Well-Known Member
Yup, 'cause I'm lazy and pulled up the first image that came up with the simple search "spiral galaxy". It could be CG and it would make zero difference to me.
And your point has any bearing on the credulity of the Adam and Eve story, no?
Ohhh right cause your thoughts as a child has managed to decimate the beilefs of millions cause you are that fucking intelligent....whoops it must be bullshit then.
Cause im the one who hasn't input any real constructive comments into the thread.
Fuck you are right. Your argument is better. Its bullshit............
My point being is you've taken someone else's beliefs. Someone thought "I want it to look like this" and you have just went along with it.
So see when you come in to an argument trying to show that its bullshit to simply take another persons beliefs without critical thinking. Don't simply take some space dicks art work as the truth and use it as your display. It's fucking hypocrisy. Draw your own or something