguments from me, but apparently I've finished off a 20 pack of beer, and am quite fucked up from alcohol and dabs. Still, you provide nothing motivating and inspirational in your responses, just the tired shit I've been hearing for 30 years!
And again I apologize, you're likely to get more clear and concise arguments from me, but apparently I've finished off a 20 pack of beer, and am quite fucked up from alcohol and dabs. Still, you provide nothing motivating and inspirational in your responses, just the tired shit I've been hearing for 30 years!

And your views are far more original and unique.Oh how I wish I was always right like you. :(
Lol, at least my views evolved in the last 40 years. I presume you believe in creationism, and if that's incorrect I apologize. But if that's the case you're beliefs are thousands of years old, and you criticize mine as unoriginal and not unique?
Lol, at least my views evolved in the last 40 years. I presume you believe in creationism, and if that's incorrect I apologize. But if that's the case you're beliefs are thousands of years old, and you criticize mine as unoriginal and not unique?

It's not so much a critisim as such. I'm showing you how you did not create these views. So there is no critical thinking there.

You have said yourself you accept whatever has been given to you as long it comes froma science community.

Everyone must have an opinion, however what if yours is wrong. Not because mines is right but just the possibility of it being wrong?

Let me ask you this, what do you think of the idea of your beliefs being bullshit?
Let me ask you this, what do you think of the idea of your beliefs being bullshit?

I absolutely encourage it! If you have a better explanation backed with observation and repeatable experimentation, then I'm all for it. That's how I accept my understanding of reality, it's no belief system, I don't know why some people struggle with this so much.

And you're misrepresenting my views, I never once said that I "accept whatever has been given as long as it comes from a science community". Science is a reiterative process, and once a better explanation comes along, we move an and accept it. Faith is the exact opposite, where you accept something without proof and generally without question, in spite of the obvious signs that it's wrong, and not a plausible explanation for the origin of the universe.
I absolutely encourage it! If you have a better explanation backed with observation and repeatable experimentation, then I'm all for it. That's how I accept my understanding of reality, it's no belief system, I don't know why some people struggle with this so much.

And you're misrepresenting my views, I never once said that I "accept whatever has been given as long as it comes from a science community". Science is a reiterative process, and once a better explanation comes along, we move an and accept it. Faith is the exact opposite, where you accept something without proof and generally without question, in spite of the obvious signs that it's wrong, and not a plausible explanation for the origin of the universe.

Then if you understand how you may be wrong why have you got such a problem with other people having different views? After all you are probably wrong somewhere just as I am not perfect too.

I'm not seeing where faith is different from that, you sound like you will accept anything that sounds good to you at that time regardless of truth. Nothing wrong with it, but I fail to see that if you have such a standing why you can judge others so much on their views if you just move with the trend as there really cannot be much critical thinking there but rather trending behaviour.

If your views were the truth and evidence absolutely proved this, then how could you move from that view so easily. The truth no longer becomes the truth through that definition but rather opinion.

So I fail to see how you have come to the conclusion that you know what happened 13.8 Billion years ago (if going by textbooks here, you may have another number) After all it's a theory, the clue is in the name.

So a bush talked then ? i forgot about this one ...... needs some investigating.

ha ha talking bushes !! you know sometimes i feel there's a double meaning to it all, and we all just being trolled by the authors.

"hi i'm a talking bush"

"no way, so what do you want"

"some acknowledgement to the fact that i'm an amazing talking bush would be nice"

"so you're not god then?"

"yea whatever but, but 1st give me your shoes"

That was just a thief in a bush

Why because you just realized that they both had belly buttons and how can they both have belly buttons if they were both created and not born?
Why because you just realized that they both had belly buttons and how can they both have belly buttons if they were both created and not born?
good point.

the belly buttons was just in the old paintings tho right ? is there text about it ?