Dalek Supreme
Well-Known Member
You got it.set of wankers, so this is how governments was made ?
anyways why does this thread keep going into slavery ?
Mankind as a whole has rejected slavery, and this is more moral than the Abrahamic God.
You got it.set of wankers, so this is how governments was made ?
anyways why does this thread keep going into slavery ?
Well no one can disprove that there is a god. Just like no one can prove there is a god, unless they warp the idea of proof and evidence into "I feel God" or some other nonsense. It's illogical to base your world understanding on a 2000 year old book, over recent knowledge and science and observing.
But sure, for many teachings of the bible there's concrete evidence against it. Stuff like creationism, the earth being 6000 years old, Noas ark, Adam and Eve, etc.
But no there's no concrete evidence that there's no god. Just like there's no concrete evidence that there's no unicorns. The only difference between the two is that people are indoctrinated from birth into believing that there's a god. No one is indoctrinated into believing that there's unicorns.
Then again, the burden of proof is on the religious nuts. If you're going to make insane claims, you need to back them up.
Can we degrade them with insults? Perhaps that would be more appropriate, or more gratifying, than debating with them.
The fact is human progress ended slavery (for the most part) not some book claimed to be inspired by the creator of the universe.
Hey budster I was merely proposing a hypothetical as I saw similar occurring. I try not to get involved in religions debates much tnh. I have no desire to insult you about your religious beliefs.If anyone has been brainwashed it sounds like you, why the fuck else would you want to hurt others you don't even know and can't have a justifiable reason to?
All a bit messed it up if you ask me.
You got it.
Mankind as a whole has rejected slavery, and this is more moral than the Abrahamic God.
^^ higher than me
one thing I've noticed over the years is NOBODY on this forum is higher than qwizo.th uo s thread is moreumb an me v posting on alot of xanax
ha ha !!!! how do u know ?one thing I've noticed over the years is NOBODY on this forum is higher than qwizo.
you could eat his shit and get high.
don't ask how I know..
lmaoone thing I've noticed over the years is NOBODY on this forum is higher than qwizo.
you could eat his shit and get high.
don't ask how I know..
if ya truly wanna get serious, go do some studying on religious history,a nd you'll find almost 100% of the parables and fables told in the bible were actually RE-told.ha ha !!!! how do u know ?
ok i'm need to get serious, fuck the shit eating getting high shit, lets get serious, !!!
Next questions ...... 1st and 2nd question ..... did jesus (these r serious) drink a lot, or smoke anything really, they had hooker pipes and opium in them days i think. AND prostitutes, !!! i'v lived like he has, same people, this smells fishy !!
So we've figured out that all the media business authority dudes used god as blackmail ...... so how was the other half ? like those who was getting blackmailed, prostitutes, opium smokers and wineos ? and a dude saying i'm god.
it all makes sense now ha !!
Something ain't right.
Well your definition of slavery differs from mine then.
If you think you are free then I feel sorry for you Bud. Really.
Try not pay tax. Try grow cannabis in your front yard.
If you do you'll be warned possibly, but most likely kidnapped and put in a cage until someone appointed to manage you decides you can be free again. Throw in a little community service while they are at it maybe.
Sound familiar?
Nah we just got taught in school to be good slaves. Stockholm syndrome at its finest.
Hey! Strawman much?
A slave that I'm talking about would love a front yard, and not mind paying taxes that brings order. We have the power to influence how much we pay, and where it goes.
I don't mind growing inside in a small space that provides more than enough for me. Also I play it smart so my rights are never infringed upon.
You probably think 9/11 was an inside job too.
So then you do realise that this is not the Slavery mentioned in the Bible?
These are people that offered themself up to clear debts to keep their family at home in the house they have etc.
Thats according to Old testament too. You cannot follow the rule of not kidnapping anyone that has been mentioned earlier and get a slave any other way.
The New Testament also mentions several times including in the Lords prayer to forgive debts.
So combine the fact you cannot kidnap and should forgive debts then slavery should not exist. But hey it still does even today, is that because the bible told them? Nah , did people try and use it as justification? Probably. But those people didn't follow the true meaning of the book so how can the possibly be on the Book to be blamed?
Surely this is down to Human nature?
You say you don't mind... Yeah maybe so man, however you have gotten used to it. You are still playing by rules your master has set just like slaves
I'd prefer not to have my money stolen from me and like to grow any plant I like without my "freedom" at risk.
I ain't got time for 30 min videos at the moment bud.
I think believing that 9/11 was not an inside job would show you are all over the place with your evidence requirements!
You have tried to mock people for their religious beliefs several times here.
Then you have 9/11 with a ton of things that is ridiculous. Aluminium versis steel and iron= alumuinium too weak to damage it.
Pentagon? So called plane hole not even big enough and only one camera angle seen it despite having multiple available.
The fact NORAD never responded despite reaction times being required to step in with plenty of time to prevent it.
WTC 7? Best one, wasnt even touched mate and it completely fell down in a controlled manner.
But heeey your right none of this was in a government funded book so I'll go put my tinfoil hat on right?
Kind of funny you are clearing having a dig because you can see that this is stolkholm syndrome!
Shit you've even brought up a totally non related subject to defend the government! Haaaahaha literally Stockholm syndrome.